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Father, we ask You to touch the Cuban people. We ask You to bring needed change to their country from the top down.
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Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz blasted Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for saying that Cubans who come to the U.S. by sea will be turned away as his department releases thousands of illegal migrants, stopped at the southern border, into U.S. communities…

Former President Donald Trump reached an agreement with Mexico that required migrants awaiting their court hearings to remain in Mexico instead of the U.S…

Cruz was asked for his response to Mayorkas saying Cubans won’t be allowed into the U.S…after protests broke out in Cuba, which is ruled by a communist regime…

“This is an administration that has presided over an absolute catastrophe…and…the only group of illegal immigrants that that the Biden administration wants to keep out are Cubans, and one has to think the reason for that is that Cubans tend to vote Republican…

Exit polls in the 2020 presidential election show that Cubans voted in favor of Trump over Biden.

Do you think Cuban refugees should be barred from entering the U.S.? Share a prayer below for Cuba!

(Excerpted from Just the News. Article by Nicholas Ballasy. Photo Credit: Ricardo iv Tamayo/Unsplash).

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August 3, 2021

For many years, Haitians and other non-white majority Caribbean nationals have been found at sea and returned to their original countries. Former President Trump ended the previous policy of ending automatic refugee status for Cubans.

May the Lord open brains, eyes, and ears and loosen tongues to learn and speak His truth in our nation and in others that His truth frees ALL His people. Amen!

    August 3, 2021

    My statement SHOULD have read, in part, “Former President Trump ended…of automatic refugee status for Cubans.”

August 2, 2021

They should be welcomed here as long as they have refugee status and then go through the stated legal process of citizenship if they choose to remain here. While it’s true that many Cubans will tend to vote independent or Republican…so what! Why should that matter to the Biden administration, who publicly spouts off for freedom of ‘choice’ while at the same time crushing freedom and liberty through executive orders, secret backroom deals and illegal edicts/rulings through various departments of our taxpayer funded government. If you’re not righteously angry by now, you’ll probably never be!
We must look at one big element in the Biden administrations “refusal” to allow Cuban refugees into our nation. Cubans tend to establish themselves with work opportunities right away. They are known to be creative and find a way to survive by creating opportunity for themselves and family. They are family oriented. BUT at this point, the greatest reason the powers to be controlling Biden and his robotic administration is they DON’T WANT THE TRUTH getting out in full view of America of what happens when people are FORCED into communism / socialism. They don’t want Americans to see or hear firsthand reports of what socialism does to a nation. They want truth like that suppressed because when you’re a government elite, you don’t want to be exposed by people who want to share the truth. You don’t want to be revealed because you have quiet agreements with tyrannical Cuban government officials to turn their people away, so that they don’t spill the truth about how horrible socialism is in Cuba and how it has destroyed the nation while government officials live in luxury. Look beyond what the news says. Think of it this way – when is last time you saw a full documentary that was filmed publicly of how wonderful Cuba is? Or when have you witnessed any video footage by an American journalist who was allowed to freely roam around Cuba interviewing residents about how great life is there? Or when was the last time you had friends that told you that they were going to take an extended vacation to Cuba?
** Lord our hope is that Your holy hand would extend over the people of Cuba. Intervene and release them from the bondage and tyranny of their government. Move upon the leaders of our nation and other nations to become forcibly involved in the welfare of the Cuban people. They need help Lord God. We pray for either a heart change among their leaders to help their people or that You would begin removal of those in power who suppress the freedoms that You want people to enjoy. We ask that You would raise up leaders within Cuba that will be strong and lead the people not only to freedom but to You Lord. Amen.


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