I Prayed have prayed
Dear LORD, please establish our thoughts toward Israel and its people, who are the apple of Your eye. 
Reading Time: 4 minutes

“And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold” (Matthew 24:10–12 ESV).

Pray for your fellow intercessor.


Perhaps we’ve heard or read professing Christians express thoughts like these lately:

Why is everyone focusing on praying for Israel and the Jews, when Christians throughout Africa, China, North Korea, and elsewhere are being hunted down like animals? Haven’t we prayed enough for Israel? This isn’t Nazi Germany — so why all the hoopla? The Israel of today is not the Israel of the Bible, so why are we so focused on them anyway?  I don’t hate Jews or Israel, so I don’t need to overly concern myself. I give to Jewish causes all the time, so I’m covered.

Have you heard such things among professing Christians you know? Considering IFA’s reach, it’s possible. And it could even be that some who are reading this article right now may have similar thoughts or questions. Judging by the UN’s capitulation to Islamic jihad demands, or by the Biden-Harris administration’s short-lived “unwavering” support for Israel’s efforts to eradicate Hamas, it may be no exaggeration to say that some who now “unequivocally support” Israel’s right to exist could soon grow numb toward Israel’s plight.

Webster’s Dictionary 1828 defines numbness as “that state of a living body in which it has not the power of feeling or motion, as when paralytic or chilled by cold.” The words “grow cold” in Matthew 24:12 refer to something that cools off, fails, or becomes weak. As the Bride of Christ, we must not, cannot, dare not allow ourselves to become cool or weak regarding the devil’s plans against Jews worldwide.

Watchmen and intercessors: Let us not be a generation that ignores the susceptibility of churches to grow slack and numb to threats against the land and people of Israel. We are not unaware of the devil’s schemes and methods. Shame on us if he can fool our generation for the umpteenth time!

What can we do?

  1. Walk only in our preordained assignments. We must, as never before, assume our proper place upon the wall — that place for which God has uniquely designed us. This is no time to be doing according to what we think best, or according to what others expect of us. No, we must ask the LORD what He wants of us — and if He has not does not assign us to watchman intercession for Israel, trust Him.  Then let’s get to our assigned places, because we are needed there. Otherwise, our assuming the burden of someone else’s kingdom assignment could open the door to the Enemy’s accusations against Jews.
  2. Remain vigilant. Our Enemy is roaming about seeking whom he may deceive and devour. Each day that we pray for our loved ones, let’s ask God to guard our hearts and renew our thoughts toward Israel and the Jewish people.
  3. Learn from the failures of previous generations. Let the final years of Reformation leader Martin Luther furnish a cautionary tale. Despite giving his own life to unveiling the truths of a personal relationship with God through faith in our Jewish Messiah, Yeshua, he published a work in 1546 that may have later contributed to promoting Jewish annihilation: On the Jews and Their Lies. For centuries before World War I, some of Luther’s writings had become a license for some in the so-called Church to do horrendous things against their Jewish neighbors; this also became one of Hitler’s preferred weapons of war.
  4. Understand the history of Christian and Catholic hatred toward Jews. Unfortunately, the atrocity of the Holocaust was not the first episode of Christian complicity by omission (failure to resist the Nazis) or commission (actually assisting the Nazis). Or consider that though Harvard was originally founded as a Christian university, by 1922 its president felt empowered to call for quota restrictions on Jewish admissions.
  5. Read or gift a pro-Israel book to your children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. In politically “progressive” states and woke school districts, you’ll be hard-pressed to find books on middle and high school reading lists depicting the truth about the Holocaust or earlier pogroms. Why? Well, the best way to repeat a bad history is to ensure that the current generation does not know and therefore cannot identify when steps toward earlier depravity are being repeated. I read The Diary of Anne Frank in elementary school, and the humanity of her words marked me indelibly, being a girl of similar age. It didn’t matter that this happend decades before, or that she lived in a country that I’d not expected to visit. This little girl and her family and the horrors they experienced pierced my heart. It was the same with Elie Wiesel’s Night.
  6. Watch a pro-Israel movie with your unbelieving or anti-Israel family members and friends. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then movies like Schindler’s List (1993) or The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2008) can be worth a million!

Thank You, LORD, for the promise of the Helper, who guides us into all truth. Proverbs 16:3 assures us that when we commit our lives and our work to You, You will establish our thoughts. LORD, we desire that! For 2024, we recommit our lives and intercessions to You. Hear, receive, and affect our decree that anti-Jewish hatred, in all its forms and packaging, will be marked “Return to Sender” — never to enter our hearts or our homes. 

How would you encourage others to a Spirit-led defiance of antisemitism? Share below.

Mavourene Robinson began in full-time ministry in 2014, campaigning for the Howard County Public Schools’ Board of Education in 2017–2018, and for the Maryland Senate in 2022. A lifelong learner about the intersections of faith with international relations and domestic policy, Mavourene is actively engaged in intercession for family, government, education, and religion. She releases prophetic insight at Judgment Begins in the House. Photo Credit: jewish star by David Holifield on Unsplash.

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January 4, 2024

Re: #3. Martin Luther. I remember reading that long ago, that he was so frustrated that he could not “Convert” the Jews. He got it backwards. Jesus is their Messiah; we are the ones who are grafted in.

It’s bone chilling to realize that Luther, who was so instrumental in bringing people to true faith in Jesus, turned around and missed it by a mile. What a reminder for us to stay true to God’s Word.

Sharlene Fleming
January 2, 2024

Father God, we praise You for Your faithfulness and desire for no one to perish but to have eternal life with you. Open our hearts and minds to intercede in prayer for the Jewish people and Israel. Bring Unity within the body of Christ. Break down the walls of division amongst different congregations. Forgive us for allowing deception of the enemy to divide Your Church. We need the Power of Your Holy Spirit to move in a mighty-powerful way! Place a boldness within us to share Your love and truth with our Jewish friends. Pour your spirit out upon Your people to reveal Jesus as the one and only Messiah. We know You are moving and trust where you are leading us. More of You and less of us!

January 2, 2024

Historically Israel missed the day of her visitation when Christ brought salvation to the Jews first.
The peace Israel needs is her Prince of Peace, her Messiah! Until her eyes are opened she remains blind. Yes pray for the Peace of Jerusalem to be Jesus Christ in this hour!

“And I will pour on the House of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication: then they will look on Me whom they have pierced. Yes they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and greive for him as one grieves for a firstborn.” Zechariah 12:10. Jesus told His people they would not see Him until they said, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord”. Believers of the word should know the blind and lost condition of the Jews and be interceding for their eyes to be open to their Messiah who is their peace.
I pray that the Lord pour out the Spirit of grace and supplication on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem so they may at last see their percous Messiah!

Darlene Estlow
January 2, 2024

Father, I pray for your church to uphold Israel. Open our hearts and minds to what you say in your word and lead us to repent for not doing that. Open the hearts and minds of our government officials to truth and change their hearts from lies to your truth. I pray for repentance on each of our government officials and member of your church for taking your word so lightly and walking in their own ways of sin.

January 2, 2024

May we see clearly that Israel is the apple of God’s eye and that we, the church, are blessed through them in Jesus. Father God we pray that you will put the love of Israel in our hearts that we may stand firm with you God in the name of Jesus in defending and speaking against anti-semitism. We love you Jesus and we thank you dear God Amen

Amy Austin TUPE
January 2, 2024

Bodie Thoene’s novels.

Pamela Christian
January 2, 2024

A lot of the reason for Christians failing to understand the truth is biblical illiteracy. Add to that intentional propaganda that has come from the UN and more people think they are supporting the “underdog” when they are promoting evil. I have spent considerable time researching to know the true history for my podcast listeners and my online course which I was asked to teach (part of a certificate program not my own) with an understanding of the call on my life to help people discover and live in life-giving truth and experience all the joy Truth brings. We will each be judged not only according to what we “did” with Jesus but what we “did” with Israel . . . Thank you IFA for all you do. It is my pleasure to support you by reposting some of your posts, intereviewing David Kkubal and financially as I can. Together is how God intends us to work as one body with each doing its part.

Lisa Foti
January 2, 2024

God is zealous for Zion! Jesus will return to Jerusalem to rule and reign from there. God always meant for His holy city to have a special place in our hearts, Think of our heart as a compass with the needle always pointed true north, toward Jerusalem! If you want to join others in praying for Israel 🇮🇱 and God’s treasured people, join http://Www.altarofprayer.com. It’s a 24/7 global platform for intercessors to take their place on the wall! Blessings and encouragement to remain steadfast! Excellent article!


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