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I Prayed have prayed
Father God, You are Sovereign, Lord of All. You hold the heart of the king in Your hand, and the hearts of all our leaders. May Your will be done.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The latest media mass hysteria over a whistleblower’s complaint that, according to “reportedly involved allegations President Trump made a troubling and unspecified ‘promise’ to a foreign leader,” is based on precious little information.  That has not stopped journalists from convicting Trump in the court of public opinion and predicting his imminent demise.

Who exactly is this unidentified “whistleblower”? What is the specific nature of his or her “urgent concern” complaint against the president?  Does this complaint really qualify under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA)?  These are just a few of the most fundamental questions that remain largely unknown.

Despite the paucity of facts, some reasonable observations and conclusions can be drawn.

  1. It appears that an American spy in one of our intelligence agencies may have been spying on our own president.  The complaint suggests that this intel agent was listening in on Trump’s conversation with a foreign leader.  Was this person officially asked to listen to the conversation or was he or she secretly listening in? We don’t know.
  2. This agent, who is an unelected and inferior federal employee in the government hierarchy, apparently believes that it is his/her job to second-guess the motivation behind the words of the elected president, who is the most superior officer in the U.S. government.
  3. Article II of the Constitution gives the president sweeping power to conduct foreign affairs, negotiate with leaders of other nations, make demands or offer promises.  The Constitution does not grant the power of review, approval or disapproval to spies or other unelected officials in the executive branch.
  4. The ICWPA law defines the parameters of an “urgent concern” complaint as an abuse or violation of law “relating to the funding, administration, or operations of an intelligence activity involving classified information, but does not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters.”  The president’s conversation with a foreign leader does not seem to fall under this whistleblower definition.
  5. It appears the acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI) agrees with this assessment. His agency’s general counsel wrote a letter stating the complaint did not meet the ICWPA definition because it involved conduct “from someone outside the intel community and did not relate to intelligence activity,” according to a report by Fox News. This is why the DNI refused to forward the complaint to congress.

To put this in plain language, a spy who allegedly spied on the president does not have a legitimate whistleblower complaint against that president under the law.  The ICWPA is a mechanism to report alleged misconduct by members within the intelligence community, of which the president is not.  Yes, the alphabet soup of intel agencies ultimately report to the president, but that does not make Trump a member of that community and subject to its rules of conduct.

So, it turns out that the “whistleblower” may not be a whistleblower at all. But you will not hear that from the mainstream media. They are too busy lighting their own hair on fire.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Article by Gregg Jarrett.)

How are you praying about the impeachment of President Trump? Leave a comment.

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Margaret M
September 28, 2019

I agree totally with Susan Casey’s comments above. God’s Word says He will bring down the wicked and we are asking Him to do it quickly!!!

September 26, 2019

Lord, your Word says that I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and whatever we bind and forbid on earth, will be bound and forbidden in heaven and whatever we loose and release on earth, will be loosed and released in heaven. Matt 16:19
That behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over ALL the power of the enemy, and NOTHING shall by any means hurt nor harm you, President Trump. Luke 10:19
So we declare today the Word of God over the issues surrounding every form of attack on the President and this country.
God, your wrap around presence is President Trump’s protection and his defense. You Lord, bring victory to all who reach out for you! Ps 7:10
LORD, give President Trump victory on every side. Ps 18:43
A rebellious nation is thrown into chaos, but leaders anointed with wisdom, like President Trump, will restore law and order. Prov 28:2
Every person must submit to and support the authorities over him. For there can be no authority in the universe except by God’s appointment, which means that every authority that exists has been instituted by God. So to resist authority is to resist the divine order of God, which results in severe consequences. Lord expose the schemes and bring the consequences!
How dare the left in this nation plan a rebellion. Their foolish plots are futile! Ps. 2:1
For the godless get trapped in the very snares they set for others. The hidden trap they set for President Trump has snapped shut upon themselves – guilty! Ps 9:15
Holy Spirit move on behalf of President Trump and this nation. Awaken the hearts and the minds of your people and rescue President Trump and this nation from the schemes of the enemy!
Let all of America burst forth with praise; let everyone love and enjoy you Jesus! For you have all authority in heaven and on earth and we are calling out to you to save us, save President Trump, save this nation and activate your people to take back what the enemy has stolen in our homes, in our cities, in this nation.
Jesu, juva.
Soli Deo Gloria

Daniel Smith
September 26, 2019

If God be for president Trump who can be against him, He that spared not His own Son but delivered Him up for us all how shall He not with Him give us all things. Hallelujah

Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Lead Trump not into temptation but deliver him from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power forever. Hallelujah

And we declare the increase of Your government will be upon your shoulders. Hallelujah

He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and he shall reigning forever and ever. Hallelujah

Joan Arpin
September 26, 2019


Anita Nay
September 26, 2019

Father, We demand that the demonic forces that are and have been attacking our president, Donald Trump take their assignment off him and we are asking that the Holy Spirit, comfort him, advise him and lead him into all truth, we declare that any negative feelings of weariness, tiredness, depression, defeat, or similar feelings be replaced with the joy of the Lord, fill him with your Spirit, Lord, give him a stronger determination to serve you, the American people and this country. You said if we humble ourselves and pray you would heal our land, Father we approach you with all humility and ask that you heal our land, stop the mouths of the naysayers and give our president everything he needs emotionally, physically, mentally to fulfill your call for this position and the wisdom and determination to finish what you have called him to do. I pray that the Congress would be voted down on impeachment and that the Senate will clear him and put an end to this impeachment and attack against him, Give him your wisdom. It is the precious name of the Lord Jesus, that I make this petition and I thank you, Heavenly that you hear this prayer.

    Betty Beardsley
    September 26, 2019

    Heavenly Father, I come in agreement with Anita’s prayer for Pres Trump. Let Thy kingdom come and let Thy will be done on earth in the USA as it is in heaven. Let the TRUTH be made known concerning who has been conducting illegal activities.
    I ask for divine protection for Pres. Trump and his family. This is not just an attack on Pres. Trump. His whole family suffers from these accusations. Your commandment not to bear false witness against our neighbor certainly would apply to people attacking our Pres. We pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus our Lord and Savior. Amen

      Nancy P.
      September 27, 2019

      And I agree with these two sisters Father! Hear our prayers Lord!

September 26, 2019

Dear God, please send your archangel Michael to wrap his wings around President Trump and join him in this fight for our country

September 26, 2019

Let God arise and His enemies be scattered! No weapon formed against Your children shall prosper and every tongue raised against us shall be condemned by God, according to your word, dear Lord. We stand upon your word on behalf of our President and Thank you in advance for protecting him from this latest onslaught from the enemy. Bow your knee to the Lord Jesus Christ, Satan, in His powerful Name we pray.

    Dawn Lawrence
    September 26, 2019

    I agree with the above prayer from Letha and say “Amen” in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

    September 26, 2019

    Amen. Please bring all into light. Please shut the Liar’s mouth. Amen.

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