House Democrats have announced the grounds of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress on which they plan to seek the impeachment of President Trump. Neither of these proposed articles satisfy the express constitutional criteria for an impeachment, which are limited to “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Neither are high or low crimes or misdemeanors. Neither are mentioned within the Constitution.
Both are so vague and open-ended that they could be applied in partisan fashion by a majority of the House against almost any president from the opposing party. Both are precisely what the Framers had rejected at their Constitutional Convention. Both raise the “greatest danger,” in the words of Alexander Hamilton, that the decision to impeach will be based on the “comparative strength of parties,” rather than on “innocence or guilt.”
Click HERE to download IFA’ s Special Report, High Crimes and Misdemeanors?
That danger is now coming to pass, as House Democrats seek for the first time in American history to impeach a president without having at least some bipartisan support in Congress. Nor can they find any support in the words of the Constitution, or in the history of its adoption. A majority of the House is simply making it up as they go along in the process, thus placing themselves not only above the law but above the Constitution.
In doing this, they follow the view of Representative Maxine Waters who infamously declared that, when it comes to impeachment, “there is no law.” From her view, shared by some others, the criteria for impeaching a president is whatever a majority of the House says it is, regardless of what the Constitution mandates. This reductionistic and lawless view confuses what a majority of the House could get away with, if there is no judicial review, and what the mandated duty of all House members is, which is to support, defend, and apply the Constitution as written, not as it can be stretched to fit the actions of an opposition or controversial president.
If the House votes to impeach President Trump on grounds not authorized by the Constitution, its action, in the words of Hamilton, is void. As he put it in the Federalist Papers, “no legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid.” If this is indeed the case, then the Senate will be confronted with a constitutional dilemma, if and when it will receive a void and invalid impeachment. It will have to decide whether to proceed with a trial of charges that are unconstitutional and therefore are void.
An analogy to consider from ordinary criminal cases may be imperfect but informative. If a grand jury were to indict a citizen on an unconstitutional “crime,” like marrying a person of a different race, the trial judge would immediately dismiss the indictment and refuse to subject the defendant to a trial. Indeed, the House plays a role similar to that of a grand jury in the impeachment context, and the Senate plays a role similar to the trial court. In the presidential impeachment context, the chief justice of the Supreme Court presides and rules on the legal and evidentiary issues.
This is all uncharted ground, and it is difficult to predict how it will play out in the short term. In the long term, it is highly unlikely that President Trump will be removed by a two-thirds vote in the Senate controlled by Republicans. However, in the meantime, the unconstitutional action by a majority of the House to impeach a president on grounds not specified in the Constitution will certainly do considerable damage to the rule of law.
(Excerpt from The Hill. Article by Alan Dershowitz, professor emeritus at Harvard Law School.)
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Lord deliver us from all the lies of President Trump. Lord, may your truth rule and reign. Please open the eyes of pastors and leaders who are leading the church away from the mission of evangelism, compassion, and love.
I am sure that Matt Tullos meant to say “Lord, deliver us from all the lies ABOUT President Trump!
—Unless this person is FOR the “DEEP STATE”! It is imperative that the Christian community stick together, no matter what denomination(or non-denomination) to all be in agreement to defend and vote for President Trump. It is obvious from Trump’s policies and appointments, especially the Supreme Court appointments, that he is indeed a “born again” Christian!!!
In Jesus Name I agree with prayers above. Thank you Lord for delivering us from evil. Amen
Yes, amen, nevertheless Lord, Your perfect will be done.
Heavenly Father, when Your people were fleeing the attacking army of Pharoah through the parted Red Sea, You stopped the advancement of Pharoah’s mighty army by taking the wheels off of the chariots, setting them up to be destroyed by the return of the Red Sea crashing upon them. Father, I ask in Jesus’ mighty name that You take the wheels off of the impeachment charriot today. I ask in Jesus’ name that the impeachment be entangled today in the muck of sin that has propelled up to this point. In Jesus’ name I pray that the 2 articles of impeachment collapse under the flood of the righteous blood of Jesus our Lord and Savior. Father, may Your righteous Holy Spirit empower every House member who has a mustard seed of faith to rise, stand, and walk away from the muck of sin and righteously vote against the impeachment of our duly elected President. Father, have mercy on our nation today, 12/16/20, and drown the impeachment attempy once and for all for Your name sake, I pray in the mighty, precious name of Jesus!! Amen
I am in agreement with Mike’s prayer, asking in Jesus’ name that the forces of darkness be crushed & that Gdi receives all the praise & glory. Amen.
The Democrats remind me of disobedient children who have been allowed to live without boundaries or consequences for their actions. Before the last election they removed God completely from their Democratic platform. They have turned their eyes away from God and act solely on their desires for power, control, and money. They are lost souls who have separated themselves from the living God.
But as we know, Gods principles exist whether you believe him or not. One principal is the concept of sowing and reaping. You reap what you sow. I believe this action of impeaching an innocent man, which is sowing injustice, confusion, and chaos into our political system will result in a reaping of negative results. This action will hurt the Democrats. I don’t not know exactly how, but I believe in Gods promises and trust Him.
Dear Lord, I pray you intervene and use this act of disobedience for the good in the larger picture of things. I pray this act of irresponsibility be used to bring Your truth to light. May this situation be a turning point in the battle against evil in our country. I pray Lord that the forces of darkness be fooled into thinking they are moving forward, but have actually stepped into a big trap.
Father God, your word says if we ask anything in your name it will be given for those that love you and are obedient to you. I ask from my heart that You would allow our President to govern and use his rights as a duly elected President to govern without this constant, and sometimes illegal resistance perpetuated by the kingdom of darkness. I pray you give him victory over all his enemies. At the same time I pray You be glorified, and may all look in wonder and say, “How did this happen, surely it was the. Work of a loving God. We worship You our King and stand ready to act on your behalf.
Well said Mike G. Spot on
AMEN ✝️🙏