I Prayed have prayed
Lord, show me what Iā€™m missing. Show me what You are doing in this hour. Remove any root of pride, offense, or deception that may be in operation in my life and help me to see from Your perspective.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Not only do we hear rumor of secession because of the deep political division in our nation, but also we hear it within the Church. While I understand these words in the world, I struggle with this deep division among the family of God.

On Sunday a prominent author and teacher took to Twitter to say she has ā€œnever seen anything in these United States of America I found more astonishingly seductive & dangerous to the saints of God than Trumpism.ā€

On another front, a trusted prophetic voice stated, ā€œBecause the American Church has refused a Great Awakening in 2020, behold a Rude Awakening is coming in 2021. Rejoice knowing the remnant will arise from her slumber next yearā€¦ā€ (emphasis mine).

Even among the prophets we hear vastly different words. Some declare revival and others declare Godā€™s impending destruction of America. What are we to believe?

For the record, I personally disagree with both of the above statements. There IS a remnant within the Church that is already in repentance and crying out to God. In just the last three months we have seen more than one million believers flood the streets of Washington, D.C. While they are in support of President Trump, it isnā€™t ā€œTrumpism.ā€ To make this about Trump is to miss the bigger picture in my opinion. There is a remnant of believers worshiping, interceding, and crying out to God for intervention, justice, and revival.

I believe we are watching a holy turnaround. Will there be a ā€œrude awakeningā€ for some in 2021? Yes, no doubt. But I donā€™t think we can say that the Church, as a whole, has refused to awaken. The question is why do we hear so many diverse voices? Because He has told us, ā€œOnce more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.ā€ The words ā€œonce moreā€ indicate the removing of what can be shakenā€”that is, created thingsā€”so that what cannot be shaken may remain. (Heb 12:26-27 NIV).

In order to not be shaken our foundation must be the Word of God.

I believe what we see right now is a spiritual infection at pandemic levels. Things we see in the natural are simply indicators of things going on in the spiritual. The natural is a mirror of the supernatural.

What is this spiritual pandemic? It is a virus with a progression which can be seen over and over both past and present. It has continued from one generation to another because the needed ā€œvaccineā€ is often overlooked or rejected.

We can see the symptoms everywhereā€”offense, rage, murderous intent, to name a few. But these are simply indicators of the deeper problem infecting the heart.

This spiritual virus is far more deadly than COVID-19 or Ebola. Its death rate, unless the cycle is stopped, is 100 percent. The tragedy is many are infected and donā€™t even realize it. Recognizing infection is critical in obtaining the cure. But that can be difficult.

This is how I discovered the existence of this spiritual virus. (As you read, consider if you have experienced it personally and how we have seen this enacted in our society today.)

Several years ago, I was in a business relationship with four individuals. At the time I would have called them close friends. Until one day, all four relationships started to head south at a dramatic rateā€”all at the exact same timeā€”for reasons that didnā€™t add up. It was nothing short of bizarre. It was like someone flipped a switch and crazy took over. The outrage I encountered was highly disproportionate to any issue on the table. Phone calls turned into verbal lashings and accusations. Business contracts were broken. I called each one to have a conversation and uncover the root behind the sudden shift. Even that triggered anger and justification. All were Christians. One of the individuals was president of a ministry and responded, ā€œI train people how to avoid anger and conflict. Iā€™m not angry and I donā€™t need to talk to you.ā€ Rather than meeting with me for a conversation to discuss the issue, she doubled down, completely convinced she was acting in a ā€œgodlyā€ manner.

The harder I worked to see these relationships repaired, the deeper the damage, as anger turned to rage. But it didnā€™t stop there. Eventually it turned to murderous intent to destroy my business, if not me. I sought counsel and advice from numerous sources to gain insight. But all to no avail. No one had any concrete insights after I explained the situations I encountered.

This virus creates rage, division, and attack–even from godly leaders. For example, a pastor recently fired one of his trusted employees after the employee made a political post on his personal social media page. But rather than dealing with the issue at a private level as Matthew 18:18 instructs and have the employee make an apology on his own social media site where the post took place, the pastor took the issue to his large social media platform. On a much larger scale he announced the issue and the firing. He went so far as to post a picture of himself with the person his employee had denounced. What should have been a private correction became an attack and public shaming of the employee. Yet it sounded as if they patted themselves on the back for the way the situation was handled, honestly believing it was the right thing to do.

The pastor saw it as a godly approach. The problem was it wasnā€™t a biblical approach. He handled it that way because of the infection. It seemed right, even logical to him, but it wasnā€™t rooted in the Word of God. It is the Word of God that must be our foundation so that we are not shaken.

None of us want to be on the wrong side of what is taking place. And letā€™s face it, our tendency is to always think we are on the right side of this issue. As a result, we are all susceptible to this virus because pride and jealousy is the entry level of the infection. Once we open that door, it leads to offense, which is always followed by deception. These are the first three levels of the progression.

(Note: If you want to learn about the entire spiritual progression, how to recognize it, and how to walk free from it, I go into detail of each phase in the book, Infected: How to Stop the Global Spread of Deception, Rage and Insanity. Click here to learn more.

Once we are infected in an area, we are unable to see what is actually happening around us. We may still have sight in some areas, but blind in others until the virus progresses and eventually takes over. All of us have been infected at one time or another.

Just as many believe that the greatest need right now is for a vaccine for COVID, the true ā€œvaccineā€ we need is for this spiritual virus. The good news is it is available. It begins when we humble ourselves before the Lord and ask Him, ā€œLord, if there is any root of pride that is in my life, please remove it. If there is any area in which I have been deceived, please reveal it. Show me what Iā€™m missing.ā€

We are in the days in which the Bible says, Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction (2 Thes 2:3 ESV).

Rebellion and lawlessness are roaming our land at unprecedented levels.

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. (2 Tim 3:1-5 ESV).

This Scripture is being fulfilled before our eyes.

We are all susceptible to this virus. If you say you arenā€™t, you are already infected. May each of us humble ourselves before Him to pray:

Lord, show me what Iā€™m missing. Show me what You are doing in this hour. Remove any root of pride, offense, or deception that may be in operation in my life and help me to see from Your perspective.

Then wait and see what He says.


Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma, CBN.com, The Elijah List, etc.

To order her new book: ā€œINFECTED: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception and Insanityā€ click here. To join the city-by-city prayer movement to save our nation go to: www.city-by-city.org. For additional information on her ministry, business or to sign up for her prophetic blog go to: www.karenhardin.comĀ or you can contact her atĀ www.prioritypr.org. (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

Share your prayers in the comments below!

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Jack Pattison
December 18, 2020

Unfortunately this spiritual virus has infected my family of origin. We used to be close and now we are split between pro Trump and anti Trump. I am now very uncomfortable emailing them.

Ron Greene
December 16, 2020

I hear you. I have watched this disease rear its ugly head in the early 1970s and slither forward over the years.

Then, around 2000, the start of the new millennium, something happened. It was as if people finally chose sides: God or the Devil. People held fast to their delusions and defended them with a ferocity that was truly frightening. It has become more pronounced since. Now, the followers of the Devil are at war with the followers of God. There is no more rational discussion and “agreeing to disagree.” It has devolved into a blind, murderous hatred of each other!

Many of the people walking the streets today belong in mental institutions! I think back to the 1960s and my teenage years in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, N.Y. The enemy was everywhere, but even then, the enemy was at least rational. I felt safer in the Projects than I do, today. I never dreamed it would come to this.

The TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) is ubiquitous and without reason. Donald Trump is one of the greatest presidents I have seen in my lifetime. He has done so much good for us and truly cares about America and her people. And this is the thanks he gets?! The hatred isn’t against Donald Trump; it’s against what’s holy and good.

Armageddon is just around the corner.

    Beth Beck
    December 18, 2020

    The biggest problem is that people, especially the church are deceived and divided over the ability and reasoning of God. He has chosen to use Trump in this hour to protect, defend and show this Nation of people what is going on In the spiritual realm. Unfortunately some donā€™t want to believe that God would use him to bring about His plan. But the Bible clearly tells us that His ways are not our ways His ways are higher than our ways. So this is where the deception and division of the church comes in. So many will say we are worshiping Trump, no we are not, we are worshiping the Creator who has chosen to use POTUS to open our eyes to the spiritual battle that is around us. We are supposed to be putting on the full armor of God and praying His will be done on this earth. That is our part.

    So Father, in the name of Jesus, Lord, we pray Your will be done right here as it is in heaven.
    Father God where we are infected with unbelief and division please open the eyes of our hearts to see what is truth.Lord your Word is truth,sanctify us by this Truth. Build us up in most holy faith And forgive us where we have failed to listen and receive the things that you are trying to show us and tell us.

      Ron Greene
      December 18, 2020

      You are right, Beth. We want answers; we get them. . .too many of them. Information overload is one of the Devil’s tactics to confuse God’s children. You will always find God’s truth in your heart, if you are quiet and listen.

December 16, 2020

What an EXCELLENT post; I hope your book does well.
I see that Trump has done much for America, so I think that it is wonderful to support him against the voter fraud.
NOW I see that Christianity (& Jesus) is the foundation for America, and without Christianity COMING FIRST, democracy is empty and easily subverted.

The splitting and division of the nation and the church was deliberate and done by unrighteous people and unclean spirits.

1. personally spend time thanking God the Father that you are forgiven and healed by the death and stripes of the Lord God Jesus Christ — if you haven’t repented your sins, do it now, and ask God to reveal any hidden sin in your past or your ancestors’ past and vow to repent anything unclean that comes up. This will build up your relationship with God, but won’t necessarily help your with people or the world. To do that, we need to put God’s Word into action…

2. Get a real Bible and read it, God works in His word. The best that I have found is the NKJV (based on the greek majority manuscripts — see Maurice Robinson and William Pierpont) and Brenton’s Septuagint. I recommend getting the NKJV with greek interlinear — the greek word carries the meaning. The NKJV is very similar to the KJV; the biggest differences is in the book of Revelation (see Jack Moorman for research into these differences). If you can get a digital Bible, some are nice with the greek dictionary and concordance built-in and quick to use. This will help you get around the “critical-text” perversions which were built on a false theory that the Codex Sinaiticus and Vaticanus were the best manuscripts (in truth, parts of these two were altered for a jesuit agenda to discredit the authority of the Bible “counter-reformation”). The Septuagint will help you get around rabbi Akiba’s (famous jewish witch) perversions (see “One for Israel” for some excellent teachings about how the rabbis altered scripture to deceive people). Your Bible should have the correct version of 1 timothy 3:16, I Cor. 6:9, romans 8:1, and a complete Mark 16. Put it on your nightstand/kitchen table/etc and try to read at least a few verses (or a chapter) every day. (“e-sword” might be a nice digital Bible for some)

3. Pick a day of the week (sabbath), sunday, saturday, any day, it does not matter (no, the “day” is not the mark of the beast, it should be clear by now that this will be an identifying mark/tattoo/device for mass human/economic control that will initially or later signify “Lordship” of Satan or an Antichrist beast empire (see book of Daniel) over the person (eg personally renouncing Jesus as Lord)). Use this day for learning God’s Word, praying and doing the things God commands in the Bible. Make it Holy to God, and use it to grow in learning and serving God; keep it so that you grow in God at least one day every week. Make sure you know the 10 commandments and the law of the gospel (*all* of John 3) — these are eternal and do not change, God never abrogates them. (If you want to stop the mark of the beast, ask your law-makers to enact a law announcing that “Jesus is Lord over the heavens and the earth and all things in them by the Eternal Decree of God the Father of the Living. And that no creature can treat a human as property because they are male or female made in the image of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And that no human may carry or add/receive a mark for the purpose of denying that Jesus is Lord over all Creation, or identifying the person as property, or controlling the life of that person, or controlling the commerce or finances of that person. Any such marks/tattoos/devices must be immediately removed from the body of any US citizen or any person living in the land of the USA. In short, Jesus is Lord over this entire creation, Satan lies against this, people are not property, and tattoos/identifying marks are for animals, and not people)

4. Churches need to do Mark 16 commands in each service: preaching the gospel, casting out unclean spirits, healing with the laying on of hands (and appropriate tongues, and praying for supernatural protection for believers). God doesn’t change and neither do His gifts and commandments. This can come after the service. It’s not easy, but we all need to learn it and start doing it.

5. God talks about “Israel being scattered” (in the spirit by idolatry and sin) in Ex:32:25.
This also happens in a less bloody way in Ezekiel:34:12
People in the church have been scattered by ungodliness, lawlessness, and religious/political intrigue, as well as by various actor’s selfish ambitions and vainglory.
We should pray that God sends Jesus to *drive* His church (“ekklesia: chosen ones”) back to His truth and His Word from wherever they have been scattered to.
When they are so humbled and seeking the truth, we should encourage them and help them grow in the truth and the admonition of God’s Word.

6. We have to walk in the truth and in Christ, obey the truth & Christ , and love the truth & Christ. And that means examining our *our* foundations (eg use the 10 commandments). It is easy to wander off after a pretty face or a fair-sounding teaching or participate in ungodly abominations (idolatry and covetousness is like an exit door from God’s covenant, at the very least it brings defilement and curses). Ecclesiastes ends by warning man that we will be judged for our sins and our *overlooked* sins. We need to find and repent those overlooked sins. And just as the gospel: Repentance toward the God the Father and Faith Toward the Lord God Jesus Christ, saves our soul from eternal destruction, so too, does it work in our *continual* sanctification from the ungodliness and lawlessness of this world and its ruling devil that filters like water into our lives. Turn off your television and disconnect your cable if it is filling your life with ungodliness and evil. You can look up what you need on the internet using your own volition and needs. You are supposed to be a servant of God, and not programmed by the rulers of this world.

7. There are principal demons working over our cities and countries (we sure saw this during the election). They are easy to identify; just look at the prevailing sins in your area, or rising populations of antichrist religions/groups (eg marxist “churches” — remember, God’s church *agrees* with His Word, not gainsays it). As a group of believers, we need to pray against these, asking God to forgive the sins in our land, and bind up the unclean spirits and frustrate those performing the evil works of these spirits, and ask God to scatter their plans, foundations/”charities”/establishments, help and strength. We should also pray that God saves these people, so that they can serve God by helping expose and reprove the dirty deeds being done in the darkness.

Christianity and the Lord God Jesus Christ is the ONLY strength of a country or nation (and only protection from God’s warth) — nothing substitutes!
Please let me know what you think.
God bless you all!

December 16, 2020

The division in the church and amongst Christians has been the most difficult aspect of this entire ordeal. In fact, we had a sit down with our pastor the other day. For months we have questioned the teachings, the veil of fear that rests over him, the lack of spiritual insight into anything going on in the world. This is the first time we have found ourselves church-less. We have moved around a lot & always found a church first thing. Unfortunately, we could not come to an agreement. We are not allowed to come into the church or worship without a mask (his rules, not the cityā€™s), and he will be first in line to get the vaccine with zero hesitation (his words). Yet! I donā€™t want to be sinning! Lord Jesus, if my husband and I are wrong or deceived in any way, please reveal it to us. Convict our hearts. We in no way want to cause division. This has never happened to us. Yet many that I know are leaving the church because of this veil of fear that rests over it. The pastors are afraid and/or wonā€™t stand up for the cultural issues of our day. They preach about things that are not relevant to what is going on right now. Lord Jesus, forgive us. Heal our land! Heal your Church! Remove the veil of deceit!

    December 16, 2020

    Fear is how you drive people. You can pray against spirits of fear in the church and ask God to reveal the truth to people. Personally, I am not an anti-vaxxer. However, I am concerned about problems with mRNA vaccines and allergic reactions. But there are non-mRNA vaccines being worked on, too. Also, I heard a very-good sounding report from the senate about excellent results with treatment with Ivermectin, that, if true, would remove almost all risk from this virus. I would like to hear more about the use of ivermectin.
    No human should be tattooed or microchipped; we are supposed to be marked with the Holy Spirit as belonging to God and not to man (or the devil).
    God bless and your family!

    Jane Fain
    December 17, 2020

    Brooke, your family might do well to hold church in your own house. Mark Taylor, the prophet, has recommended this for those on America who are attending an apostate church(or a church heading that way). Get on Youtube, go to The Mcfiles with Christopher McDonald and contact Mark or Chris through their form of communication and find out how to start a home church, then get together with people from your church who are dissatisfied and start one. Hope this helps.

BM Rowell
December 16, 2020

I do appreciate your info and direction in your article. However, you took a quote from JJM out of context to make it sound different from what the full message was. You need to go back and hear his full message day in and day out, week after week and year in and year out!

December 15, 2020

Lord have your way in me, I don’t want to have my own way. There’s a way that seems right to me, but it leads to death.

December 15, 2020

We wrestle not with flesh and blood!!!!
Thank you for your instruction to the body. This is Soo very timely.

December 15, 2020

Joe Biden bad! Donald Trump good!

December 15, 2020

Philippians 3
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained.

It seems to me that Paul’s view was live up to the level of maturity that you have attained. I love that he says, “If on some point you think differently,…” He knew that certain church members would disagree with others. He trusted that God would make all things clear in His own time.

December 15, 2020

1 Peter 1 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance INCORRUPTIBLE and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

6 In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been [c]grieved by various trials, 7 that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ…

Lord God help us each to live on that higher plane of the spiritual realm, far above pettiness and pride. I pray the things of earth would be dimmer than the things of heaven, that they would not be all-consuming. I pray that as you root out corrupt people in the halls of our government in this nation, you would replace them with incorruptible people – people who are not susceptible to bribes or blackmail. People who care more for others than themselves. People who hate unjust gain. People like President Trump who somehow has such a clean record that 4 years of persecution has not taken him down. Thank you for blessing him with so much wealth; he cares nothing for money in politics. He just does what is good for people. We need more like him, Lord. Thank you for taking care of us. In Jesus Name. Amen.

December 15, 2020

A second civil war may be necessary to save our freedom. We are the last free nation with any power left. Once we fall, so does the rest of the world. Next step – one world govt.

December 15, 2020

I have to say that I believe we would all be better off if social media had never been invented. It does so much damage & people will say things they would never say in person.

That said,this article certainly made me ask those questions of myself.

As the hymn, “Search Me, O God,” says, “see if there be any wicked way in me”

December 15, 2020

I agree with the article that the person who talked about Trumpism is missing the point. I also find the use of that improvised word very offensive and even ignorant. This is about much more than a man, considering what is on the Democrat platform. It is about loss of freedom, including religious freedom which apparently doesn’t bother her very much. I am dismayed that I sat under her teaching for awhile.

Jim Matush
December 15, 2020

WOWWW!!! Well said and particularly appreciate the personal example that has indeed affected me within my own family. It is a spiritual infection!! Thank you for this message Lord!

    Sue Lemke
    December 15, 2020

    My family has been infected too. There is a clash between a Social Justice church and a Bible Church (us) .. it is causing my husband and I to learn how to deal with it in a Christlike way…it is very difficult.

Linda k Rice
December 15, 2020

You need to name those mentioned in the beginning of this article. Beth Moore I understand said that about Trumpism. The other “trusted” voice…who said it?

    Karen Hardin
    December 15, 2020

    Hi Linda,

    The point of the article isn’t to call out those who have made these statements but instead to point out concern and how to recognize possible infection with the spiritual virus.

      December 15, 2020

      Then you should never have mentioned the comments.

        Pastor Don
        December 15, 2020

        I know that John Piper came out with a post on Desiring God about two weeks before the election and stated that he would not be voting for Trump and explaining why he did not feel that Trump was fit to be president. Very disappointing and no doubt influenced many evangelicals not to vote.

          Janice Fortney
          December 19, 2020

          I agree. I think Piper did a big disservice to the Christian community in broadcasting his intent not to vote. While President Trump may not be a perfect picture of moralityā€”what politician isā€”he did much good for the American people, particularly with his pro-life position, his push for the preservation of religious freedom and SCOTUS appointments. If the democrats gain control, all of that good will go down the drain. All pastors ought to encourage their congregation to vote, which sometimes means voting for the ā€œ lesser evil.ā€

        Jane Fain
        December 17, 2020

        I agree with Linda’s response. I was deep into Chuck Missler Bible teachings when Beth Moore came along and had no interest in following her.

December 15, 2020

A very timely and needed article. There is much division in the body of Christ right now, yet I see great movement between all sorts of members of the body of Christ in unity. When the body of Christ stays in repentance before God and then takes ongoing steps in uniting for the defense of the word of God and it’s commands, then we are progressing in the direction God commands us to. It’s not easy. We have been an independent society and that mindset has affected the body of believers in negative ways.
I sense that our “entertainment driven”, “instant gratification” society has also affected believers much greater than we realize – not for the better. We may not want to admit that but it’s true.
The body of Christ across our nation has begun to wake up. I believe that. “the Return” this year was a starting point. Some Christians still mistake that it was a “one & done” event. No – God doesn’t work that way.
As an example, God has to continually work on extracting the hidden hate in my heart for those who are and have defrauded, used and discarded the citizens of our nation in pursuit of their self-serving lust for power. Using the laws of the land and titles and offices to only further agendas, people like that I struggle with – especially stooping to such levels of evil. I’m like anyone – I desire justice but I must be careful that the justice I desire is aligned with mercy. God has to constantly remind me that I was once lost and deceived. That always helps to bring me back to ground zero – the love and mercy of Jesus and salvation for someone that never deserved it.

Pastor Don
December 15, 2020

Interesting read.

Always remember, we would still be a British colony were it not for secession. Sometimes it is the only remedy. Our form of government was based on a “compact” (ie: contract). If the compact is broken, then The Founders held that the member states had a right AND a responsibility to dissolve the compact.

Like you, I pray this can be resolved without such measures. But I don’t reject that as an option.

    December 15, 2020

    Agreed. History – FACT based history is a great teacher. Today’s history being taught (revisionist) is a joke.
    That is why there has been such an intense, yet quiet background movement by the satanically inspired left to change, purge, alter or hide real history.

    Karen L Hardin
    December 15, 2020

    Nor I. The point wasn’t whether we are there or not, but about how to recognize the spiritual virus infecting many.

Janet McRae
December 15, 2020

Please pray for me, I am infected. I have such rage at what is going on in our country, and feel so helpless. I’m chronically depressed from it, and I believe that is from repressed anger. I pray constantly, read the word daily, and I am aware I have this problem. I want to see the evil people destroyed. I believe in prayer, but I also believe in action. I know it is God who will avenge. On the other hand, wasn’t David and the Israelites warriors? Didn’t God stop the plague when Phinehas stabbed the Israelite man and Midianite woman having sex in a tent? Jesus raged at the moneychangers in the temple and overturned their tables. I think their is division happening in the church because we have remained silent for too long and let the enemy gain ground. We are too complacent and heavenly minded. God commanded us to be salt and light. To take dominion over the earth. We Christians have obviously failed in doing so. Just look at our own country! Too busy with church. Not willing to serve God in government office and places of leadership (not just church). I heard the Lord’s voice, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” I believe I’m infected, but the infection is leading me back to more prayer and praise, and keeping my eyes on Jesus in all circumstances. I am going to fight in every way possible against the evil invading our country. When persecution comes, I will not go quietly.

    Sharon S
    December 15, 2020

    Interesting that as I was to study the Word of God today my Bible was opened to Psalm 51which is David pleading for mercy…forgiveness …and cleansing. Read it and really soak in the words from that Psalm. It is healing. We thank you God for your word for we know you understand what we struggle with in this world and are quick to forgive us when we repent of our unrighteousness. Help us to walk out our days in your love and wisdom. In Jesus name we pray.

      Sharon S
      December 15, 2020

      Also we are never to give in or give up. David never gave up he trusted in God to deliver him. We must stay strong in the Lord.

    Karen Hardin
    December 15, 2020

    Hi Janet,

    Thank you for your transparency. It shows how we can be for right things but still be overtaken by the virus. The good news is you recognize it. Yes we need to pray AND act. But we cannot allow the anger at unrighteousnees to overtake us. When we refuse to let the infection gain a foothold, then although we are stirred to righteous indignation we aren’t consumed with hate toward our adversary. Yes Jesus overturned the money tables. He didnt hurt the money lenders physically. He took action to stop their unrighteous acts. So should be our response as we continue to pray for them and for justice.

    December 15, 2020

    Hi dear Janet, I understand. I struggle with great frustration and disappointment and sometimes anger with my brothers and sisters in Christ. A few things that help me are remembering we wage not against flesh and blood. That I don’t want to give place to the devil. And praising Him and putting on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness and confessing the joy of the Lord is my strength too.

    Though still standing in the gap for the Lord and doing what I can in the natural, I also have to cast my cares on the Lord for the yoke of this crisis is too much for me. It can get heavy and oppressive if I try to carry an ounce of it.

    God does however use our fire and righteous anger to fuel the fight that IS needed now though too.

    Passivity and silence in the face of evil is evil. Can’t remember who said a quote similar to that but it’s true. God bless you and prayers for you.

    His people must refuse to bow to evil and if necessary literally fight back but I pray it doesn’t come to that.

    Jane Fain
    December 17, 2020

    Janet, I would like to recommend joining a prayer conference call to help you vent your anger through prayer. I try to get on it as many days as possible. It is a national one. It goes from 9:00 a.m. EST till 12:00 for those who can stay on it that long.
    The # is 712-770-4856 the code is 230273#
    This is an every day prayer call.

December 15, 2020

Excellent, beautiful, and heartbreaking at the same time. The Lord showed me similar, and I sometimes comment, “Any believer who believes they are above satanic deception is already deceived.”

When I was young in the Lord, I was too trusting and thought I was supposed to be a nice little Christian and also wrongly believed that just because someone held the title of pastor or some other church leadership title that “of course since they know and study the Word every day then they know what they are talking about and live it.” Boy was that a stupid assumption!

As time passed, I was left devasted and heartbroken by church leadership and believers in similar ways to what Karen described above. The more I walked with the Lord and sought after Him and His Holy Spirit, the more He opened my eyes to see that many, not all, but many often in leadership, don’t even follow the basic Word of God 101 standards. E.g. I called several churches to try to get them to do home visits for widows and special needs children who were homebound (I knew from online in other states), and NO ONE was available to visit them. A mega-church in Georgia literally said, “We don’t do that.” I could find no one to visit these women and their children to pray for them mainly. So, this is what drives many from churches. People start to know Jesus and His Word and gain eyes to see how far away many churches are from following what He says and loving as He commands.

BUT GOD! As our sister stated, the Lord always has a remnant to stand in the gap for Him and stand for Him and whose only agenda is His agenda. And praise God, I am moved to tears seeing many brothers and sisters stand unwavering for our President, America, the church, and what is right in His eyes. Those who won’t stand for hijacked elections, families, presidencies, wombs, this country, and even hijacked by satan churches.

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour,” (1 Pet 5:8).

It is the responsibility of every believer to take an active role in guarding against the enemy – sober, vigilant. To pray daily for eyes to see and ears to hear as the Lord does and for His wisdom in every circumstance. No one but the Lord can be trusted to lead you rightly and in truth. We must take everything we are taught, even by our own pastors, to the Lord to be sure that what they are teaching is of God and be ready to leave that church if what they teach is not of Him if they won’t repent.

The Word says Jesus brings a dividing sword to houses and what divides us is truly following Him and His Word, willingness to totally surrender to the Spirit, walking the narrow path with Him or staying on the wide path that leads to destruction. No believer is perfect outside of Christ, but our hearts can be continually for Him and He will help us grow to be more like Him with every passing moment.

    Karen Hardin
    December 15, 2020

    Daphne, so sorry for what you experienced. Unfortunately many have had similar experiences. The Church needs revival and restructuring as much as our government. My prayer is as we continue to intercede for our nation, that we will indeed see that revival and purifying fire come! Blessings.

      December 15, 2020

      Amen Karen! Crying out to the Lord for the church and its deliverance. My heart breaks seeing the enemy steal, kill, and destroy right inside the body and crush so many of His people. I’ve met many who’ve had similar experiences and it hurts me for them too and for the Lord. Standing in faith and in prayer in the gap for likewise. God bless you as well. <3

Yvonne Pendleton
December 15, 2020

Oh Father have mercy as you show us our heart in this difficult time. May we find the answer in your word that we can not see without supernatural sight.

Robin Brasiel
December 15, 2020

Great insight Karen.Have you read The Bait of Satan by John Bevere more revelant now than ever. Thank you for all you do ā¤

    Karen Hardin
    December 15, 2020

    Yes I have read it and I agree it is more relevant now than ever!

John Borgos
December 15, 2020

So true. How sad that the testimony of believers before the watching world is that of division and hatred, rather than love. Father forgive us, for we know not what we do, and teach us how to love. Start with me.

December 15, 2020

Father God I pray for a revival in our land. Help us to be humble before You and come with repentant hearts. Lord please help the Church arise to its civic duties and responsibilities. Remove any root of pride, arrogance, offense, and/or deception from me and help me see things from Your perspective. Protect Your remnant and this country. In Jesus name, Amen.

Linda Challoner
December 15, 2020

In CHRIST there is all of GOD in a human body, so you have everything when you have CHRIST, and you are filled with GOD through your union with CHRIST. HE is the highest Ruler, with authority over every other power. JESUS spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. We have power and authority like JESUS when we’re in CHRIST.

We have been given POWER and AUTHORITY over ALL of the work of darkness. We Declare and Decree that JESUS IS GLORIFIED in all of our lives. Signs, wonders and miracles are seen throughout our land. We trust YOU LORD and call upon YOU in everycircumstance.
In the name of JESUS.šŸ™šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ˜‡šŸ˜‡šŸ˜‡ā¤ļø

December 15, 2020

This is truly a beautiful and well written article with much truth beautifully woven into it.

I believe the ā€œinfectionā€ is more like a veil covering manā€™s heart.

2 Corinthians 4:3-4
And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.ā€

Without repentance the veil will not be lifted. The sheep are being separated from the goats and the wheat will be separated from the tares.

Jesus told us the Kingdom of Heaven would be like this; like weeds sown in a beautiful wheat field by the enemy.

May the God of truth and Justice draw many unto Himself and may we join Him with all of our hearts.

Carol Moyer
December 15, 2020

Father, I agree with this article. I pray you would remove from me sin of pride or deception from me and those I love. Help me,us to hear you and to repent of the that deafens us to what you are doing in this place. Lord, I am thankful for our president and he certainly is not my savior, but I know in my heart that you have used him to bless the people, and your children. For this I am grateful and pray you will continue to use him, in your precious holy name, Jesusā€”The name that is above all names, and every knee shall bow and profess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Amen.

Victoria Lynn Pierson
December 15, 2020

Our Heavenly Father – we cry out to you like never before – we cry out for your divine intervention and justice at this very time like never before. Father purge us of our wicked ways; gather us all in love and unity to work together for the better good of all of your creation. We pray this ever so hard in the name of Jesus Christ and as witness that the blood does what it knows to do. Amen. Amen.

Robin Prance
December 15, 2020

Dear Lord- humble me- humble our land. Turn our hearts back to you. Protect our freedoms while leading us not into temptation. Bless our nation, humble our leaders- protect our troops. Lead us in the way you have planned- your will be done today, tomorrow and forever. AMEN

Mary D
December 15, 2020

You are right Karen. Itā€™s all in the foundation of Godā€™s beautiful Word. Hearing it, reading it, speaking it, soaking in it. Something that hasnā€™t been done very much in the past 150 years. The enemy is stealthy. Every opportunity to distract with ā€œprogress,ā€ the American dream, of getting ahead. Busyness ,pleasure, work, and convenience became the lifestyle. It took precedence over time spent seeking God and time with family. The farther away we got the more ignorant we became. Discipleship was lost. Even many church leaders and pastors bought into it. The Word was no longer a priority. Excuses of no time, too busy, opened the doors to the religious spirit of doing ones duty( if any even do that anymore) and all that is antiChrist. May the joy of Gods Word be restored! I can testify to Jeremiah 15:16. His words were found and I ate them and Your Word to me was the joy and rejoicing of my ā¤ļø For I am called by Your Name, O Lord God of hosts. God honored my Babysteps of wanting to seek Him and know Him. Just start. Ask Him to help you and to give you the desire. I did and little by little He answered by giving me time. Now I need and want His Word everyday. and itā€™s true! It is eye opening both living and active!

    Karen L Hardin
    December 15, 2020

    Amen! That is the key and this is our opportunity to make Him King again in our lives and with priority to His Word.

Candace Waters
December 15, 2020

You hit the nail on the head. God, please deliver us all from pride, jealousy, deception, and offense. Grant us humility, love, truth, and the ability to forgive. Thank you, Karen, for this article.

December 15, 2020

Praying in agreement:

Lord, show me what Iā€™m missing. Show me what You are doing in this hour. Remove any root of pride, offense, or deception that may be in operation in my life and help me to see from Your perspective.

Then wait and see what He says.


December 15, 2020

Dear Heavenly Father, this spiritual virus has indeed spread, faster, deeper, and more deadly than the Corona virus by far. Dear Lord, so many of those around me are infected with this spiritual virus, that first leads to a blindness of right and wrong, and then slowly transforms the vision of the infected to see evil as good and good as evil, darkness as light and light as darkness, bitter as sweet and sweet as bitter. Lord, I was one of those thus infected but You have opened my eyes and I thank you, and hope that through You I might help others find their sight again as well, but there seem to be many who do not want to be turned to Your light. Still I pray. Help the infected masses Lord, and help us who can see to help still others while there is yet time. In Jesus precious name I pray, O Lord, Amen.

Elia Guarneri
December 15, 2020

Listen all nations of this world will be destroyed as the prophets said. But it is up to the church to either delay it or rush it. You are your own worst enemy. You don’t understand scripture or even want to.
Like the fact there are three Raptures, several Tribulation periods and three Gog wars. Don’t interpret it like modern men and women, Scripture was meant to be interpreted like the first century Christians did it. They had the Holy Spirit do it. Get your act together church because the enemy is not flesh and blood ,but the forces of darkness. You have a fight on your hands, so put on the armor of God and seek God’s face and fight for the very freedom you have long ignored.


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