Deadly Attacks on Christians in Kenya
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Deadly Attacks on Christians in Kenya
The year is young, but it has already turned deadly for Kenyan brothers and sisters in Christ. Reports indicate terrorists have brutally murdered at least 7 Christians and set homes ablaze in recent days.
This was striking to me because Kenya is not the first place I think of as a danger zone for followers of Jesus. Christianity is the majority religion there. In fact, the U.S. State Department indicates that 85.5 percent on Kenyans identify as Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, or some form of Christian background.
But the threats are real. Voice of the Martyrs lists Kenya as “hostile” in its Global Prayer Guide. Similarly, Open Doors USA identifies the persecution level for Christians as “very high” and places Kenya at number 49 on its World Watch List of the top 50 most dangerous places for Christians.
According to Open Doors, “The situation for Christians in Kenya has remained dire over the last three years. While Kenya moved down five spots from the 2020 World Watch List, violence actually increased significantly—reflecting an overall increase in persecution across the list versus an improved situation for Kenyan Christians.”
The danger is most acute in Muslim-majority regions along Kenya’s coast and in the northeast near the border of Somalia. The Islamic terrorist group al-Shabab is particularly vicious and, according to Open Doors, get assistance from local informants to coordinate assaults on Christians.
Al-Shabab extremists are suspected in these latest murders of 2022. In one village a local pastor told International Christian Concern (ICC), “I counted seven houses that were torched down, four bodies of people burnt beyond recognition inside the houses… A body shot dead right outside a burnt house and another beheaded body next to it.”
A seventh Christian was killed and left to burn in his house in another nearby village less than 24 hours later.
After the first attack security officials indicated they were pursuing “the perpetrators of this heinous act,” but the pastor said residents are wondering why there weren’t more protections to prevent it. In its report, Open Doors suggests local officials in these danger zones often turn a blind eye to such persecution.
“The enemy is still roaming free within our region,” another Kenyan church leader told ICC. He asked for prayer and physical help for affected families from fellow Christians around the world.
As I consider how to pray for my Kenyan brothers and sisters, this request from Open Doors seemed to particularly resonate:
Pray for Christians in the northeast who face threats of deadly attacks from al-Shabab. Ask God to protect them, to shelter them from violence and to give them a peace that only comes from Him.
How will you pray against persecution of Christians in Kenya today? Share in the comments!
Aaron Mercer is a Contributing Writer with two decades of experience in Washington, D.C.’s public policy arena.
(Photo Credit: Getty Images)
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Papa we request an impartation of wisdom and understanding re You Kingdom come. May our brothers hear the voice behind them—-this is the way walk in it!!!
This news shocks me LORD as I think of Kenya as a safe place for Christians. My friend John has 2 daughters in university there. I pray YOU will shine YOUR light brightly with YOUR truth and power and love in the face of those perpetrators of evil intent and turn them from their wicked ways. May they come to know YOU. For Jesus glory.
My late husband and I ministered in Kenya the first time in the early 90″s. There were so few Muslim in the town we were in that the church members would point them out to us. About seven years later we were in the same town. The Muslims population had grown while all the local churches had just swapped members. Lord help your church to become one in Your love. Forgive us for allowing the enemy to divide us. Lord Your Word tells us that the world will know us by our love. Father teach us to love. Minister to our family in Kenya. Comfort them! Help your church to rise up in one accord!! We give You thanks for hearing our cry. In Jesus Name!
Dear Lord God I pray that the enemy is stopped, torn away, from harming your children in Kenya. Let there be your protection over them at all times, as I pray also the same for your children in Afghanistan. Protect them from the Taliban who are so misguided. Please let them realize the error of their ways, convict them in their hearts of their wrongdoing. Give your children mercy Lord. Come to their aid in their trouble. Thank you for hiding them, give them refuge, and along with the allies also.
Thank you Lord , please be present there and provide your angels for protection.
How convicted I feel for my seemingly petty concerns of life in America!! Remember one significant difference between praying and interceding is that we swarm into th spiritual battlefield with th weapons we have been given through th Word and bind th strongman and retake his plunder!! We don’t ask God to do it we use his authority and do it ourselves!! mark 3:23
How do we send them money, help as well as praying for them?????
Voice of the Martyrs is actively supplying help in many other countries where Christians are being persecuted, such as Nigeria. Contact them to see if they are also actively helping in Kenya. I’ll do the same as soon as I can!
Countries suffering the greatest persecution, here are the top 50.
N. Korea, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Eritrea, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iran, India, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar, Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Maldives, China Qatar, Vietnam, Egypt, Uzbekistan,, Algeria, Mauritania, Mali, Turkmenistan, Lao People’s Dem Repub, Morocco, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Colombia, Central Africa, Burkina Faso, Niger, Bhutan, Tunisia, Oman, Cuba, Eethiopia, Jordan, Dem Repub of Congo, Mozambique, Turkey, Mexico, Cameroon, Tajikistan, Brunei Farasssalm, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Kenya, Kuwait, Comoros, Malaysia
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray You will convict each one of us to pray for Your persecuted church. Your word warns about the end times, when people say, “Everything is so peaceful and secure,” then destruction suddenly comes … leaving no escape. This is happening. Your word also says, You did not intended that we should experience Your fury but be delivered through our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray deliverance in each of these countries and everywhere. In Moses’ Song at the Sea, He praised You singing, You overthrew Your adversaries by Your great majesty. You unleashed Your burning wrath; it consumed them like stubble. I pray You will consume all the darkness driving this persecution and I do so in the Name of Jesus Christ. I remember Moses’ song over my appeal for mercy, Father. Amen
1 Thessalonians 5
Exodus 15
Father, please put Your heavenly angels guard around every Christian in Kenya. May the enemy not see them nor their houses. Keep them in the palm of Your hand. Give each one Your peace and courage and wisdom to know what to do each moment. Thank You, Lord, for hearing us and answering. Guard their hearts and minds and bodies from this frightening hime. Thank You, Jesus.
Countries suffering the greatest persecution, here are the top 50.
N. Korea, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Eritrea, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iran, India, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar, Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Maldives, China Qatar, Vietnam, Egypt, Uzbekistan,, Algeria, Mauritania, Mali, Turkmenistan, Lao People’s Dem Repub, Morocco, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Colombia, Central Africa, Burkina Faso, Niger, Bhutan, Tunisia, Oman, Cuba, Eethiopia, Jordan, Dem Repub of Congo, Mozambique, Turkey, Mexico, Cameroon, Tajikistan, Brunei Farasssalm, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Kenya, Kuwait, Comoros, Malaysia
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray You will convict each one of us to pray for Your persecuted church. Your word warns about the end times, when people are saying, “Everything is so peaceful and secure,” then destruction will suddenly come … leaving no escape. This is happening. Your word also says, You did not intended that we should experience Your fury but be delivered through our Lord Yeshua the Messiah. I pray deliverance in each of these countries. In Moses’ Song at the Sea, He praised You singing, You overthrew Your adversaries by Your great majesty. You unleashed Your burning wrath; it consumed them like stubble. I pray You will consume all the darkness driving this persecution and I do so in the Name of Jesus Christ. I remember Moses’ song over my appeal for mercy, Father. Amen
Lord, release your power of protection against fear as your people continue in strength to not shrink back from standing firm in the gospel of Jexus Christ.
Crowns will be rewarded to those martyered as your word delcares. Guard the hearts of loved ones from discouragement the enemies’ sends, in Jesus Christ’s name.
Your kingdom will advance in power through these horrible evidences that your Word is coming to pass.
Break our hearts in passion to never shrink back from our calling, in Jesus’ name
Heavenly Father, you are Yahweh-Nissi, the Lord God our Victory. Please deliver your people from persecution and protect them from these attacks in Kenya and around the globe. Please defeat the evil coming against them, and let no weapon formed against them prosper. For Your Word says,
“You shall not fear them, for it is the Lord your God who fights for you.” ~ Deut. 3:22
“When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.” ~ Psalm 34:17
Thank you, Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ powerful and precious name.
Muslims intend to make Africa 100% Muslim. Their goal is to force Africans to accept Islam or die. Our brothers and sisters are dying because of the word of their testimony. (Rev. 6:9-11). We must pray for them without ceasing. 🙏🙏🙏
Mat 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.
Oh… I can’t pray for those massacring Kenyon believers. It’s impossible to love them…
Mat 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
Oh people — oh me…
Praying for attackers?
What Is the key we hold to unlock the authority to move with power upon the people of this region?
What do we say (even to our own selves ) we who are the redeemed of the Lord?
Amen Thomas, we say Amen. Even in this unimaginable horror, amen.
Lord I pray for my Christian Brothers and Sisters in Kenya. I pray AGAINST the attacks from demonic forces. I pray for a Holy Spirit filled conversion on our enemies. Just as you opened Paul’s eyes to truth, I pray you will open the eyes of the persecutors in Kenya. I pray you would remove their hearts of stone and give them new ones. Please protect those who love you. And I pray the gospel message will be shared even more in the time of great persecution. In Jesus Name, Amen
Lord Jesus, send Warring Angels to protect Your people here. In JESUS’ name….amen
In addition to all these great recommendations for prayer, I would also suggest we pray that the Lord provide our Kenyon brothers and sisters the appropriate equipment for self-defense, just as He did the Jews in the city of Susa in the Book of Esther.