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Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss did not have full authority to charge Hunter Biden, despite what he and Attorney General Merrick Garland told Congress. Will he be charged with perjury?

From The Federalist. A new letter sent by Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss to the House Judiciary Committee suggests Attorney General Merrick Garland lied to Congress when he testified that Weiss “has full authority” to charge Hunter Biden in “other jurisdictions.” Whether Garland committed perjury will all come down to the meaning of the word “has.”

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Late Friday, just as Americans unplugged for the long Independence Day weekend, Weiss confirmed he didn’t really have “ultimate authority” over the Hunter Biden criminal investigation. In his letter, Weiss gave away the deceptive word game he has been playing with Congress — and Garland has been playing with America. More significantly, the letter suggests Biden’s attorney general lied to Congress and that everything the IRS whistleblower has said is true.

What the Whistleblower Said

Weiss’s letter followed the House Ways and Means Committee’s release of IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley’s testimony and related exhibits concerning the Hunter Biden investigation headed out of the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office. The transcript of Shapley’s May 26, 2023, closed-door testimony revealed the IRS agent had told the House committee that during an Oct. 7, 2022 meeting between Weiss and senior-level managers, Weiss allegedly said, “I am not the deciding person on whether charges are filed.” …

Without the cooperation of Biden-appointed U.S. attorneys, Shapley told the House committee, Weiss was unable to bring charges outside his Delaware district. …

To corroborate his testimony, Shapley provided the House Ways and Means Committee with an email he had sent a colleague soon after the meeting summarizing the key points. That Oct. 7 email recounted the details to which Shapley had testified and, significantly, Shapley copied the special agent in charge of criminal investigations of the IRS D.C. field office, Darrell J. Waldon, who had also attended the Oct. 7 meeting. Waldon would then reply to Shapley’s email summary, “Thanks Gary. You covered it all,” indicating Shapley had accurately recounted Weiss’s representation that he is “not the deciding person on whether charges are filed.”

The release of Shapley’s testimony and the collaborating email was huge because it indicated both Weiss and Garland had deceived Congress. Weiss for his part had sent a letter to the House Judiciary Committee on June 7, 2023, stating:

I want to make clear that, as the Attorney General has stated, I have been granted ultimate authority over this matter …

In his pre-Fourth of July weekend epistle, the Delaware U.S. attorney said he stood by what he wrote in the June 7, 2023 letter. He added, however, that he wished to expand on what he meant. Weiss then acknowledged that as the U.S. attorney for the District of Delaware, his charging authority is geographically limited to his home district. …

Lies, Lies, Lies

While Weiss’s clarification from late last week is technically consistent with what he told Congress in his June 7, 2022 letter, the same cannot be said for Garland’s earlier testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

On March 1, 2023, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, asked Garland whether Weiss had “independent charging authority over certain criminal allegations against the President’s son outside the District of Delaware.” After responding that Weiss “would have to bring the case in another district,” Garland added that “the U.S. attorney in Delaware has been advised that he has full authority … to bring cases in other jurisdictions if he feels it’s necessary” (emphasis added).

But according to Weiss’s latest letter, he didn’t have “full authority” and still doesn’t. Rather he had been assured, “if necessary,” he “would be granted § 515 Authority in the District of Columbia, the Central District of California, or any other district where charges could be brought in this matter.”

Given Shapley’s testimony, there is a huge difference between Weiss having “full authority” to bring charges in other districts and being promised a grant of such authority. …

Intercessor, what do you think of all this? Share your prayers for truth and justice below.

(Excerpt from The Federalist. Photo Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

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July 11, 2023

Father God maytrue justice reign in our government and all the sinful lies be exposed. Help us take back our country for you as you work through each of us as we pray and go. The depth of evil now present is so bad it’s hard to comprehend the depths of it all. Use our lives to redeem this country that You founded. Let us stand for Jesus no matter what.

Jackie Prentiss
July 11, 2023

Is highly possible that he did lie being that all of those organizations fblie, cLieA, department of Jokes have been weaponized to combat the people who are not criminals. I don’t put ANYTHING pass these wicked thieves Their consciences are seared. They are working for satan. They are wicked personified & evil. Lord delivers us from these evil beings. I pray in Jesus name. Amen

July 10, 2023

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. I declare exposure, and prosecution over this case as the ekklesia has authority on Earth and declare justice over the Hunter Biden situation. I bind unequal justice and loose the justice given to the ekklesia here on Earth by king Jesus. What is hidden in darkness is and will continue to be exposed and all past, present and future darkness was, is and will be exposed and prosecuted. The ekklesia has authority here on Earth to take back territory in Jesus name.


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