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Lord, thank You for the vision You have given Elijah Stephens. We ask that many will be impacted for Your glory through the story of miracles in this documentary.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

An upcoming documentary film examines medical evidence of miracle healings to challenge skeptics and close the gap between the hard sciences and the supernatural.

The “Send Proof” documentary by filmmaker Elijah Stephens explores the ways in which miracle claims can be corroborated by looking at X-rays, MRI scans and other follow-up medical examinations….[H]e interviews evangelical scholars and some of the most prominent voices in Pentecostal and charismatic Christian circles.

Stephens worked closely with the Global Medical Research Institute and interviewed board-certified doctors, scientists, an atheist medical historian who believes in miracles, and some of the leading skeptic and atheist voices who assert that…miracles never withstand empirical scrutiny…

The goal of the film, he explained, is to ask viewers to send in the proof, their medical records, following a claim of supernatural healing so that the evidence that a miracle has happened can be examined.

“I think there is a voice for science inside of faith. I think sometimes science crosses philosophical boundaries it shouldn’t, but it can also add a voice that this is what is naturalistically possible and this is what is a naturalistically known impossibility…” Stephens said…

Stephens’ personal journey through his own doubts and the intellectual journey he took is interwoven in the storyline…The movie explains how, in 2015, he was at his house and his friends started texting him saying that Shawn Bolz, a prophetic minister who was speaking at Bethel that day called out his name from the stage. Stephens immediately…high-tailed it to the church.

When he arrived, Bolz, who had never met Stephens prior to that day…gave him a stunningly accurate word, telling him that the Holy Spirit was breathing on the project and how it was going to impact medical professionals and others…

He contends that many believers in Jesus are indeed theological “continuationists” — those who believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit, including miracles of healing, are still operating today and did not cease with the death of the last apostle or the closing of the canon of Scripture — but still retain some elements of an anti-supernatural paradigm…

This diverse array of scholars have insights that are valuable criticisms of the charismatic movement, “and they are our brothers and sisters [in Christ] and we need to listen to them,” he said…

He also wanted to give a hearing to those who have no faith, are actively opposed to faith, and believe miracles are easily debunked…

“I get why the skeptic is skeptical,” Stephens told CP.

“And their voices matter. I wanted to portray them as the scholars that they are and not do a propaganda piece or hit piece. I wanted them to feel like ‘Well, at least he represented my ideas fairly.’”

As CP previously reported in 2016, featured prominently in the film is Indiana University’s Candy Gunther Brown, who in 2010 traveled to Mozambique in pursuit of evidence for miraculous healings….

“I think this is a movie all of humanity can get behind because if miracles occur, then we need to research them and document them. So no matter what faith background you come from, I think we can all support the idea that we should do case studies on this stuff,” Stephens said.

Are you excited to see this documentary? Share your thoughts and a prayer for the filmmaker, Elijah Stephens, in the comments below!

(Excerpt from Christian Post. Article by Brandon Showalter. Photo Credit: Levin Stute/Unsplash).

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