I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. May Your will be done exposing the captors of the Israel hostages, the location of the children brought illegally over the border, and the strife in the election. We also ask for Your mercy in this heat wave. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Reading Time: 17 minutes

Intercessor, we’re bringing you the top headlines every morning for you to pray over. Make sure to check back every day for the latest news, and tune into our podcast, America’s Daily Prayer, on your favorite platform for a time of morning prayer!

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These are the headlines for today, Thursday, the 18th of July, 2024

US intelligence reportedly uncovered an Iranian plot to assassinate former President Donald Trump. This discovery led to heightened security measures ahead of an assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania rally. While there’s no known connection, this new information reinforces the necessity of praying for the protection of political leaders and candidates.

In other election news, many people wonder about the faith of Senator JD Vance, who is running for Vice President as a Republican. Vance had a Christian upbringing but became an atheist, then converted to Catholicism as an adult. His wife is Hindu, although it is unclear how devout she is. Vance believes that Christians have an important role in influencing society. He has supported the availability of the abortion pill, which may conflict with his Catholic faith.

California passed a new law that blocks school districts from requiring teachers to notify parents about changes in a student’s gender identity or sexual orientation without the child’s permission. Elon Musk said that’s the last straw. He is moving his companies from California to Texas. 

Senator Bob Menendez has been convicted on political corruption charges and found guilty on all counts. Accused of accepting bribes for aiding foreign governments, he now potentially faces over 200 years in prison. With growing calls for his resignation, many are watching to see his response.

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, you are the king, immortal, invisible, and the only wise God, and we honor you. Please protect the candidates and the people who attend their rallies. We pray that the new California law undermining parents and children will not go into effect or will be overturned. Finally, we thank you for justice in Senator Menendez’s corruption case.

These are the headlines for today, Wednesday, the 17th of July, 2024

The classified documents case against former President Trump has been dismissed. Judge Aileen Cannon ruled that Special Counsel Jack Smith was unlawfully appointed. This decision has political and legal implications, leading to mixed reactions and appeal plans.

The stock market surged following an attempted assassination of President Trump. It spiked amidst anticipations of a ‘red wave’ in November. However, critics caution about a potential soaring deficit that could hurt the economy.

Elon Musk, owner of social media app X, accused the EU of attempting to pressure the app to enforce secret censorship. The European Union has threatened fines, citing breaches in the new Digital Services Act rules. Musk alleged an ‘illegal’ deal was proposed to quietly censor speech.

As loneliness increasingly affects Americans, a top psychiatrist encouraged a return to church. The US Surgeon General labels loneliness as a severe public health threat, on par with smoking and obesity. To combat growing isolation, especially post-pandemic, the focus needs to shift towards in-person interactions, promoting communal activities like attending church, according to Dr. David Amen.

Dear Lord, we thank You for dismissing the classified documents case against President Trump. We also thank You for the surge in the stock market, and we pray that You would be working in our economy. We pray against censorship of conservative beliefs on social media, and that You would comfort Americans who are struggling with loneliness. We pray all this in the name of Your Son Jesus. Amen.

These are the headlines for today, Monday, the 15th of July, 2024

Israeli hostage Almog Meir Jan is suing the U.S. non-profit People Media Project, which he alleges employed his captor and knowingly provided a platform for Hamas-related propaganda under the guise of journalism. The organization has attempted to distance itself from the accused, changing his status after the rescue of Jan.

Two whistleblowers highlighted flaws in vetting sponsors for unaccompanied migrant children, leading to potential cases of trafficking. Health and Human Services cannot locate more than 85,000 migrant children previously released to supposed sponsors. Whistleblower Deborah White calls this taxpayer-funded child slavery.

We are praying for people all over the United States who are experiencing a deadly and record-breaking heating wave. The heat, plaguing the East and West, threatens to spread across the country and impact public health and infrastructure. June was recognized as the second-warmest month on record, adding to fears of the hottest summer ever across several cities.

Detractors have misrepresented Project 2025, calling it a right-wing government takeover effort. President Trump has distanced himself from the effort. This is just one example of strife related to the election, which is ultimately a spiritual problem. What seems like political strife, international interference, widespread deception, and tolerance for violence is not the work of people but of demonic forces working in and through people. We recognize the devil’s schemes by the fear, misinformation, strife, fractions, divisions, and hatred being stirred up in ever greater measure. And we respond in prayer.

Father God, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. May Your will be done exposing the captors of the Israel hostages, the location of the children brought illegally over the border, and the strife in the election. We also ask for Your mercy in this heat wave. In Jesus’ name, amen.

These are the headlines for today – Wednesday, the 11th of July 2024

Republican delegates adopted a new party platform that takes a pro-choice approach to life issues. The Trump campaign developed the platform and passed it without regard to the procedures that have been used for years. This is the first time since 1976 that the Republican platform has not included a statement of the value of life from conception to natural death. What will this platform change mean, and how will it impact the election? Let’s pray. Lord God, Creator of all life, have mercy on us. May our leaders honor life.

Although many called the events of January 6 an insurrection, the Supreme Court recently ruled it was not. They struck down obstruction of proceeding charges against the January 6 defendants, so the insurrection charge is no longer valid. The remaining charges primarily consist of trespassing and unlawful entry. Lord Jesus, we pray for justice in all these cases.

Headlines about President Biden’s health and cognitive abilities continue to dominate the news. Yet the coverage usually lacks compassion for a man in failing health. The Bible commands Christians to pray for leaders in first Timothy. President Biden’s problems can be a reminder to pray for him as the Lord leads. God, we lift up President Biden and ask that You would do a mighty work in his life to bring him to salvation. Instill compassion in those around him to do what’s best for him as his cognitive health is evident.

Growing cities increasingly utilize drones to respond to 9 1 1 calls, addressing critical police officer shortages. Drones assess emergency situations, determining officer deployment needs and increasing situational awareness. However, there are also many concerns about potential civil rights and privacy issues, warranting close monitoring. We need to keep praying for law enforcement, which is trying to address rising crime with smaller staffs. Father in heaven, raise up a wave of recruits to ease the critical shortage of police officers and give wisdom to command staff in the use of drones.

These are the headlines for today – Tuesday. the 9th of July 2024

Today, delegates will vote on a proposed draft for the Republican party’s platform. The draft platform favors state-controlled decisions on life-related issues, opposing late-term abortions while endorsing prenatal care and fertility treatments. This is a significant change from advocating for a federal law to limit abortion access, signaling the GOP’s evolving position on this contentious issue. For more information, visit our article and download our prayer guide about this issue at IFApray.org.

An increasing number of Democrats are urging President Biden to halt his re-election campaign. Biden says he won’t quit despite public and private pressure, barring unexpected circumstances. This political tension comes amidst fears of an electoral disaster.

In a turbulent political climate, Democrats are mobilizing against the SAVE Act, legislation that would mandate proof of citizenship when voting. This action precedes a House vote later this week. Will this bill ultimately pass through Congress, and will our elections be safe from non-citizen voting?

The escalating drug trafficking crisis continues to adversely affect average Americans. Cartel-trafficked fentanyl is continuing to destroy households, and deaths are only rising. With the border being one of the most important issues to voters in this election, this crisis could have drastic effects come November.

Let’s pray. Father above, we pray for godly parties in America. We ask that the Republican party would seek to be guided by Your Word, not by the will of man. We also lift President Biden before You. We ask You to strengthen him and give him wisdom as he finishes his term. We pray for the House ahead of a vote on the SAVE Act, and we pray that our representatives would be sensitive to Your will. Finally, we lift up every family that has been affected by the drug trafficking crisis. We pray You will give them peace.


These are the headlines for today – Monday, the 8th of July 2024

The future of the Republican party’s long-standing pro-life stance is uncertain as they meet to determine their 2024 platform. Since 1973, the GOP has consistently voiced support for unborn lives, even advocating for constitutional protection. However, there’s speculation that this might change with meetings today and tomorrow, leading to speculation about the party leaning towards neutrality on this critical issue.

In recent news, a judge utilized a Supreme Court ruling to block an HHS trans rule. Citing the overturning of the Chevron Deference, Judge Louis Guirola stopped the HHS from using the Affordable Care Act to prevent so-called “discrimination” against transgender people.

Missouri’s Attorney General Andrew Bailey is suing New York, alleging the Trump hush money trial impacts First Amendment rights. The lawsuit accuses New York of bringing “transparently weak charges” for political damage against Trump. Bailey also criticized a gag order placed on Trump, calling it harmful to election participation.

Following a Supreme Court ruling, cities can now enforce bans on public sleeping. As a result, San Francisco is preparing to intensify sweeps of homeless encampments. Homelessness in the city has surged by 35% since 2019, with over 7,000 people now living on the streets.

Let’s pray about these headlines. Lord Jesus, we lift up the Republican party before You. As officials meet today and tomorrow, we pray they will develop a platform that honors You. We also thank You for how the Supreme Court’s rulings are already leading to answered prayer. Lastly, we lift Attorney General Bailey’s lawsuit against New York before You. Whatever happens in this lawsuit, we pray for Your will to be done.


These are the headlines for today – Wednesday, the 3rd of July, 2024

The Texas Supreme Court recently upheld a ban barring medical professionals from performing sex-change operations or recommending hormonal treatments for minors. This decision was a response to Senate Bill 14, implemented last year. This is a huge step in protecting children nationwide from life-altering procedures, and we pray that it will set a strong precedent as other states take similar actions.

Israel is nearing a strategic victory over Hamas, with continuous IDF efforts to eliminate the terrorist organization. Amidst the conflict, the Biden administration outlines its expectations for Gaza’s future. The U.S. insists on an Arab-led civilian government in post-war Gaza, sparking debate over what is in Israel’s best interest.

The Department of Homeland Security has halted deportations of illegal immigrants from Haiti. This policy, a result of the poor conditions still plaguing Haiti, affects hundreds of thousands of Haitians residing in the United States. This news also comes amid the continued crisis at our southern border, as thousands of illegal immigrants pour into the country every week.

Following North Korea’s pact with Russia, South Korea is considering arming Ukraine. This major policy shift has been suggested in response to Russia and North Korea’s defense agreement. While South Korea has been providing humanitarian aid, it has not yet provided arms. Will an additional country’s involvement in the conflict bring us closer to a larger war?

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, we thank You for the Texas Supreme Court’s bold decision to protect kids. We ask You to empower more states to stand for our children. Additionally, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem according to Your word. Let the U.S. be a strong ally of Israel and be found blameless in Your sight. We also ask You to secure our border and protect us from all threats. Finally, we pray that You would strengthen Ukraine and show us how to support its people best.


These are the headlines for today – Tuesday, the 2nd of July, 2024

The Supreme Court decided Trump v. United States with a 6-3 vote. The court determined presidential immunity related to core constitutional powers, actions within his official responsibility, and unofficial acts. The decision also addressed four criminal counts against the former President. 

Concerns are rising over President Biden’s ability to run the United States effectively. Following a debate performance that left many uneasy, prominent media voices are urging President Biden to step aside. A recent poll revealed that a significant 72% of voters question his mental fitness for the job, indicating a growing unease among the public.

Join IFA’s Headline Prayer Live webcast today for in-depth prayer about the immunity decision and for President Biden and President Trump.

Hurricane Beryl, now a Category 4 storm, threatens to devastate the eastern Caribbean’s Windward Islands. With record-strength winds that intensified due to warm ocean temperatures, this hurricane is expected to remain dangerous throughout its course. Experts also predict an exceptionally active 2024 hurricane season with up to 25 possible named storms.

Turkey’s opposition leader, Özgür Özel, condemns Hamas as a terrorist organization. He criticizes the group for their violent attacks on Israel. This view contrasts with President Erdoğan’s support of Hamas. Perhaps nations in the area may be moving away from unholy alliances.

Let’s pray. Father God, we ask today, in Jesus’ name, that You bless those in authority in America. Lord, but we pray that You shower them all with Your goodness which brings people to repentance. From the President to the humblest, most unknown worker in the land, let them cry out to You for mercy and salvation. And Father, for those who refuse to be saved and refuse to honor You and walk in righteousness and justice, we pray that their days in office would be few and that another would take their office, according to Your will and Your plans only, Lord.


These are the headlines for today – Monday, the 1st of July, 2024

Pro-life nurses and Catholics are publicly condemning Delaware’s assisted suicide bill, which is pending the governor’s approval. The divisive bill, H.B. 140, offers terminally ill patients the option to prematurely end their lives, sparking moral and ethical concerns. Advocates, including the National Association of Pro-Life Nurses, are calling for the legislation’s veto, decrying it as a “catastrophe” that devalues life.

Tractor Supply is walking back its ‘woke’ policies, terminating all diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. The retailer faced backlash as customers expressed dissatisfaction over the company’s support for causes like LGBTQ and climate change. Priorities will now include rural America, animal welfare, and veteran causes, while dropping non-business activities.

Classroom smartphone bans are gaining bipartisan approval nationally. Lawmakers argue the distraction detracts from learning, with research showing significant use among students. In blue states and red states alike, leaders are pushing for these bans to help prioritize education.

As the Gaza war rages, Christians in the holy land face complex struggles. Conflict threatens the dwindling Christian presence across Israel and the Palestinian territory. Furthermore, the Israeli government recently targeted churches within its borders, demanding decades of alleged back taxes. Will the Christian community in Israel make it through this difficult time?

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father above, we pray for Your values to become America’s values. We ask You to protect life at all stages, from the womb to the tomb. We ask You to put an end to woke policies in American businesses, and we ask You to keep America’s schools free from distractions so that the younger generations can learn effectively. Finally, we lift up our Christian brothers and sisters in Israel to You. We ask You to strengthen them and comfort them in this time of war.


These are the headlines for today – Friday, the 28th of June, 2024

It is a big week for the Supreme Court. Today they will announce rulings on the Trump immunity case and January 6. Yesterday they published a ruling against the Securities and Exchange Commission’s use of in-house administrative courts. Defendants who face civil penalties must now receive a jury trial under the Seventh Amendment.

In another ruling, the Supreme Court returned Idaho v. United States to lower courts. Meanwhile, U.S. hospitals can continue to perform emergency abortions, even in states that enforce strict abortion bans. This provision encompasses cases where a woman’s life isn’t under immediate threat but she faces grave harm, including loss of fertility or mental harm. We are praying that states will continue to pass laws that protect the unborn.

Continuing with the topic of abortion, Planned Parenthood is set to invest tens of millions of dollars to support pro-abortion candidates in the upcoming election. With a planned expenditure of 40 million dollars on campaigns, the organization’s aim is to reelect President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats.

The Department of the Interior recently published a 24-page guide to ‘Inclusive Language.’ The guide advises bureaucrats to avoid so-called gendered terms like ‘son’, ‘daughter’, ‘husband’, and ‘wife’, instead recommending neutral terms like ‘they’, ‘them’, and ‘spouse’. This is just one example of how the current Administration is using tax dollars to promote progressive ideas.

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, we pray for the Supreme Court to rule justly and wisely and for correction of rulings that are unwise and unconstitutional. We pray for hearts and minds to change on abortion and we pray that You would confuse and thwart the efforts of Planned Parenthood. We pray for Christians to lovingly share truth about Jesus and about how humans are image bearers of God. We pray that this truth would counteract all the lies in our culture. In Jesus’ name, amen.


These are the headlines for today – Thursday, the 27th of June, 2024

Tonight President Biden and President Trump will face off in the first presidential debate of this election season. Many will watch, but we are asking you to pray. Let’s pray for truth to be revealed and any and all lies to be squelched. Check out IFApray.org for an article and a prayer guide with prayer points to focus on while you watch the debate.

In a landmark social media case, the Supreme Court ruled that plaintiffs accusing the Biden administration of pressuring social-media platforms to censor content lacked standing. The 6-3 decision, penned by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, stated the plaintiffs failed to prove they suffered direct or future harm. The dissent said that the Court unjustifiably refuses to address this serious threat to the First Amendment.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been released following a plea deal. Assange pled guilty to violating the Espionage Act and acknowledged publishing U.S. military secrets. He served 62 months in a London prison and is now permitted to return home to Australia.

In a recent development, reports indicate HHS Assistant Secretary and biological male Rachel Levine pushed the World Professional Association for Transgender Health to eliminate age guidelines for transgender treatments. The radical directive resulted in a change to the Standards of Care, removing minimum ages for medical transitions.

Let’s pray. Lord God, we pray for truth to prevail in tonight’s debate. We pray that plaintiffs with legal standing to sue would immediately bring a challenge to the Biden Administration collusion with social media companies to censor free speech. We pray that blind eyes would be opened about the evil of gender change. In Jesus’ name, amen.


These are the headlines for today – Wednesday, the 26th of June, 2024

A boy used AI tech to generate nude deep fake photos of a fellow female student that he posted on Snapchat. Snapchat refused to remove the images so the student and her family contacted Senator Ted Cruz who was able to get Snapchat to remove them. Now Senator Cruz has proposed legislation, the ‘Take It Down Act’, to increase penalties for perpetrators and to obligate social media platforms to remove such content rapidly.

The Supreme Court earlier this week rejected COVID-19 vaccine appeals from Children’s Health Defense. The organization had challenged emergency authorization of vaccines for minors and the student vaccination mandate. The high court upheld lower court rulings that the organization did not have legal standing to sue.

In the center of a Medicare fraud case in Texas, there’s an unsettling connection between medical professionals, specifically Dr. Richard Ogden Roberts, and far-left activists. A whistleblower alleges Roberts’ unlawfully billed Medicaid for trans medical interventions. In question also is Roberts’ connection with pro-transgender organizations that receive funding from the pharmaceutical industry.

Finally, pro-transgender vandals recently targeted a “Take Back Title IX” tour bus with the slogan on it “Save Women’s Sports.” The bus, belonging to the Our Bodies, Our Sports coalition, was discovered in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, with slurs, crosses, and profane graffiti. Brianna Howard, the tour bus manager, said It’s crazy. We’re very disheartened by this happening, but it’s not going to discourage us. We’re going to keep pushing forward and spreading the message.

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, we pray for justice for victims of deepfakes, for everyone who was harmed by the covid vaccine and mandates, for whistleblowers exposing medical mistreatment of children, and for the pro-women tour. We pray that citizens and leaders would recognize the truth about the cultural issues that are corrupting our nation. In Jesus’ name, amen.


These are the headlines for today – Monday, the 24th of June, 2024

Very few news outlets have reported on China’s actions against the Philippines. The Chinese coast guard seized two Filipino boats. China claims much of the South China Sea as its territory. Rising tensions spotlight geopolitical concerns in the Pacific region. Experts wonder if China is testing what the U.S. will do in defense of allies like the Philippines. IFA has numerous special report prayer guides on the dangers China poses.

There are also concerns about Vladimir Putin’s recent trip to North Korea. The two nations signed a mutual security pact. Russia helps North Korea with weapons, oil, and money laundering. In return, Pyongyang helps Russia evade sanctions and provides cheap labor. This trip and Putin’s visit with Vietnam suggest efforts reminiscent of the Soviet era.

In national news, did you know that according to conservative activist Scott Presler, if every Christian in the U.S. voted, presidential elections might have different outcomes. According to Presler, 30% of evangelicals are not even registered to vote. This is why IFA launched Pray the Vote 2024, where you can pray for Christians who haven’t voted in the last few elections to get out and vote biblical values.

Finally, former President Trump has suggested automatic green cards for international graduates of U.S. colleges. Some say this diverges from his prior views. Polls consistently show that immigration is a primary concern of voters.

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, we pray about the recent actions of China, Russia, and North Korea. We pray that these nations would be used for your purposes and that you would give American leaders great wisdom in protecting U.S. interests. We pray that Christians would vote biblical values in record-breaking numbers and that our nation’s leaders would have divine wisdom to address immigration. In Jesus’ name, amen.

These are the headlines for today, Friday, June 21, 2024.

Connect with others in your state in prayer.


Louisiana has become the first state to mandate the display of the Ten Commandments in classrooms. The bill, which became law on June 18, requires Louisiana schools receiving state funds to feature the Commandments in each building. The law describes the Ten Commandments as “foundational documents of our state and national government.”

We’ve been praying about the impact of the toxic train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio in 2023, which affected the atmosphere across 16 states. A new study shows that toxic emissions from the incident were carried by precipitation to areas from Canada to North Carolina.

Missouri’s lawsuit against Planned Parenthood is moving forward, according to Judge Brouck Jacobs. The lawsuit involves Planned Parenthood transporting minors across state lines for abortions. This case stems from a video captured by Project Veritas, showing allegedly illegal advice from clinic staff.

U.S. Representative Chip Roy wants Congress to address the increasing evidence of non-citizens participating in elections. He says the proposed Save Act will correct this issue and require voter proof of citizenship. This Act is presented as a bipartisan solution to safeguard voter eligibility.

Let’s pray about these issues. Lord, we are grateful that Louisiana wants all schoolchildren to know about the Ten Commandments. We pray this will lead them to know Jesus. We pray that you would expose all of the harm from the East Palestine disaster and that you would protect people from further harm. We pray that Planned Parenthood will be thwarted in their efforts to promote abortion. And we ask You to safeguard the privileges of U.S. citizenship, including the right to vote. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Thank you for joining Christians across the nation to pray for these issues today. Make sure you like and subscribe! You’ll find more news, prayer, and action at IFApray.org.

Add your own prayers for America in the comments section below!

(Photo Credit: Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash)

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Susan CC
July 17, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father You are Lord, God, Almighty, Savior. You are God with us. Thank You Jesus for sparing us from the wrath of God…You took it upon Yourself. Thank You for considering our tears and prayers so valuable as to collect them all. Thank You that You know our every concern and need, You need no direction from us. Thank You for opening and closing the doors that NO human being can reverse. I praise You Father, Son and Holy Spirit…praise and glory, wisdom and thanks, honor and power and strength are Yours Alone. You are The Triune God of Israel, America and all nations. Amen

    Susan CC
    July 17, 2024

    in regard to “…the doors that NO human being can reverse”

    NO one in Heaven or on earth or below can reverse…. “… I am Yahweh, and there is no other. I form light and create darkness, I make success and create disaster; I, Yahweh, do all these things. Even from eternity I am He, and none can deliver out of My hand. When I act, who can reverse it?” From Isaiah 43 and 45

Rachel More
July 11, 2024


Maria F
July 1, 2024

Father God you are an awesome and Great God and we thank you for the hope we have in Jesus we thank you for Holy Spirit helping us and guiding us we thank you God for your mercies and your grace upon us. Help and be with the United States of America may we be a light in this world for Jesus. May your people shine bright and protect the innocent and exalt your name Jesus Christ Lord savior amen

Tammy Freeburg
June 26, 2024

2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land”.

William Donahue
June 26, 2024

Heavenly FATHER, we ask of YOU that YOUR WILL be done. We ask of YOU that YOUR HOLY SPIRIT would move upon us to use us. Also, that those that need you would be moved by YOUR SPIRIT to repent and do right. We ask in JESUS NAME, amen

jacquelynn chechile
June 25, 2024

After having three children I had a tubal. The Lord convicted us that our fertility belonged to Him. He made it possible for us to have a reversal and blessed us with three more children. All glory goes to God. May God be Lord of how many children you have.

Roger Hollar
June 25, 2024

Would God abandon America? Well, we need only look at what happens to nations that abandon God?

June 24, 2024


Kathy Bolam
June 24, 2024

I am elated to hear that Louisiana has signed a bill that directs The Ten Commandments to be shown in all schools. I pray that other states will follow for it is only through our prayers of intercession that God can change the hearts of those who are not following His teachings and wisdom.

June 24, 2024

I found the podcast on Grover Podcast app/widget, found free on Microsoft store

Sarasota Smith
June 24, 2024

Praise God!

Renee C.
June 21, 2024

To the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. Lord, we confess our sins before you and ask you to forgive us our sins. Your word in
2 Chronicles 7:14 says that if we humble ourselves, repent, and turn from our wicked ways, you will hear from heaven, forgive us our sins, and heal our land.

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
June 21, 2024

Heavenly Father, I now come before Your Throne of Mercy, bowed down and wearied by the weight of suffering and disaster visited by our country, the United States of America, by the calamities of nature and the wickedness of sinful humanity. I beg You to protect this nation in our hour of need. We are laden with iniquity, but You, O Lord, call us to Your forgiveness, salvation, hope, and life. Turn the hearts and minds of all to You, that they might find peace through the cleansing of Christ Jesus’ blood. O Lord, make us, the Intercessors for America, an instrument of Your peace in a world of conflict, witnesses to the power of faith in a world lost in unbelief, and bearers of the joy that overcomes the sorrow of a fallen world. Please grant to the political leaders of this nation, the United States of America, and all the nations of the world wise counsel, calm thinking, and unselfish aims. Amid the tumult of the disasters inflicted upon our nation, the United States of America, build Your kingdom, O Lord, and turn even more souls to Yourself. Because of Your grace, we are not altogether lost but find peace and forgiveness in You. O Lord, give us, the Intercessors for America, the grace to seek You, trust You, and confess You. In Christ Jesus’ mighty and holy Name, and by His authority, I pray. Amen.

    Susan CC
    July 17, 2024

    Amen to all Chaplain Steven R. Closs, but especially sweet to me….”Because of Your grace, we are not altogether lost…” Amen!

    Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see……When we’ve been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun, we’ve no less days to sing God’s praise than when we’d first begun.

    Amazing indeed!

June 19, 2024

Legal American citizens have the RIGHT to FAIR and VERIFIED ELECTIONS. Fraudulent voting has been proven in multiple states using the Dominion machines. How do we get to 1 vote for 1 living legal citizen? Do we return to paper ballots and one day to vote? Why are some people against elimination of Voting Boxes, voter ID, multiple voting days, and other checks to help ensure valid voting and eliminate fraudulent voting? We are required to provide valid ID for medical services, purchase alcohol & tobacco, cashing checks, driver’s license, and many other transactions. Wake up America!

Darlene Estlow
June 14, 2024

Father, we look to you. You are Sovereign and mighty, to be feared, yet you are love and are seeking us sinful human beings. Pour out your grace that many would walk with you. Teach those who are being transformed by your power that they would walk with you in truth and not stray. Thank you that many are turning to you and that you are changing our nation. We may not see it but you are revealing wickedness so it can be dealt with. Thank you for your mercy and lovel.

Darlene Estlow
May 21, 2024

Fathe.r, I pray for our country and for the countless students that are supporting Palestine and do not even understand that they are praying for the complete annihilation of Israel and Jews. Enlighten their eyes so they may truly see what they are saying. Show them the truth and bring them to you. And strengthen Iranian Christians to walk in you. Turn the leaders of Iran to you

May 21, 2024

I pray that the funding and hidden money used for evil purposes would be dried up. I pray that money would be channeled by God, to the hands of the righteous, to further his kingdom work. I pray the veils would be lifted from the eyes of the blinded and they would find the path to the redeemer and know true freedom and joy .

May 21, 2024

DEAR LORD, please bring us leaders that love You and Your ways, restore us totally to the America that You want us to be……

May 20, 2024

Lord, we cry out to you to remove the scales away from the eyes of our Federal and State Government leaders (save them from the enemy) all across this nation that they may come to know Christ and having change of heart. Open the eyes to your spirit of the leaders in the educational sector of the USofA. We pray for our teachers to protect our children both in spirit and body. We need you Lord GOD to quench this nation of evil. In Jesus name we pray!

May 20, 2024

Lord, we pray that leaders who are in rebellion against You would be brought down out of positions of leadership. We pray that You would raise up Godly men and women who are not corruptible. We pray for leadership that honors God and works for the very best for the people of this nation. We ask that this nation would once again become one nation under God. We ask for your protection over those who are battling to keep this nation free. We pray for fair and honest elections. We ask that You would send revival and renewal and bring this nation back to You. We pray for those who are being persecuted for trying to walk and live uprightly before You. We ask that You would sovereignly save this nation and her people. Lord, turn multitudes unto you. Change our hearts and minds, and help us to honor You and live under the direction of Your precepts every day. We pray these things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. amen

Brenda F
May 20, 2024

We also pray for protection from the corrupt, evil, and lies that TPTB feed to us, the American people, via the news and other media, and those decisions and laws that are put into place that deny justice and protect those in power from consequences from the laws they break as they persecute and deny justice to those attempting to do what is right. God help us, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Delores Jennings
May 20, 2024

Because we care about our nation. Lord we cime before You asking to show us what You actively want us today NOW. We pray for all elected to pursue You above all. May their hearts yearn to please You. In Jesus Mighty Name amen


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Intercessors for America is the trusted resource for millions of people across the United States committed to praying for our nation. If you have benefited from IFA's resources and community, please consider joining us as a monthly support partner. As a 501(c)3 organization, it's through your support that all this possible.

Dave Kubal
IFA President
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