[New Age Author and Democratic Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson obviously wants to draw a line between her well-documented New Age theology and the word “occult.” Of course, we know as Christians that New Age is a deception, and very much a false religion and part of the occultic realm. Read this following report and her response with that knowledge. Don’t discount her in the race. Her power runs deep with Oprah Winfrey and her money behind her.]
A group of supporters of 2020 White House hopeful and Marianne Williamson has put together an “occult task force” in support of the spiritual guru; however, her campaign is none too pleased about the move.
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In an interview with the Washington Post, the anonymous individual heading up the “task force” told the Jeff-Bezos owned newspaper that 13 witches, chaos magicians, and energy workers performed “gestures” in an effort to get Williamson more speaking time during Tuesday’s Democrat presidential primary debate in Detriot, Michigan.
“The whole orb gang community is tapping into the power of memes to reflect back on, and multiply, the sort of pulsing undercurrents of our collective unconscious,” the person emailed the Post. According to the publication, Williamson supporters refer to themselves as the “orb gang,” who share memes of the candidate on social media.
After catching wind of the “task force”, the Williamson campaign told the Post that it’s deeply uncomfortable with their activities, citing their usage of the term “occultist.”
“I am very, very concerned about the word occultist,” Patricia Ewing, the spiritual guru’s campaign spokesperson, told the newspaper, before stating she was unaware of the “task force’s” existence.
In a tweet last week, Williamson declared she is “not a cult leader,” nor anti-science after claims about her purported opposition to vaccinations circulated on social media.
“I am not a cult leader. I am not anti-science (that one is almost funny, given how much I quote Einstein). And I am not an anti-vaxxer,” she tweeted.” Hoping that if I repeat it 3 to 4 times a day I might penetrate the field of lies created to keep some people out of the conversation.”
Williamson is making headlines following last night’s breakout debate performance, in which she claimed President Donald Trump is emboldening a “dark psychic force” in the United States and warned the Democrat Party faces “very dark days” unless it addresses systemic issues facing the country. She was the most searched Democrat candidate on Google during the debate and earned top billings on the Drudge Report’s straw poll with nearly 50 percent of the vote.
(Excerpted from Breitbart, article by Joshua Kaplan.)
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Lord God we are experiencing a struggle within our nation between what is right and what is wrong. Not unlike the Old Testament story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal . Righteousness and disobedience are at war . Radical feminism is a demonic force to be reckoned with and we pray in Jesus name that this occult force be uprooted and destroyed . Would You Lord through our petition frustrate the plans of the enemy for attempting to put a witch in the White House ?Your Word says that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft . Even as Saul consulted a medium the kingdom was taken from him and given to a man more worthy . Your Word says that You rule in the kingdoms of men . So cause Your Word to run swiftly through our prayers to accomplish Your will for America until You come in Righteousness. May You alone be enthroned upon our hearts oh Lord . Supreme Ruler and Controller You are.
I agree with this prayer. Thank you Lord for answering our prayers. In Jesus name, Amen.
Kim Clement prophesied that “they would attempt to put a witch in the White House.”
This is that.
Heavenly Father, We come together as Your people to bind the power of the occult in any form or fashion from having any effect on any candidate in the 2020 election whether Democrat, Republican or Independent. According to Your Word, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through You for the pulling down of satanic strongholds. Holy Spirit, please cause the spiritual warriors to arise against the strongholds of satanic forces,wherever they are found. Father, bring the darkness into the Light to be exposed. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against Powers and Principalities, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against the hosts of spiritual wickedness in the high places. We bind in Jesus name all powers of darkness attempting to deceive or influence the election in any way and we render the powers of darkness unable to work in any way against or for any person. Thank You for giving Your congregation authority over all the power of the enemy. We take up that authority and rebuke all the powers of darkness sent by satan to kill, steal and destroy and render them helpless, in Jesus Name. We cast them out of the 2020 election and send them to Jesus to be dealt with now. We ask for a wall of Holy Ghost fire around the election activities that Satan’s cohorts, whether human or spirit, will fail completely in their assignments. We praise You, Father for making us more than conquerors through Christ who loves us. Thank you for sending your angels to keep President Trump and all our righteous leaders safe. Glory be to Your Name forever. In Jesus precious Name we pray. Amen
Absolutely Agree 100%!!!
I will pray this prayer daily and send it forward!!!
Praying this in absolutely agreement!
What a beautiful prayer…I will agree with you in prayer and pray these words to our Heavenly Father for the breaking of these satanic influences on our elections..
Yes, LORD. Hear our prayers to disarm all the powers of the occult & satan as these spirits try to take over our country. Thank You. LORD, Your weapons are more powerful and the powers of the enemy will be pulled down. In Jesus mighty name. Amen
Every one of those Democratic Presidential hopefuls, who raise their voices in the support of “Abortion Murder” of an innocent child of God; in the protective womb of its mother, are in fact supporting that Mother in her darkest hour to make a decision that will ultimately take her baby’s life.
No different than if she was standing on a rooftop and them yelling Jump, jump. When all she needed was a little help and moral support to keep her baby. Instead of hearing them say, Don’t worry I’m also Pro-Choice, just do it! While holding a sign that reads, “Vote for Me” I support the slaughter of millions of innocent babies every day who can’t fight back.
Arise, Lord, do not let mortals triumph;
let the nations be judged in your presence. Strike them with terror, Lord;
let the nations know they are only mortal. Psalm 9:19-20
Lord God, bring judgment upon this occult woman, worshiper of nature instead of the True Creator! Strike her with terror, Lord; let her supporters know they are but only mortals.
destroy and expose the works the enemy does through her every day, especially to those of your children who lack discernment.
Lord Jesus; please forgive your church for allowing Satan to spread so much evil in our nation. We humble ourselves and repent from our hearts!Restore the United States of America, open our spiritual eyes and ears that we may understand what is happening in the spiritual realm. Touch our hearts Lord that we may understand the magnitude of your love and make us obey you and fight for your kingdom on earth. In Jesus precious name I pray.
Father, we thank You for the Great work You are doing in this nation!
We love You, and we thank You for You protection over President Trump, his family, his cabinet.
Father in the authority of Jesus,in the power of His blood we break all power off of the words that Williamson spoke against President Trump, we cast down any dark psychic power that would try to attach itself to him. And we release the Power of Jesus’s blood and the Truth to guide him into the fullness of You purposes. To You be the Glory Honor and Praises
Amen, sister in Christ. Mightier is He that is in us then he that is the world.
I stand in agreement according to Matthew 18:19. Amen!
“Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world” Lord thank you that You yourself dwell in each believer, that witches and those of the occult are possessed of what was a created entity that chose rebellion. Can a created thing throw down it’s creator….all logic says no. So, Lord, teach us to cast out demons and deal with this treachery in heavenly places that is showing itself clearly, here on earth. May we be bold to proclaim your Reign and Sovereignty. I ask that You, the Almighty would bind the deceiving spirit given to this candidate, i ask that you would work mightily to make our President more available to your Spirits leading, so he can navigate the many obstacles in the debates, that he would have your words to silent the opposition to Your rule and truth. We ask that those who do not have your Spirits protection would be protected by our prayers and that they would not fall pray to Satan’s deception being wielded by this woman, and we would also ask you to break the deception that keeps them from seeing Jesus and their great need for him. We lift up this request in the name that is above all others, Jesus, Amen
Amen!! Maranatha!
Father, we lift up this woman whose life is entrenched in darkness. Father, You are the Light of the World, You are the Truth, You are the Everlasting God. Lord Jesus, we pray for her soul to be released from the powers of darkness. Father God, where sin and darkness abounds, Your Grace does much more abound. Father, take out her heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh as Your Word declares. Spirit of the LIving GOd, breathe new life into this woman and her dry bones as Your Word promises in Ezekiel. Father, Blow Your Spirit of Life to awaken her to her deception. Father, You created her in her mother’s womb and You know the number of hairs on her head because You are a GOd who loves and cares. Father God, we cast out all demonice influences and call forth anointed voices to speak to her. Father, You wait patiently for those who are lost because “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9
So Father, we agree and align with Your Word over this woman and we call her forth into the kingdom of Light and out of the kingdom of darkness just like You called out Lazarus from his grave, Father, call out Marianne Williamson – out of her spiritual grave and into Your Marvelous Light, in Jesus Mighty Name we pray.
Father, thank you that you are Everlasting to Everlasting. Thank you for the Jehu we have in the WH against all odds because of your mighty right arm and love for our country. We exalt You. Is there anything too difficult for You. There she is again, painted face sitting on the balcony mocking the foundational truths of this country but You alone will say, “who is for Me”? We are for righteousness oh God our King, so we come together and decree in the heavenlies and casting down of her tongue, murderous ways, and diabolical solutions and release the power of your name against this spirit to bring it down for only for the dogs to devour, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!
Along with her eunuchs! Amen.
Amen and Amen!!
Dear Heavenly Father, As a nation, we have strayed so far from your perfect plan. Please, please forgive us. Please let truth, honesty, purity and Your grace prevail. We need Your divine intercession. We need strong, Godly leaders not those who believe in occult, sexual perversion, socialism or abortion. God, please help us to get back on the right track. We are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, as President Trump is against abortion, he is reaching out a hand of peace to your people Israel, and is filling our supreme court seats with people who know that abortion is morally wrong. Thank You, God for all that You do and all that You are.
We do not fight with weapons of this world but with the divine power of heaven to demolish strongholds-
2 Cor 10:15 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
Oh Lord, You truly are shining Your light in hidden places! I pray that You pour out Your Spirit as never before and bring awakening and revival to Your true church and to this land through the resurrection life and power of Your son, Jesus Christ. Open every ear to hear and every eye to see You and the greatness of Your love and mercy that You long for us to know. Let us see the glory of Your power manifested in our day!!! May the fullness of Your will truly be done here on earth. Keep us steadfast in Your love and in faith in what YOU can do.
Amen to these beautiful prayers.
May every enemy and every work of evil and deception be exposed. That we will truly stand as “One United Nation, Under One Holy, True and Living GOD.” In the Name of JESUS CHRIST our LORD. Amen.
God, We call on your Holy name. We repent for ourselves and our nation. Heal our nation Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Lord God, I declare and decree Your will and plans for the United States of America shall be done here on earth as it is written in heaven. In Jesus Name I pray. And I ask You to open our eyes to see, our ears to hear and our hearts to understand. Jolt us out of complacency and stupor. Forgive us in the church for calling good evil and evil good for so long. We repent and ask for Your hand to be upon us and awaken those who watch the debates. May eyes, ears and hearts be opened to seeing the truth. We call Your light into the darkness in this nation, into the coming election debates and elections, into the White House and into Congress and the Supreme Court, and we command deception to flee, in Jesus Holy Name! And we praise You, Father, that Your will be done and that Your plans and purposes for this nation shall be fulfilled and all to Your glory. Amen and amen.
Love this prayer!
O Lord, I agree with all these powerful prayers. Heal this broken land and deliver us from all evil! In Jesus Name, so be it!
Amen. In Jesus’ name.
Amen in Jesus’ holy name.
Love this prayer too! Amen and amen!
Amen and so be it!
Pour out your Spirit and heal the darkness in our land Lord. So many do not know that occultism is wrong.
Lead our nation out of the morass of sexual depravity, occultism, nature worship and lying. Raise up a
standard to fight these evils, Lord, as only you can.
Amen and amen!
2 Chronicles 33:1-9 These people are like Manasseh constructing pagan shrines, and if she won the nation would follow her. But Father you spoke to Manasseh and his people 2Chron. 33:10-19 .. Father speak to these Pagans, help them to humble themselves before you, to have the opportunity to repent / sincerely humble themselves. Instead of evil, they would turn toward you and pray requests for your plans and purposes. In Jesus mighty name.
Amen. May it be so.
2 Chronicles 33:1-9 These people are like Manasseh constructing pagan shrines, and if she won the nation would follow her. But Father you spoke to Manasseh and his people 2Chron. 33:10-19 .. Father speak to these Pagans, help them to humble themselves before you, to have the opportunity to repent / sincerely humble themselves. Instead of evil, they would turn toward you and pray requests for your plans and purposes. In Jesus mighty name
I pray that all evil and lies will be revealed as the Democratic candidates devour each other. If there is a an honest candidate who really loves our country in the mix, let that person rise to the top and be victorious as a candidate. Thank you Jesus that you are in control of the debates and the election. Let your truth prevail. In the mighty, holy name of Jesus I pray.
“Awake oh sleeper and arise from the dead and CHRIST will shine on you” Eph 5:14
God has warned us in these last days BE ALERT!
“For God has NOT given us the spirit of fear; but of Power, Love and of a Sound Mind” 2 Timothy 1:7
Ask God for Wisdom in ALL your decisions especially when you go to VOTE!!!
Revelation speaks Loudly about these last days and we are in it!! Be dressed for battle. Eph 6:11
The battle we are in and WIN is not against flesh and blood, but against powers of darkness.
Amen and Maranatha!
The word “occult” is a descriptive word… and is like the word, “eclipse”. There is an eclipsing of the truth among many candidates who operate in rebellion (or witchcraft) against God’s word… who live in darkness and call that which is good, evil. John 8:12