I Prayed have prayed
Lord, Your will be done.
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Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) slammed House Democrats for barring members of the Judiciary Committee from attending impeachment inquiry hearings, after he was kicked out of attending the deposition of a witness on Monday morning.

ā€œNot only did Adam Schiff not want the American people to see whatever evidence theyā€™re developing, not only do they not want to let the full Congress see their work ā€” theyā€™re even barring members of the Judiciary Committee, and based on every review of impeachment Iā€™ve done, the Judiciary Committee is pretty involved,ā€ he told Breitbart News in an interview.

Gaetz said he did not know why Judiciary Committee members are not allowed to participate in the hearings, when the Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) was the first to announce an impeachment inquiry and hold hearings. Currently, the House Intelligence, Oversight, and Foreign Affairs Committees are running the impeachment inquiry.

ā€œI canā€™t tell if this is just the latest chapter of Adam Schiffā€™s kangaroo court, or if thereā€™s such diminished trust in Jerry Nadler that our entire committee is now paying the price,ā€ he said.

Gaetz said he believes House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) took the impeachment inquiry away from Nadler and gave it to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) because doing it through the Judiciary Committee was not fielding results.

ā€œNancy Pelosi has chosen to reshuffle the legislative deck because her Democrats were getting worked silly on the Judiciary Committee following the Lewandowski hearing, the John Dean hearing, it really was not a forum that fielded results for Democrats,ā€ Gaetz said, recalling previous hearings with witnesses Corey Lewandowski and former Nixon counsel John Dean.

ā€œBut just because you donā€™t like the outcome doesnā€™t mean that the Speaker and the Democrat leadership should be excluding members who want to participate in a process that could ultimately overturn an election,ā€ Gaetz said.

He blasted the Democrats for making the impeachment inquiry a secret process that has been conducted behind closed-doors.

ā€œThis is not a secret meeting to mark up an energy bill ā€” this is a secret meeting to discuss and query the reversal of the will of the American people, and theyā€™re not real confident in their facts. If I was confident in the facts, Iā€™d want everyone to know the facts,ā€ he said.

ā€œThey are making up the rules as they go along,ā€ Gaetz said. ā€œThatā€™s what itā€™s like today. Last week it looked more like a clown show,Ā because [Schiff] was selectively leaking material, he was fabricating transcripts for theatrical effect. I guess my question to the chairman would be, ā€˜Which part of the grand jury model that you have in your mind contemplates making up fake transcripts for theatrical effect?ā€™ I didnā€™t read that anywhere in the grand jury regs,ā€ he said.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by Kristina Wong.)

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Gloria Lynne Williams
October 20, 2019

Lord we thank you for your continued intercession! Lord we acknowledge you are the God of Abraham, Issac, & Jacob the “I Am”
creator of Heaven & Earth. We believe in your saving power as you have given sight to the blind, hearing to the deft, and brought the dead back to life as written. WE BELIEVE YOU DIED & ROSE FROM THE DEAD FOR OUR SINS! We repent for all we have done that offends you and take action to seek your face, turn to your word, & sin no more! God you are truly a loving God of righteousness & justice. We believe that you will not abandon us as we are your children according to your will. We pray that justice be done and the evil be revealed. We pray that the chains of the devil be broken and justice in our American Justice Department & proper leadership be restored, justice in our communities be restored, justice in our news be restored, justice in our families be restored, & justice for our children be restored. Let all who are children of the devil who seek to kill, harm, lie, destroy families, falsely accuse, not accomplish any desires of theirs or have any power. Let evil & all who love the devil & his angels them ahamed & brought to justice. We know this can only be accomplished through you if it be your will. We pray that all who are deceived by the devil see truth, reject evil, repent now & turn to you! We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ according to his will & not our will!

In the love of Christ,


John Butler
October 19, 2019

Schiff needs to be removed from his committee and held in contempt of congress

Beth Arseneau
October 17, 2019

Father God,
We pray this behavior would stop in Jesus Name. Allow your righteousness to prevail. Let the enemies plans be put to a stop by your righteousness. Thank you Lord that your ways will come to pass. Clean up our Government and allow your truth to prevail. Let all lies and deception be removed in your Holy Name. Thank you Lord. We Praise you.

October 17, 2019

The book of Ester is a good reference too. I pray for godliness to prevail. Democrats should tire of continual scheming. I pray they do. I pray the American people tire of money spent and Democrats time devoted to undermining. Remember Haman? I pray their gallows are used on them.

Debbie Randall
October 16, 2019

ā€œHe frustrates the plotting of the shrewd, So that their hands cannot attain success. ā€œHe captures the wise by their own shrewdness And the advice of the cunning is quickly thwarted.ā€œBy day they meet with darkness, And grope at noon as in the night. But He saves from the sword of their mouth, And the poor from the hand of the mighty.ā€œSo the helpless has hope, And unrighteousness must shut its mouth.” Job 5:12-16 Thank You Yahweh for Your word, You watch over it to perform it. WE stand on Your precious word with our confidence in You and Your faithfulness…continue to awaken Your children to pray.

    Brenda B
    October 16, 2019

    Thank you. I needed those verses right about now. God bless you for posting them. Praying in agreement.

    October 17, 2019

    GLORY TO GOD–HIS WORD WILL NOT RETURN VOID BUT WILL ACCOMPLISH THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT WAS SENT! Let us all begin to praise GOD for HIS mighty power! “Let all the peoples praise the LORD” Psalm 67.

    Peggy Stubbs
    October 20, 2019

    So in agreement with your prayer. AMEN

Brenda B
October 16, 2019

God HELP us!!!! WHY are Democrats ALLOWED to do this, and everyone just “accepts” it??!!! Are Democrats ABOVE the law? This is tyrannical. WHY is is ALLOWED???!!! Father intervene in this evil tyranny as only You can. Bring DOWN the strongholds of the enemy that is behind the tyranny of the Democrats, in the name of Jesus, amen.

    Barbara Pease
    October 16, 2019

    Lord we pray that things hidden in darkness will come to light.Continue to wake up the church to intercede day and night for our country and President Trump.We declare and decree no impeachment in Jesus name.

    October 17, 2019

    Amen,Amen have can they keep it going-where is the Law of the people ??????

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