I Prayed have prayed
Father, we desire to pray according to Your Word and in Your will regarding the rogue nation of Iran, the rise of Islamism and antisemitic hate, and the crisis of falling fertility rates.  Teach us to pray in Your ways and with Your heart, so that we may intercede effectively. We pray for revival in Iran and defeat of evil and hatred there and in the U.S. We pray that Christians would be committed to obeying Your Word, including the command to be fruitful and multiply. In Jesus’s holy name we pray, amen.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Intercessor, we’re bringing you the top headlines every morning for you to pray over. Make sure to check back every day for the latest news, and tune into our podcast, America’s Daily Prayer, on your favorite platform for a time of morning prayer!

These are the headlines for today, Monday, June 17, 2024.

A recent survey funded by a Democrat-aligned group claimed that 10% of respondents aren’t able to access and provide proof of citizenship in order to vote. The National Pulse evaluated the results and found that the number was likely exaggerated and inaccurate. However, the study has been used by groups that are advocating against voter ID laws.

Connect with others in your state in prayer.


The Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld a ban on mobile voting sites but permitted alternate absentee ballot locations. The court was unanimous in upholding a lower court ruling that a mobile van for voting was unlawful. But in a split decision, they upheld a voting policy in place since 2016 that is supposed to prevent advantages to any particular political party.

Elections in America need our prayers! Visit praythevote2024.org to pray and to volunteer to be a part of election integrity solutions.

Although the ACLU is typically aligned closely with President Biden, the organization filed suit against the Biden administration for his new plan to deny asylum to some immigrants. This litigation could significantly impact future US immigration policy and the upcoming election.

Next month, Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu will visit D.C. and speak to Congress. Protestors are organizing now to disrupt his address, which means we need to be praying now. New York’s People’s Forum intends to “shut down DC” upon the PM’s arrival. There’s tension as opposition mounts, with Senator Bernie Sanders pledging absenteeism and branding Netanyahu a ‘war criminal.’

Lord God, we pray that our elected officials will enact policies to protect the rights of citizens in ways that are fair and meaningful. We pray for security at the nation’s borders and for wisdom for President Biden. Your word tells us to pray for those in authority and we do. We pray Your will to be done. Finally, Lord, we pray that you will protect Prime Minister Netanyahu and thwart any plans to cause him harm. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Thank you for joining Christians across the nation to pray for these issues today. Make sure you like and subscribe! You’ll find more news, prayer, and action at IFApray.org.

Add your own prayers for America in the comments section below!

(Photo Credit: Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash)

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Darlene Estlow
June 14, 2024

Father, we look to you. You are Sovereign and mighty, to be feared, yet you are love and are seeking us sinful human beings. Pour out your grace that many would walk with you. Teach those who are being transformed by your power that they would walk with you in truth and not stray. Thank you that many are turning to you and that you are changing our nation. We may not see it but you are revealing wickedness so it can be dealt with. Thank you for your mercy and lovel.

Darlene Estlow
May 21, 2024

Fathe.r, I pray for our country and for the countless students that are supporting Palestine and do not even understand that they are praying for the complete annihilation of Israel and Jews. Enlighten their eyes so they may truly see what they are saying. Show them the truth and bring them to you. And strengthen Iranian Christians to walk in you. Turn the leaders of Iran to you

May 21, 2024

I pray that the funding and hidden money used for evil purposes would be dried up. I pray that money would be channeled by God, to the hands of the righteous, to further his kingdom work. I pray the veils would be lifted from the eyes of the blinded and they would find the path to the redeemer and know true freedom and joy .

May 21, 2024

DEAR LORD, please bring us leaders that love You and Your ways, restore us totally to the America that You want us to be……

May 20, 2024

Lord, we cry out to you to remove the scales away from the eyes of our Federal and State Government leaders (save them from the enemy) all across this nation that they may come to know Christ and having change of heart. Open the eyes to your spirit of the leaders in the educational sector of the USofA. We pray for our teachers to protect our children both in spirit and body. We need you Lord GOD to quench this nation of evil. In Jesus name we pray!

May 20, 2024

Lord, we pray that leaders who are in rebellion against You would be brought down out of positions of leadership. We pray that You would raise up Godly men and women who are not corruptible. We pray for leadership that honors God and works for the very best for the people of this nation. We ask that this nation would once again become one nation under God. We ask for your protection over those who are battling to keep this nation free. We pray for fair and honest elections. We ask that You would send revival and renewal and bring this nation back to You. We pray for those who are being persecuted for trying to walk and live uprightly before You. We ask that You would sovereignly save this nation and her people. Lord, turn multitudes unto you. Change our hearts and minds, and help us to honor You and live under the direction of Your precepts every day. We pray these things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. amen

Brenda F
May 20, 2024

We also pray for protection from the corrupt, evil, and lies that TPTB feed to us, the American people, via the news and other media, and those decisions and laws that are put into place that deny justice and protect those in power from consequences from the laws they break as they persecute and deny justice to those attempting to do what is right. God help us, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Delores Jennings
May 20, 2024

Because we care about our nation. Lord we cime before You asking to show us what You actively want us today NOW. We pray for all elected to pursue You above all. May their hearts yearn to please You. In Jesus Mighty Name amen


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IFA President
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