I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray that life would be respected and preserved in America. We pray that any plan to pack the court to ensure ungodly legislation would be stopped.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Supreme Court’s announcement that it will be hearing the Mississippi abortion case that could result in an overturning of Roe v. Wade has stirred pro-life and pro-abortion leaders. Still, the response of some on the left is disturbing.

Democrats are vowing that any action by the United States Supreme Court to alter the legal precedent on abortion will add “fuel” to the push among some in their party to add seats to the nation’s highest court.

Congressional Democrats issued the warning after the Supreme Court announced that it would decide on the constitutionality of Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban by hearing the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The state of Mississippi is asking the court to review a lower court decision finding that the ban on abortions more than 15 weeks into a pregnancy is unconstitutional. . . .

According to The Hill, Sens. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., and Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., are among the lawmakers promising to push for changes to the Supreme Court if the nearly half-century-old court decision is overturned. . . .

Barrett’s confirmation caused particular outrage because she replaced the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a figure beloved by progressives.

Additionally, Democrats have accused Republicans of hypocrisy because they blocked the confirmation of Merrick Garland, who then-President Barack Obama nominated to the Supreme Court in 2016, his final year in office. At the time, Republicans argued that because it was a presidential election year, voters should have the opportunity to decide who (between candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump) they wanted to pick the next Supreme Court justice. In 2020, Democrats maintained that Republicans did not give voters the same opportunity.

Last month, congressional Democrats introduced a bill to increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court from nine to 13. If passed, the legislation would nullify the effect of the nominally 6-3 conservative majority by giving President Joe Biden the opportunity to appoint four new justices to the bench. However, the legislative effort to increase the size of the Supreme Court has gained little traction, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has said that she will not bring the legislation up for a vote.

poll conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling & Strategy, Inc. on behalf of the conservative religious liberty law firm First Liberty Institute, found that 68% of Americans opposed the generic addition of justices to the Supreme Court compared to 27% who supported the idea. While the American people as a whole gave the proposal of “court packing” a cool reception, Democrats were split on the idea, with 50% expressing support for it.

When asked specifically about the legislation introduced by congressional Democrats to add four seats to the Supreme Court, 65% of respondents opposed the bill while 31% supported it. A supermajority of Democrats (63%) indicated their support for the proposal, while the overwhelming majority of Republicans (95%) expressed disapproval of the effort. . . .

Stephen Breyer, the longest-serving liberal justice on the court, echoed his late colleague’s concerns. He warned about the implications of court-packing at Harvard Law School last month, urging “those whose instincts may favor important structural change or other similar institutional changes such as forms of court-packing to think long and hard before they embody those changes in law.”

Stressing the need to preserve the court’s reputation as “guided by legal principle, not politics,” Breyer emphasized that “structural altercation motivated by the perception of political influence can only feed that latter perception, further eroding that trust.”

As progressives in Congress advocate for legislation to increase the size of the Supreme Court outright, Biden signed an executive order establishing a Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States, a bipartisan group of constitutional scholars and retired judges that will look at the feasibility of possible reforms to the court. The commission will report its findings to the president after 180 days.  . . .

Whitehouse listed other potential reforms to the Supreme Court that could follow a rollback of Roe v. Wade, specifically expressing a desire to require “proper disclosure and transparency” of the “gifts, travel and hospitality” received by the judges as well as “people who are behind front-group amicus curiae briefs” that were “funding the political advertisements for the last three judges, writing $15 million and $17 million checks.”  . . .

On Monday, Whitehouse announced that he was “starting a new series of Senate floor speeches (with a brand new chart) exposing the scheme by right-wing donor interests to capture the U.S. Supreme Court and achieve through the court’s power what they cannot through other branches of government.”  . . .

Share your prayers about this in the comments below!

(Excerpt from The Christian Post. Article by  Ryan Foley . Photo by Michael A. McCoy/Getty Images.)

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May 27, 2021

Our God hates baby sacrifice! Abortion is that! Democratic Congressmen and women should really think about whether they want to come against the King of Kings and Lord of Lords on this one! If you harm one of these little ones, you might as well have a millstone hung around your neck and thrown into the sea, and drowned! It would be better for you, if you had not been born! THAT’S POWERFUL! Our God IS powerful! God is in control. His will is going to be done!

Santos Garcia, Jr.
May 27, 2021

Anyone who is not being disingenuous knows full well that all life begins at conception. This Texas ruling is a giant step in the right direction with the obvious heartbeat restriction. With the underhanded support of Planned Parenthood under the current renegade admin, our Tax dollars ARE funding abortions, which the Trump admin outlawed. We must continue in prayer since now they intend to abort babies at full term! The Dems’ platform is fraught with demonic schemes and the selling of baby body parts; a very lucrative international business.

LORD have Mercy on America and lift the curse of killing our own children in the womb. ONLY You can bring the Holy Fear of the LORD to bear on the hearts and minds of our nation, and make the sin damning. Protect our children prenatal and at any age… stop the child sex trafficking trade that has infected our country and the world community… In Jesus’ Name, AMEN! https://zionsgate.wordpress.com/2012/11/09/reaping-the-whirlwind/

May 27, 2021

What unmitigated nonsense! The Democrats who are threatening the supreme court have no shame, evidently. To actually threaten the Supreme Court, to try to manipulate an upcoming case that they will decide upon, is just plain unacceptable. Lord, please bind the attacks of the Evil One upon the integrity of our government, and do it soon. In Jesus’ name we pray.

May 27, 2021

Heavenly Father, I pray that life would be preserved and respected in our nation. Please thwart and frustrate the plans of the enemy and I pray that Your perfect will be done in this matter. In Jesus holy name I pray, Amen.

Jim Reed
May 27, 2021

Right and wrong is a real reality of human history. Who will decide what is right or wrong? Human beings don’t do too well very often. Just study human history.

Please pray for a revival and/or A Great Awakening in the U.S.A. by the grace of God Almighty. Amen. This is our ONLY hope. Amen again.

May 27, 2021

Father in Heaven, forgive us! We, your people, repent of our complacency which allowed the soul of our country to be soaked through with innocent blood. Lord, please forgive us and give us the heart and the strength to boldly stand up for Truth, even at the expense of our popularity, positions, or power. You are our power and we want to honor You. Please forgive our nation and bring it once again under Your banner. For life! In Yeshua’s name.

May 27, 2021

Those of you that follow either senators Blumenthal or Whitehouse know full well their consistent background of “lying, exaggerating and deceit”. They are probably in the top 10 list of “snakes in government”. Trust ZERO of what they tell you and continue to pray that they either have a Damascus Rd. encounter and/or they are removed from their positions of office holding.
As concerned citizens, taxpayers & Christians, I suggest that people continue to keep their eyes on these two. They have done an incredible amount of damage to our nation from a “background position”. They are both well protected. Pray that those protections are removed.

May 27, 2021

As the governing body here on earth we send out Angel armies to bind up and overthrow the anti-christ attempt to
destroy life thru abortion..As the blood of those aborted cry out to you for justice..let freedom ring out as abortion is overturned.once and forall..we as the body of Christ Demand Justice in Jesus Name!!

May 27, 2021

Oh, so in other words, the Republicans are fighting like Democrats now, and the Dems don’t like it.

I’ll keep praying, about this and many other issues & people.

Nancy Hollo
May 27, 2021

Heavenly Father, I pray for all those who have latched onto the pro-abortion issue like dogs on a bone. Help them to see how absurd it is to not be able to prevent pregnancy in this day and age, and how irresponsible it is to become pregnant carelessly. These pagans think sexuality is their spiritual life and that casual, unprotected sex is their goddess given duty. They resent sharing their wombs and their love with the infants they procreate. Help them to know You, heavenly Father, through Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit. And forgive us, your children, for not taking strong, sacrificial action to put an end to this horror, but continuing to live our lives with the one goal of avoiding jail. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Angela D.
May 27, 2021

Father, We are believing for Your Justice to prevail so that this court packing attempt will be thwarted. We are declaring that Liberty, Justice, and Freedom will win out over the deception and the lies in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


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