Dave Kubal: The Government Shall Be on His Shoulder
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Dave Kubal: The Government Shall Be on His Shoulder
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end . . . (Isaiah 9:6–7).
At the center of the announcement of the birth of Christ is the message that government is this Child’s responsibility. It is Christ who shoulders the responsibility for government. It is not an accident that this statement is inserted in the middle of the announcement of His coming and His purpose. This statement about His government could be easily glossed over. But it is a vital part of the announcement of His coming, and the roles He will play.
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As we look through history, we see the counterintuitive manner in which Christ accomplishes this responsibility for government: personal governance and civil governance.
Personal governance is the foundation.
The selfless message of hope and love is the most compelling in all of human history. Our Creator was willing to limit Himself to the form of a human body, live a spotless life, and then die a criminal’s death in order to provide for our forgiveness. This is such an appealing and personal message that it is still attracting and changing lives two thousand years later. This Christ Child’s governance over individuals’ lives does not come through compulsion or external restraint, but rather through the message of sacrifice, love, and forgiveness.
We see this when we look at the sheer numbers of adherents to the Christian faith which have grown through every century since the first. The few hundred believers there were at the beginning have grown to number now over 2.5 billion, about one-third of the world’s population. A simple glance at the trend lines will show that there is no other world religion that will eclipse the influence of Christian believers upon the individuals around them. The individual governance of this Child continues to increase.
Our Savior’s governance is increasing in the civil arena as well.
God’s increasing rule is not limited to individuals only. It also encompasses nations. We know that just as every individual has a God-ordained divine purpose and a destiny, so does every nation. Founding Father Patrick Henry said it best: “There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations.”
Through the centuries, earthly rulers and kings have attempted to extend their territory through control, military advancement, and even conquest; by contrast, the civil governance of the Christ Child advances through an opposite tactic: freedom.
The heart cry for freedom is embedded in each of us and is evidence that we are birthed in the image of our Creator. This God-given right is divine in its origin and irrevocably endowed to each person. The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness comes through self-reliance and self-restraint within the moral code of God.
In our own nation, the restlessness created by the longing for a government that protects individual rights and freedoms continued to simmer in human minds until the American Revolution. At the core of this revolution was the Christ Child’s concept of individual liberty and an eternal moral code superseding the authority of kings. Our Founding Fathers gave birth to the freest nation in the history of the world by declaring independence from Great Britain and then adopting the Constitution of the United States.
Our Constitution, based on the biblical principle that it is God who creates laws, enabled the United States to become a beacon of liberty and freedom for the entire globe for centuries. Humankind will forever marvel at the advances freedom took through the United States. The increase of His governance is fueled by our God-given thirst for freedom.
As we celebrate this Christmas, let’s embrace and be thankful for the long view of the increase of His government through our personal lives and in our nation.
How are you praying for the increase of His government? Share your prayers and scriptures below.
(Photo Credit: Canva)
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Thank you Father for hearing the prayers of the intecessors and exposing and ultimately shutting down ALL corruption in our government, and bringing those involved into just judgment. IN Jesus name
Lord, please keep us from evil and deliver us from the “evil one.”
Have mercy on our “Beloved America!” And please may our leaders turn
to you for help and wisdom to keep us “free.”Thank You for bringing your
Son to us so that we may have eternal life.” For give us!
Turn our hearts and minds back to you Almighty Father. Let us know of your redemption, forgiveness, eternal life for all who believe in your son, Jesus. Have mercy on us as we place our complete trust in you alone. Thank you for all your goodness, love, grace, and mercy. In Jesus name I pray.
Amen Fra!
Thank you Father God for your son Jesus and that your son has carried the burden for many and we thank you for your covenant that you made with America forgive us Lord for turning away from you and now we turn back to you Lord in your mercy and your grace we give you thanks and praise in the name of Jesus… Amen
I thank you Father for Your dear Son, Jesus Christ. You, Father, gave us Your only begotten Son for the ransom of many to follow Him who was (and is) the first fruit of many sons & daughters.
We are those who have elected to accept the magnanimous act of love. (A free gift who no one could ever hope to repay!) The free gift given to all mankind in order to reconcile us all to God the Father! The Lord Most High wishes for no one to perish.
Your extraordinary act of love is such a contrast to our current world governments. It is horrible to see the way that leaders of many nations sacrifice their very own countrymen, women and children for the sake of their own selfish ambitions. These world leaders seek only to increase their own rule & authority through intimidation & control perpetrated through plan and schemes of fear, worry & anxiety.
If the nations and their world leaders would only see God the Father’s way of governing the people as our forefathers did in the 18th century when our great country was birthed, we would see a much more caring, compassionate and loving society instead of the forces of evil & destructive nature in our government today.
Let it be known that where there is strife & envy there is every evil work manifested. We have seen these despicable acts of lawlessness occurring in our own beloved country right before our very eyes at such an alarming rate as of late. It is hard to imagine that our present day world would be in such a chaotic the state just several decades ago.
Dear Lord God, my prayer is for You to instill within us Your precious Holy Spirit with the boldness, bravery & courage to stand for the Christian principles given to us through God’s Holy Word without compromise. May we as Americans see the Light of Jesus Christ eminate from within these shores and beyond like never before. I thank you Lord Jesus Christ for early founding fathers such Robert Hunt, John Winthrop & Robert Bradford who ultimately influenced the words written in the Constitution of the United States of America! This beloved land given to us by God that we call home!
May we never ever forget the sacrifices of our countryman who died to keep us & others free. May our liberty never be taken for granted and be a gift shared continually from one generation to the next. Let freedom reign once again over our country!
Thank you Father God for the Christ-child born on Christmas morning in a stable with the farm animals depicting the most humblest of births to be ever remembered for the ages. Come Lord Jesus! Even so Come! Come & take your rightful throne on this earth! I implore you dear King Jesus to return soon as you have promised you would! You will reign in your majesty from the sides of the North, the City of the our great King! Amen!
Thank you Phillip, what a refreshing prayer and His Glory to all. We are living in most amazing spiritual warfare & I believe God has not lost control nor ever will however, us Christians are the target and we should never allow fear set its deceitful roots into our New Born lives. (2 Tim 1:7) It’s been a fragrant walk that Speaks Life through the Holy Bible (Word of God). This is the air I breathe and very thankful to have this opportunity to shine His light. Merry Christmas ’22
Father, Thank you for Christmas and Christ’s rule that we will see. Thank you for the promise that the government will be on his shoulders, that it will be perfect and glorious. Draw many into your kingdom this Christmas and next year. We praise your name.
In 1 Cor. 15: 22-24, For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him. Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power.
This scripture shows the principalities we wrestle with per Eph 6:12 will be destroyed after Christs return, and not before. Christ was given authority over them when he was crucified and rose again. We as believers have authority over them IN OUR LIVES. Christ in us will lead us into all truth and shield our minds from their evil influence. Satan is still the prince of this world and will not relinquish his power over the earth and our nation till Christ comes back. It is not our role to war against these principalities. God has a different plan for us as seen in Eph 3:9-13
Although I am less than the least of all the Lord’s people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the boundless riches of Christ, and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things. His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. I ask you, therefore, not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you, which are your glory.
Rather than fight them, we are to demonstrate the manifold wisdom of God to them. I believe the purpose of this interaction fits in with God’s overall plan to redeem mankind and even all of creation, which will occur when Christ delivers the Kingdom to God when He returns. Our hope is in our glory ruling and reigning with Him in eternity. It is not in a restored America. We should pray for our rulers as in 1 Tim 2:1-2, so we may live peaceful lives. We can intercede for our nation because of the sinful ways of its people. But our hope is in something much greater that has been planned since the time of creation. It is this hope that will sustain us to go through the trials we see today in our nation. I believe it was this same hope that allowed Stephen to stand and be stoned to death by the Pharisees. This was a demonstration of the manifold wisdom of God. And what purpose was there for his death? Saul was standing there watching the whole ordeal. What role did Stephens death play in Paul’s ministry? Is it possible that our best interests here on earth may not be served when we are part of God’s plan to redeem the entire universe?
So let’s keep in mind that God has a much bigger plan for all of mankind. With this understanding, we will not be tossed to and fro by every discouraging news report.
So let’s us pray for our nation for the right reasons and be mindful of God’s bigger plan and remember only faith in Christ can deliver anyone out of this sinful world. We are the Body to deliver this message and demonstrate the love of Christ to a fallen world.
Father God we as Christians always need to read your word and understand every word that you are commanding yes the government is on Jesus’s shoulders we need to continue to press into Lord and to pray diligently so we can see a move like we’re seeing now Lord some of us have seen you moved in mysterious ways let us continue to keep our eyes above and not blow on this Earth You will be done on Earth as it is in heaven you are Almighty all powerful and in charge of everyone and everything let us remember if we do not press into you if we do not put you first if we do not pay attention to you you will turn and wait until we do thank you Lord for everything for giving your son for giving yourself
Dear Dave, This was a wonderful post! I forwarded it to the 8th grade History teacher and our Administrator at the Classical Christian School where I teach First Grade.
Thank you.
Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants.
Leviticus 25:10 inscription on Liberty Bell.
I so agree, we need to be watchman on the wall. Living instruments for His Kingdom. Get involved stand behind godly candidates. Attend school board meetings. Be informed to real news. Pray without ceasing. We are each accountable to help turn the tide of evil by being lights in this dark nation!
Thank you for joining in with Holy SPIRIT’S push to the body of Christ to bring our petitions of judgment to the courts of heaven. It is God who judges, we must abide in His judgment. His government will have no end.
The government shall be upon His shoulder, I believe, refers to his Millenial Reign at His Second Coming. This is something that we have YET to experience. Come quickly, Lord!
Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven is a kingdom prayer which Jesus taught. He is King, now, not in the sweet by and by. The government Is upon His shoulder. I submit now, allowing Him to rule and reign forever and ever.
The Gospel of the Kingdom vs. The Gospel of Salvation
Abba! Lord Jesus! We worship you, our God and righteous ruler! Thank you for the privilege of coming to you and laying our burdens down at your feet. We lay down the heavy burdens of seeing, grieving and interceding (for) the evil we see in our local, state and National governments and governments around the world. You say: Come unto me all ye who are weary and heavy ladened and you will give us rest. We come to you for rest and refreshment. We come to celebrate your and your righteous government. We declare and decree our local, state, and national governments are upon your shoulders! As we rest from our labors of prayer and intercession, we give you praise. Like Boaz, you go to the ‘city gates’ to be our Redeemer and make things right as we rest at your feet. You are the only One who can reverse the evil in our land, Father. The government is upon your shoulders. May YOUR kingdom come and YOUR will be done on earth AS IT IS being done in heaven. You rule and reign with power, with truth, with wisdom and understanding, counsel and might! Yo are a holy, righteous God! We, like Ruth, wait expectantly for you to return from the city gates and show us you have redeemed us from this present darkness covering our world shine forth your light and glory! Bring glory to your name! Disperse the evil one out of our land and the nations of the world. Be lifted up and draw all men to you! Raise up people who are called by your name and follow you and your ways, individuals joined in relationship to you, modern day Levites, to carry your presence on their shoulders and into every local, state, federal, and world governing bodies. Redeem us Lord. We are weary of all the evil that is happening around us. Come, Lord Jesus, come! We welcome you to be in our government. We welcome you back into our land and into the hearts of every man, woman, and child. The evil one has tried to remove every trace of you. Forgive us for not being vigilant and watchful in prayer. Forgive us for sleeping when we should have been awake. Thank you for waking us up! We declare and decree what the enemy meant for evil, you will use it for your glory! Release and fuel the revival fires! Send us fresh wind and fire of your Holy Spirit! Having done all, all we stand on you, the Rock of our salvation! We stand in your presence with the blood of Jesus applied to ourselves whereby you declare of righteous! Thank you for sending your only begotten Son, to save us from our sin! Thank you for your great plan of salvation! Thank you for the great rescue and harvest you have planned for this generation! Show us your glory! Strengthen us in our inner man with might! Let us be strong and courageous and the coming days, weeks, and year! Glory to you, our God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom Your favor rests! Thank you, Abba! Thank you Jesus for your great and glorious plan! Glory, glory, Hallelujah! Your truth is marching on! We worship and adore you both now and forevermore! in Jesus name we pray, Amen and amen!
Luanne thank you for that glorious prayer-,I just prayed it with you.
Dear Family Of God,
Merry Christmas!
On Sunday Dec. 18th, as I was praying the Lord gave me a prophetic word for His people for this very hour. It was powerful & much needed at this
time. While praying, the Lord dropped Is. 9:6 into my spirit & I heard Him speak this scripture. But, He spoke it, He ILLUMINATED something
that I have never seen before. Please prayerfully receive His powerful & sobering words:
The Lord says: “I come to My people because I love them with an everlasting love. For in THAT love I demonstrated the reality of LIFE IN Me, as I came to Earth, born as a babe, lying in a manger. I need My people to see the truth of what I have done, for I did MUCH more than
what most of My people have comprehended. For, if you will look at what I spoke in Isaiah 9:6, I told you “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his
name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The
everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace”.
For over 2000 years now My people, as well as numerous others in the world over the years have read this & taken it for what they thought it said, but few have seen what I actually INCLUDED in THAT verse. For I
said the Government would BE UPON HIS SHOULDER, yet most, if any have ever seen what I ready said. Can you see it NOW? I ask this to help you
to understand. Where is His shoulder? His shoulder IS part of HIS BODY. His Body IS the BODY OF CHRIST, His Church! As you will take hold of
what I have NOW revealed, you will be ABLE to accomplish MORE in heavenly places in Me, than ever before, for I give you the understanding of WHO you REALLY ARE!
For so long, My people have NOT seen or known this TRUTH! Think back to the time when I birthed My church nearly 2000 years ago. My people were
led of Me & I RAISED THEM UP & they did EXPLOITS in My name. They TOOK the kingdoms of this world & SUBDUED them, by their SPIRITUALAUTHORITY.
My people had such an IMPACT that the government came UNDER ME for a season. I tell you that THIS was a FIRST FRUIT of what is yet to COME!
For I WILL NOW again RISE UP within My people & My people WILL again INFLUENCE the governments of this world. The time has come for My people
to BE My people & DO the things I have called them to DO!
Will you take hold of what I am DECLARING unto you this day & RUN forward IN Me & DO the things I lead you to do? For My call has NOW gone out & I AM going to ENDUE My people with My POWER & GREAT authority, as they will RISE UP IN ME! I await those who will truly HEAR My words & RESPOND unto Me with their lives! Come to Me, My people & I will cause you to MARCH forth in TRIUMPH & VICTORY! For the time of great REVIVAL has come & those who will RISE up in Me will SEE Me do GREAT things in the time ahead. Take HOLD of Me & My words in this hour & you will not
be disappointed, says the Lord!”
Merry Christmas!
Love & blessings,
Pastors Mark & Julie Moore
Revival-Fire Church
[email protected]
Very interesting revelation. How often we read the Word and don’t see what He’s saying until Holy Spirit illuminates and interprets His Word. Thank you for sharing. You might want to submit this prophetic word to Elijah List. Merry Christmas and blessings to you as well!
Hello Sis. Mary, thank you for your gracious reply! Amen to your words! Actually we did submit this to Elijah List, but apparently we don’t have their word submission email address…we sent it to only address we had & it was returned “undeliverable”. If you know the proper email, please let us know. Thanks & Merry Christmas!
As the American government and major media outlets turn against the people of the nation, it is wise to remember that Jesus will return and rule over all. Merry Christmas and keep the faith alive.
Jesus Christ is always King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!! Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory be forever! Merry Christmas to all!🌟🎄