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Lord, help us to see a revival in this nation with hearts turning to You. Forgive us for the sins of our nation.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

At least two caucus meetings at this week’s Democratic National Convention began with recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance that omitted the phrase “under God.”

Two videos posted online — one of the person kicking off a Muslim meeting, and the other starting an LGBT meeting — showed the Pledge being recited incompletely.

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the republic for which it stands. One nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,” delegate A.J. Durrani said at the start of the DNC’s “Muslim Delegates and Allies Assembly.”

Among the people who attended the Muslim assembly, . . . were Sen. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Rashida Tlaib and DNC Chairman Tom Perez.

Mr. Brody posted both videos on Twitter on Wednesday, the second of which featured an unnamed person beginning the gay assembly. . . .

Mr. Brody’s posting of the video earned jeers from liberals and Democrats who said they were fine with not saying “under God” during the pledge.

“‘Under God’ is a McCarthyite addition to the Pledge and its inclusion is offensive to, among others, Orthodox Jews, Atheists, some Christian sects, some Muslims, and polytheists. It was deliberately inserted into the Pledge to offend at least one of those groups and likely more,” claimed one Twitter user.

Another added, “Good. I always leave out that part anyway. It’s nonsense.”

The phrase was not part of the Pledge when Congress first officially codified it in 1942 (it dates back in various forms to 1906). It was added in 1954 under a bill signed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

“From this day forward, the millions of our school children will daily proclaim in every city and town, every village and rural school house, the dedication of our nation and our people to the Almighty … In this way we are reaffirming the transcendence of religious faith in America’s heritage and future; in this way we shall constantly strengthen those spiritual weapons which forever will be our country’s most powerful resource, in peace or in war,” Eisenhower wrote.

(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Article by Victor Morton. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

This is alarming news. . . What can we do as believers to stand against this? Comment your prayers and thoughts below!

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August 25, 2020

Psalm 37:8

Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him;
fret not when men prosper in their ways, when they carry out wicked schemes.
Refrain from anger and abandon wrath;
do not fret— it can only bring harm.
For the evildoers will be cut off, but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land.…

Psalm 37:13 “But the LORD laughs for he sees their day is coming.”

Our GOD reigns!
Jesus will be King forever!

August 24, 2020

Initiated primarily by the Catholic fraternal organization for their own organization in 1951, The Knights of Columbus went on to be catalysts for the words “Under God” to be included, by writing to all members of Congress and The Senate during the following few years. President Eisenhower signed the final bill in 1954, which was also a sign to a Godless Russia at the beginning of the Cold War.
Today, the DNC clearly wants to remove God permanently from our Constitutional Republic and culture. We know HE needs to remain.
Heavenly Father, we thank our Catholic brothers in Christ for their faith in you and their patriotism. We pray humbly for your enlightenment in the hearts of our fellow Democrats for the grace and mercy needed in sustaining the country you allowed us to form. In the holy name of your Son Jesus, Amen

Penni Bulten
August 24, 2020

I have to confess that the unmitigated gall of the party to choose a pro-life priest, Father James Martin, SJ who prayed for the pre-born bothered me more. From a party whose extreme pro-abortion platform extends to aborting pre-borns at *nine months* and doing away with the Hyde Amendment, it smacked to me of sheer hypocrisy.

Lord, Deliver Us From Evil: Evil ideas, evil actions, evil thoughts.

Kevin Wychopen
August 24, 2020

It is headlines like this one, that really rile up religious folks. This is also why it is important to fact check things like this. I listened to several videos of the DNC and ‘under God is where it belongs in the pledge. It seems really unwise to stir up hatred for the Dems by publishing inaccurate and untrue statements. Of course, the President regularly lies about many things, which does seem to be on the unchristian side of things.

    Penni Bulten
    August 24, 2020

    You are correct about the pledge. Not so correct about the President lying, it would be wise to cite specific instances before accusing anyone of lying. Lying is done either to maliciously hurt someone or to get out of trouble. We see broken promises from politicians all the time: Remember former President George H.W. Bush’s ‘no new taxes’ pledge? or in more recent history, Obama’s “If you like your (current) plan, you can keep it?”, or the “We’ll get the troops out of Afghanistan?” . Presidents would be wise, especially when we have three branches of government, to understand what is within their Constitutional power to do, and what lies outside those powers. Then they might not be so hasty to make promises that are not in their power to keep.

    Heavenly father, Please give our President and future Presidents the wisdom to recognize what is in their power and what is not. Give them wise counselors in this.

      Kevin Wychopen
      August 24, 2020

      Thanks so much for a thoughtful reply. I am concerned that you do not think our President lies but perhaps you are someone who believes that most news is “fake” news in which case citing any of the numerous examples of his lies might be futile. I do agree that people seeking to lead our country should know what the qualifications are and not see it has a position in which to gain power and money. Your last two sentences are especially useful. I hope that it was clear why these headlines sow division and fear and do little to encourage civil discourse and useful dialog.

      additional thought: do you not find it disturbing that this administration has worked for over 3 years to dismantle the first sort of successful attempt to view health care as a right, not a privilege? What should be more concerning is that they have NO plan that they are willing to share, other than the protestations that it will be “great”, “best ever” etc.

      Regardless, I do really appreciate the effort to respond to my comments. Please believe in science and wear mask and keep others safe.

        August 25, 2020

        Lies are in a totally different category than being mistaken, or of being misinformed, or of miss speaking.

        Be very careful who you accuse of lying.

          Kevin Wychopen
          August 25, 2020

          Well, since about 20,000 false, misleading, or mistaken statements have been documented, it seems curious that people would not find that troublesome. But having watched the first night of the Republican convention, I can see that it is mostly going to be an attempt to create a picture of the President that shows him to be powerful, a good decision maker, and a person who frequently promises whatever is going to be done will be the biggest, best, most amazing, never been done before, ever in our history. I think that 40% of the people believe he is on a mission from God and the rest of us see him as destroying our democracy. Maybe we will end up with an autocracy or perhaps a theocracy. Best wishes in the coming tragedy. P.S. I believe this election is about Judges and outlawing abortions. Which will only hurt and cause deaths in the poor, while the rich will carry on as before. Also, the President spends most of his Sundays on the golf course and promised he would be working too hard to have time to golf. Not that attending church necessarily means a person has faith and attempts to adhere to various precepts of any religion. Thanks for this opportunity to share thoughts and thus far I am pleased that I have not received any death threats or had my remarks censored. That speaks well of whomever is in charge of these comments.

        Penni Bulten
        August 25, 2020

        We’ll see if the RNC shares its plan, I have not heard any solid plan from DNC either, just tax increases. As for The Affordable Care Act, it gave privileged status to some while restricting the rights of others. Most notable among the disenfranchised were the Little Sisters of the Poor, who ended up in a defensive lawsuit simply because they opposed abortifacients (drugs that cause abortions). They were not the ones who suffered, either. Many people with families found their insurance skyrocketed, while their ability to choose a doctor was limited.
        The bill itself, as Rep. Nancy Pelosi so famously reminded us, was not read before passage. It still mystifies me how she could say,”We have to pass the bill to see what’s in it, away form the fog of controversy.” This is not an isolated incident, either. The Patriot Act, passed by a Republican House and President, was a law that I also say was an oxymoron, it did the opposite of what any reasoning Patriot of 1776 would have stood for. Parts of it were found unconstitutional too. Reading the bills before passage would solve much of the problem, (or even writing the bills, rather than letting lobbyists write them). There is deceit on both sides of the aisle.

        I pray that we choose to elect leaders who will tell us the truth, not pass bills they don’t want to be applied to themselves, and will both read the bills and write them themselves before they pass them.

          Kevin Wychopen
          August 26, 2020

          Great response. You do sound like a civil and respectful person. I have written for a local newspaper for over 15 years and there are several points I make as often as I can: civil discourse is essential, as well as having an open mind. With the ability to hear multiple viewpoints, consider the facts, and then make decisions is one way out of the mess we are in. You are really correct, in my estimation, when you say there is deceit on both sides and in some ways I believe that our country is too big and too diverse for a single person to be held responsible for what happens across our 330 million citizens. The founders of this experiment did a good job of trying to figure out how to fairly rule this great emerging country with only 2.5 million citizens. We both can easily appreciate the 1st amendment because neither of us need worry about some government official coming and locking us up for whatever we say. I have a fellow columnists who is an avid supporter of our current President, and what we discovered in our lunch discussions was that we agreed about a lot more than we didn’t agree about. Perhaps if we were to have lunch we might find the same thing to be true. Finally, most of the editors I have worked with have asked me to not write about abortion because it is one of those topics that seems to stop most people from admitting there is more than one way of looking at it, and therefor, I shouldn’t bother–so I certainly am cautious about the subject. Your prayer at the end would certainly be something I would agree with. Thanks,

    Barbara Hesch
    August 24, 2020

    Kevin, please go back and read the article. It states that two caucus meetings began the Pledge leaving out “under God”. You can watch the videos and listened for yourself. Mr Brody is a CBN (Christian) correspondent, and trustworthy to bring honest news. This happened at the DNC, even if others who recited the Pledge included “under God”. So, the statement was true.

      Kevin Wychopen
      August 25, 2020

      Thanks for that clarification, and I appreciate the comment and still think perhaps including the words, “some delegates” or some such modification might seem less confrontational.

      August 25, 2020

      Kevin, If the ONLY thing President Trump ever does is to bring to an end the atrocious, hideous cruelty performed on tiny innocent babies in their mother’s womb, He would have my vote. As would anybody who protests the murder of unborn children.

      Should you ever be injured in any way, take a moment to think of the agony those precious babies are put through.

        Penni Bulten
        August 26, 2020

        Having had my share of miscarriages, (and then some!), you get a hearty Amen from me. (Again!) Frankly, considering that we can’t even stop funding PP, I would be encouraged by that much progress, but certainly would hope that more states would restrict abortion, and that the SCOTUS would uphold it.

        Sovereign Lord, please bring this nation to the point of repentance for abortion. Cause us to see the truth of Ps. 139- 14 & 15
        You knit me together in my mother’s womb, I am fearfully and Wonderfully made.

August 23, 2020

Please forgive us, Lord, that it has come to this. And forgive those in the lead in this Godlessness. We need Your protection, Your leading, Your wisdom at this urgent time and we pray people in this land will wake up to how damaging all of this is. In God we trust, in God we are indivisible. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered and confused and repentant and saved.

August 23, 2020

Let all godless leaders humble themselves and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. If they refuse God in Jesus Christ, then let them all be removed from office and be replaced by godly leaders with godly and righteous government and godly agenda.

Barbara Hesch
August 23, 2020

Exposed! Need I say anymore but pray pray pray,and act act act. Speak to others and vote accordingly.


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