I Prayed have prayed
We are so thankful Lord for Justice Clarence Thomas and his conservative views. We pray blessings upon him and his family as he honorably serves our country.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

It has been said that the very moment a man finds himself, he finds God.

This captures the story of Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, a man of deep faith whose youthful struggles with racism caused that faith to be shaken but who later returned to it, more deeply and more resolutely because of his great character and refusal to settle for anything but truth.



The new film “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words” will be released in theaters nationwide Jan. 31, exquisitely timed with Black History Month. But this is also a time of great tensions and divisions in our nation, with race continuing to be one of the main issues dividing us.

Thomas published his memoir, “My Grandfather’s Son,” in 2007, which tells the story of his journey from beginning life dirt-poor in Pinpoint, Georgia, to his confirmation as U.S. Supreme Court associate justice in 1991.

Now filmmaker Michael Pack delivers Thomas’ remarkable story to us in his own words, bringing to the screen exclusive interviews with Thomas and his wife, Virginia Thomas, in which they speak their minds. . .

Thomas describes what he had to endure: “(Y)ou’re not really black because you’re not doing what we expect black people to do.”

And with regard to what the left was trying to achieve with Anita Hill, he said: “People should just tell the truth: ‘This is the wrong black guy. He has to be destroyed.'”. . .

Thomas talks about the restoration of his Catholicism after his youthful rebellion and black radicalism: “I asked God, ‘If you take anger out of my heart, I’ll never hate again.'”

Anger and hate are just other forms of slavery. Other people are controlling you.

Thomas became a free man once his faith was restored.

Thomas is now the most senior associate justice on the Supreme Court and has become one of America’s great conservative elder statesmen. His opinions over these years have already created a legacy of finely and rigorously reasoned jurisprudence, faithful to the core principles on which America was founded.

When Thomas was sworn in, after enduring what no man or woman should have to endure in his confirmation hearings, in his speech he alluded to Psalm 30, which reads: “I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me. You refused to let my enemies triumph over me. … Weeping may go on all night, but joy comes with the morning.”

What better way to pay tribute to America and black history than going to see this important new film?

(Excerpt from Starr Parker Commentary. Article by Starr Parker.)

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Louise Crane
February 2, 2020

Lord please establish a constitutional, purified, and sold-out-for-Jesus Supreme Court in our land. May the follow Your moral compass and may they be the majority voice for many years to come. Please protect their families and Christian values. In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, son of the living God we pray. Amen

Ian S
January 31, 2020

The second line in the article says that “It has been said that the very moment a man finds himself, he finds God.”. I disagree. What if a gay or lesbian comes out of the closet and says “I have found myself”. I would rather say that when a man finds God, the one true God, creator of heaven and earth, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, then the man or woman can say “I have found myself”.

January 30, 2020

Thank you Lord for this man. May your blessing and protection be upon him and his family, and may this film prosper and give you honor in Thomasā€™ life.

Kay Yost
January 30, 2020

Dear Father, I pray for Justice Thomas’s protection especially as this movie is released as it will infuriate many who hate truth and righteousness. It will
infuriate those who are truly racist. Yet, I pray that it will inspire all those who love truth. May it shed light on history and the evils of true racism. Ma it inspire us all to stand up for what is right even when it is costly. This I pray in Jesus’ worthy name. Amen.

January 30, 2020

Can’t wait to see the movie. May God richly bless this man!

January 30, 2020

Amen and amen. Agreeing in prayer with Jerry and David.

David Ruleman
January 30, 2020

Praying for Justice Thomas and his family through those horrible days of hearings leading to his confirmation was enlightening. Just after his confirmation I was at a small breakfast gathering and sat across the table from him and listened to a man of God forged in the fire of injustice and I have never stopped giving thanks. Thank you Lord that he serves you and the US in the Supreme Court. Move upon the hearts and minds of each member that decisions will be righteous and just. Righteousness and Justice are the foundations of your throne.

Jerry E Sauls
January 30, 2020

Father God I give You thanks for Clarence Thomas and for his faith in the Word of God. I pray for continued physical strength and divine wisdom as he follows the call of God upon his life. You placed him in this position and You will keep him there for as long as You desire. I pray blessings and grace upon the members of is family. These things I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen!


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