I Prayed have prayed
Lord we pray against any future health attacks against Supreme Court Justices. Do not let the enemy assassinate our leaders and thwart the plans to ensure a decision from the court finally stands up for the unborn. 
Reading Time: 3 minutes

COVID-19 has stolen too much from this country: thousands of lives lost to the virus, basic freedoms we once took for granted, and an incalculable toll on our economy and the personal finances of Americans.

Now, it’s coming for a Supreme Court Justice, one who could be the deciding vote in a landmark abortion case in the coming months.

We have to stop it.

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh tested positive for COVID this week, the high court announced Friday. At the time of their announcement he had no symptoms, but we as intercessors must proactively take a position of prayer to partner with Justice Kavanaugh’s healing process to ensure his life, nor any other Justice’s life, is not taken  by the Enemy.

Spiritual Secret Service

As a resident in the Washington, D.C. area, I have met several Secret Service agents. They have taken me through security when I entered the White House, and I even had a friend in the Service at one time. These capable, high-level security agents have a very straightforward but extremely important job: Protect the official you are assigned to at almost any cost.

The secret service agent I knew often had to endure extreme weather conditions and undergo extended periods of vigilance when distraction or boredom tempted him. However, there was a real sense of the importance of the job at hand, something everyone who knew him recognized.

We see in Scripture that God has tasked the church with being a sort of spiritual secret service, and with Justice Kavanaugh’s sickness, it’s time we stepped up.

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” (1 Tm 2:1-2)

Similar to intercessors, there is often little recognition or acclaim for such an important job, but without the Secret Service, where would we be?

I can assure you that witches and nefarious spiritual actors are always cursing pro-life leaders. Remember all the media reporting during the Trump presidency of witches gathering in unison to “hex” and “bind” the former president?

Now, the Church must take her stand in this crucial moment.

The Body of Christ has more than enough spiritual authority to grab ahold of this issue and fight for the will of God to be done on the earth, that life is preserved both in Justice Kavanaugh and the millions of little unborn lives now and for generations to come.

Let us rise up as the spiritual defenders of Justice Kavanaugh and his family, believing and interceding for a full recovery with no extended hospital stay that could interrupt his service.

With this in mind, let us pray.

-Father, we ask for the health and healing of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, that the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead would quicken his mortal body, bringing life, healing the affected areas, and driving out every vestige of COVID.

-Lord we pray against any future health attacks against Supreme Court Justices. Do not let the enemy assassinate our leaders and thwart the plans to ensure a decision from the court finally stands up for the unborn.

-Jesus, we ask that you protect Justice Kavanaugh’s family from attacks on their health, from bullying or intimidation. We ask that you protect Justice Kavanaugh and his family from discouragement or tiredness, that they remain full of life and not grow weary in doing good.


Verses to press into as you intercede on this issue:

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (Jas 5:16)

“Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits – who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion.” (Ps 103:2-4)

“Open your mouth for the people who cannot speak, for the rights of all the unfortunate. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the poor and needy.” (Prv 31:8-9)

How are you led to pray for the Supreme Court justices at this critical time in our nation’s history? Please share in the comments.

Casey Harper is a writer in the Washington, D.C. area covering national politics. He has worked for The Daily Caller, The Hill, and Sinclair Broadcast Group. A graduate of Hillsdale College, Casey’s work has also appeared in Fox News, Fox Business, Washington Examiner, and USA Today. Follow him on Twitter: @CaseyHarper33. (Photo Credit: Canva.)

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October 4, 2021

Thank you for Justice Kavanaugh. I ask for complete healing for him. Take away any fears, insecurities he & his family may have regarding his health and grant them peace. May he be resolved to judge righteously according to your will. I pray his body be even stronger and resilient than ever before. Please grant him moral courage Father to do what is right come what may. In the mighty name of Jesus

Lori Meed
October 4, 2021

Having just come through a three week battle with CoVid, I echo the urgency of this request. Abba, the blood of Your Son, the Lamb slain, is more powerful than any sickness, and He bore even CoVid in His body on the tree. We break the power of any assignment for the evil one again at the Supreme Crt. justices and all who are boldly speaking out for LIFE. We break the covenant of death our nation is under due to the murder of the unborn. Forgive is and cleanse us again. We choose LIFE!

October 4, 2021

Dear Lord, I pray for Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s healing from COVID-19 and pray against any future health attacks against Supreme Court Justices. Please don’t let the enemy assasinate our leaders and I pray that the plans will Not be thwarted regarding the court making a decision and finally standing up for the unborn. Lord, I pray that the right decisions be made that will be pleasing to You also. In Jesus Name and Authority, Amen.

Barbara King
October 4, 2021

I agree with the one who said this article was a little too much hype. Being tested positive is not an assassination. He doesn’t even have symptoms. I tested positive for Covid and was pretty sick for a couple weeks but was not hospitalized. I am over it now and praise the LORD for His care of me while I was feeling so miserable.

Jerry E Sauls
October 3, 2021

I stand with hundreds of thousands of other prayer warrior’s who are holding the hands and hearts of our Supreme Court Justices, especially Brett Kavanaugh who has been targeted. I come against the evil spirit in the name of Jesus Christ and His Blood. The Bible says, Matthew 16:19, “Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven…” I bind this spirit that is attempting to hamstring Justice Kavanaugh and I pray the presence and power of our God to set him free of any binding evil spirit in the Name of Jesus Christ! Amen!

October 3, 2021

I do pray for complete healing for Justice Kavanaugh. I also pray that he will STAND against abortion and remember that, God is the giver of life and death, not man. I pray that Justice Kavanaugh, and all the Justices, know that You will hold them accountable for how they vote! Father, let them fear You, more than mere people or any political agenda! Father I pray that these Justices will stand for the life of the unborn, and not “cave in” to the political activists! I pray they will uphold our Constitution, which they are supposed to do.
It is the political agenda that this administration has regarding abortion, as well as fundamentally changing and stealing our country, that concerns me. Yes, Covid has definitely been used to accomplish this, but it is far deeper than Covid! It is a Marxist agenda, and Covid is simply the “tool” that they are using to help destroy this country and our way of life!
I am extremely disillusioned with the Supreme Court Justices and some of their “decisions! Lord, may Your will be done!

October 3, 2021

It is good to pray for the actual health of the Supreme Court justices, but has anyone else thought about the possible attempt to quarantine Supreme Court justices because they “test positive”?
It is widely known that there are many false positives and who would you trust to read the test?

Father God,
In the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, I pray that You completely nullify all plans, plots, attacks, strategies, schemes and tricks of the enemy to prevent the pro-life jSupreme Court justices from fully participating in court cases that come before the Courtt, especially this case from Mississippi concerning the unborn.
Hear the cries of Your people, LORD, as we ask for Your perfect will to be done in the ruling on this case and that millions of children’s lives will be saved. All praise and honor and glory be to the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

Herb Johnston
October 3, 2021

Its fear mongering…

    Herb Johnston
    October 3, 2021

    I think that last comment posted in the wrong place

Herb Johnston
October 3, 2021

Lord..as You are the healer of our souls , and our protector- we believe your mercy and truth is the protection that is extended to justice kavanaugh..in this time- and we are believing for his complete healing..and for all the justices..in this battle to protect the unborn..that righteous lawmaking will prevail- we believe You oh Lord will deliver the preborn to the protection they deserve as we pray to lift up your image bearers in the womb..grant them life oh Lord. Let our lawmakers be convicted of the error of their ways in that our governance has been ignoring the most vul erable citizens these many years.
In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen

(I also prayed last night at 1am..when this post arrived-however did not record it)

Dorothy Cameron
October 2, 2021

We are thankful LORD that Justice Kavanaugh is without symptoms as is his family.
We pray LORD that we will not be fearful. You determine a man’s days. Let us keep our eyes on You.
We ask for Your protection for all the Supreme Court Justices. As they reconvene this month and begin to hear arguments. We pray for their health and for the health of the attorneys who are scheduled for oral arguments in the courtroom.
We pray specifically for:
Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch, who will be arguing the case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.
We lift before Your throne our Justices:
Justice Samuel Alito, Justice Amy Coney Barrett, Justice Stephen Breyer, Justice Neil Gorsuch, Justice Elena Kagan, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Justice John Roberts, Justice Sonya Sotomayor, Justice Clarence Thomas and their staffs.
We also pray for IFA’s Amicus Brief. That You will open eyes not only to the legal aspect of abortion being unconstitutional but also the spiritual, immoral sin of not protecting a child in the womb. Forgive us LORD when we fall for satan’s plot, causing fear to keep us from focusing on You and the battle at hand. We look to You for the ‘battle belongs to the LORD!!’

Bill Moyer
October 2, 2021

I am very disappointed in the way this information was posted. Covid is a reality has has affected at least 13% of the country. Less than 0.3% have died. To declare that Covid is trying to assassinate someone who tests positive (vaccinated with no symptoms) is playing into the hype that is tearing us apart as a nation. I have no problem to asking for prayer for Justice Kavanaugh (and all our Justices) but the headline just feeds into the dialog that overstates everything.

    October 3, 2021

    I agree. Even just changing the headline to say “Don’t let Covid ‘assassinate’ a pro-life justice” (with assassinate in quotation marks) and then call us to prayer… I would be fine with that. As long as the call is to pray for the health & well-being of ALL the justices, not just the pro-life ones.

Patty Johnson
October 2, 2021

O LORD GOD….we do stand in agreement with you for the life and health of Supremem Court Justice Kavanaugh. Let God arise in him and in all our justices….and may HIS enemies be SCATTERED. We love You, Lord, and thanks your for teaching us to pray “Thy kingdom come, THY WILL be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Because of Jesus, it is AMEN and AMEN.

October 2, 2021

It’s such a faulty test it’s highly likely a false positive. He should have it repeated. He doesn’t have symptoms. Why did he even get tested in the first place? This whole covid thing is a lie of false statistics. Pray for truth to be revealed in a big way.

    Eveline Franje
    October 4, 2021

    Who knows? The test may be a requirement of the court. I like Rochelle’s comment and prayer, posted on Oct.3 @ 950. I believe that Rochelle has much insight in all of this.

Cathy Womach
October 2, 2021


I pray that you will bring the Kavanaugh family the information about Ivermectin, pine needle tea, Vitamin C, D3 and all the SIMPLE remedies to recover from Covid! Protect and surround him and his family with Your Holy Angels from all attacks from the enemy who is out to kill and destroy. We rebuke the enemy’s power over Brett Kavanaugh in Jesus’ Holy and Great Name!✝️🙏

October 2, 2021

Lord, I ask for your protection for the judicial branch of our government. I especially ask for your leading and protection for our Supreme Court. I pray for the presence and guidance of your Holy Spirit. I pray that individuals who are seeking an abortion would be deterred and that you, the Grantor of Life would be glorified. Amen

SFC Shelb
October 2, 2021

Most High Heavenly Father
We humbly come before you, our Supreme protector of life, asking that you intervene on the physical and spiritual attacks against Kavanaugh. Rise him up and quicken his spirit. Rejuvenate his heart and inner most parts.
We call upon you Father, knowing you alone hold the power, trusting that you will defeat the attacks of this virus; and the enemy that is trying to rise up against Kavanaugh and his family.
Father we desire the things of your realm. We desire for the unborn life to be protected. We ask that you forgive our nation for this humongous sin of murdering the innocent lives that YOU FORMED in the wombs. Let your truths, thru ALL your faithful servanst be heard and felt throughout our land.
Forgive us for when we have failed to take a righteous stand, to loudly proclaim the evils surrounding the taking of innocent lives; and if we ever thought it was okay. We call upon the Magnificent Power from on high!! Place YOUR PRESENCE upon this fight AGAINST the murder of the unborn.
Those who are consumed in spiritual darkness, who are in positions of power – like Alexander Ocasio-Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden … who are fighting against what YOU HAVE FORMED & CREATED … We ask for YOU to give them sleepless nights with visions of Your coming wrath upon their own actions & deeds. Let them be made aware of your MIGHTY PRESENCE. Yeshua is Coming!! And ADONAI will deliver a wrath unlike any other in history.
As the enemy attempts to thwart the good works of your faithful children, we shall look to Heaven and call upon YOUR PROMISES of healing, strength and protection.
As faithful children, bought by the redeeming sanctified blood
of Jesus Christ, we know OUR FATHER hears our cries & holds ALL THINGS within His control.
Let our petitions be heard. Raise up the voice of Kavanaugh, fill him with your Spirit…. let it be made known to the enemies YOU ARE IN CONTROL, THERE IS NO ONE THAT CAN DEFEAT YOU OR Come against YOUR FAITHFUL SERVANTS!!!! Let it be known by all!!
In the name of Jesus Christ I believe
🙏 🙏 🙏

October 2, 2021

I also immediately felt this was a spiritual attack. Praying.

October 2, 2021

I read from multiple sources he has no symptoms. Is it true?

Karen E. Kendrick
October 2, 2021


Lydia B. Miller
October 2, 2021

Abba Father, we ask you send angels to fight on his behalf and to protect him.
Underneath the shadow of His wing, He shall be protected.
We break the power of any words spoken over him , in Jesus name we break the curse over his life,
We claim restoration and redemption for Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Father you are mighty, hold him close to your heart,protecting him from this evil.
You have power over this virus, strengthen his physical body and build up his immunity!

Toni Kushner
October 2, 2021

Our only hope is in Christ and so I call upon the Name of the Lord to sanctify the hearts of all who come against the fight for righteousness, I pray for the wisdom, counsel and protection for all those who are rising up and standing for godliness. May the Lord be their refuge, the One who goes ahead of the and their rear guard. I pray that they not grow weary or loss heart but to fight the good fight of Faith in the strength of the Lord. For the battle is not ours, but His and He will lead us, but we must fix our eyes on Him. Blessings to all who join the the battle.

October 2, 2021

We intercede for Justice Kavanaugh pleading the blood of Jesus over his body soul and spirit. We declare the name and blood of Jesus as a hedge of protection all about him. No weapon formed against him will prosper. We speak supernatural Holy Spirit fire to burn out covid and strengthen his immune system against this attack. We pray in agreement in the strong name of Jesus.

Carole Ann Neve
October 2, 2021

No weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises against you I will condemn. The righteous will prevail. Why does he have to take that COVID test? I heard the swab (weapon) goes way up the nose by your brain was an ancient Egyptian torture practice. The terror the WHO, NIH, big pharma, political bad actors and the media are instigating and even hiding the remedies that could have helped the people in the very beginning of the planneddemic. I heard the swabs that go high up the nose have tiny particles with a substance in them that are bad for the health. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny from Ohio researched what the vaccines do. Go look her up on Duckduckgo. Some people are proud to say they are fully vaccinated.

    October 2, 2021

    Yep! Add to that, the tests have been proven to be inaccurate. Just because you test positive, does not mean you have it. The media-aka The Devil’s Mouthpiece-has done a cunning job of deceiving many. That being said, this article was a good reminder to keep on our knees for these justices. We’re definitely in an all out war with the enemy.

christine stott
October 2, 2021

Well written! It is essential for us, the saints, to understand we are The Called and have a serious responsibility to stand in the gap, praying against all wickedness in high places, we are The Ones who are to petition Jesus Christ, To Whom All Authority In Heaven and On Earth has been granted – All Authority, that He would bind all wickedness and cast out all evil from every place around the globe. Earth is Christ’s Domain. He has The Power to stop the enemy, in all it’s forms, whether fleshly or spiritual. And He will do it according to His Will and His Calendar, on His Scheule. This calls for the patience of the saints. We wait upon The Lord, looking expectantly to His Throne for redemption.

Kathleen Palmer
October 2, 2021

No weapon formed against him, his family or the pro- life judges on the Supreme Court shall prosper ‼️🙏🏻 As Jesus said “I saw Satan fall like lightning ,” I decree in the name of Jesus that is what will happen to any attack attempted against the protection for the unborn and the march to the overturning of Roe v Wade. Amen ⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️‼️‼️‼️‼️✅✅✅✅✅🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Bret Trasamar
October 2, 2021

In the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Ghost I speak life and health to Brett Kavanaugh. He shall live and not die and declare the glory of God. I declare and decree that this virus will not harm him, that he will recover speedily, his body will build the proper antibodies and it will not harm his family nor any other justice of the Supreme Court. In Jesus mighty mighty name!

October 2, 2021

Lord, first I humble myself before you and I thank you for redemption from the lie of abortion. I thank you for your forgiveness simply ❤️ because I pleaded for it.

Abortion is Satan’s way of adding salt to the wound of being separated from God. When Adam and Eve sinned and God separated them from the garden, and specifically the tree of knowledge of good and evil, he caused the woman to be … what’s that word?

Cursed. The devil not only deceived, he steaks, kills and destroys. But his number one attribute is lying. If the Eves of the world have even a 50/50 chance of birthing God’s chosen the enemy comes for it.

Now, under cover by masking, Satan’s minions are emboldened to mock, shock and curse your creation.

Thank you Lord, for every day you reveal the plans of the wicked. They stand naked and unafraid of your vengeance. They mock you, scream at you and make spells against you and your people.

In your power, in your name, by the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ only, we call upon your angel army to shield those who do your will.

Life is your call, and the enemy seeks to cancel all life not enslaved to him. Therefore we speak life into the hearts and minds of our supreme court. May life take hold and beat down the greatest lie of abortion and take its brother Covid with it.

In your name, yeshua ha meschiach, the name above all names, we pray to you for forgiveness and redemption for those who have bought into or participated in the lie. These are the abortion whistle blowers and our petitions are going to the highest court in your creation. As you judge, may our supreme court justices follow your example. In Jesus name 🙏. Amen

Jacqueline J Manchester
October 2, 2021

Yes we must pray and will, but we must not look at Covid as a death sentence. It is NOT! more live than die, only about 1% die, so lets be positive as we pray for our leaders. May God have His healing hand on Justice Kavanaugh and keep him from any and all symptoms that will hurt and hinder him from his duties. Keep him and his family well, and focused on the truth to make him the power for good for our country.

October 2, 2021

Thank you for this proactive targeted prayer plan. This is what we need going forward. Targeted focused prayer every morning

October 2, 2021

Psalm 41
Victory in spite of Betrayal

For the choir director. A psalm of David.

Happy is one who is considerate of the poor;

the Lord will save him in a day of adversity.

2The Lord will keep him and preserve him;

he will be blessed in the land.

You will not give him over to the desire of his enemies.

3The Lord will sustain him on his sickbed;

you will heal him on the bed where he lies.

4I said, “Lord, be gracious to me;

heal me, for I have sinned against you.”

5My enemies speak maliciously about me:

“When will he die and be forgotten? ”

6When one of them comes to visit, he speaks deceitfully;

he stores up evil in his heart;

he goes out and talks.

7All who hate me whisper together about me;

they plan to harm me.

8“Something awful has overwhelmed him,

and he won’t rise again from where he lies! ”

9Even my friend in whom I trusted,

one who ate my bread,

has raised his heel against me.

10But you, Lord, be gracious to me and raise me up;

then I will repay them.

11By this I know that you delight in me:

my enemy does not shout in triumph over me.

12You supported me because of my integrity

and set me in your presence forever.

13Blessed be the Lord God of Israel,

from everlasting to everlasting.

Amen and amen!

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Sue R
October 2, 2021

Let all witchcraft be sent back to the senders for their instruction and correction!
In Jesus’ Name

October 2, 2021

Heavenly Father, we pray that You will keep Justice Kavanaugh safe from the ravages of this virus. We pray that he is developing natural antibodies band the end result from this will be a greater natural immunity to COVID. We thank You Father that You cause all things to work together for good to those who love You and are called according to Your purposes . In Jesus’ Name we claim to the victory and glory for You, O Lord!

Rosalie Skwiers
October 2, 2021

Loving, Merciful, Father I thank you that we have some like minded people on our U.S. Supreme Court. I plead the blood of Jesus over each one of them. I pray for healing and Devine health let their bodies line up with the word of God. I am thankful Jesus that healing comes because you gave your life for us. Lord I ask that you would not allow President Biden od Vice President Harris to be able to appoint any judges. In Jesus name. Amen.

Victoria Z
October 2, 2021

What is this nonsense about witches and hexes? Have you read the word that says:
Numbers 23:23 Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel: according to this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, What hath God wrought! “For there is no sorcery against Jacob, Nor any divination against Israel.

The bible speaks about people speaking lies, saying there are witches and divination that have power to turn away God’s will is a lie! When Baalam tried to curse Israel GOD blessed Israel through his mouth. Israel had to be enticed to sin in order to be cursed! So Father we pray that you protect our honorable believer politicians and justice officials, keep their consciences sensitive and vigilant and their will strong to discern and resist all sin, to avoid a curse coming on our nation through them in Jesus name.

James 5:15 15And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the LORD will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.

Father if Justice Kavanaugh has committed sins that may have opened a door to Covid, please forgive and heal him.

Father thank you for your word which is truth. Perform your word in our nation and restore us. in Jesus name we pray and receive it.

Maynard Beck Sr.
October 2, 2021

As the Senate was preparing to vote on Justice Kavanaugh I had unction to call Senator Collin’s office to ask her to support him. I called early in the morning thinking her assistant might have time to chat. The woman who answered was very pleasant and we talked a moment about our Grandchildren and family. Then she asked why I was calling from North Carolina since Collins represents Maine. I explained that my wife and I are passionate about the life of the unborn and we knew Susan would be the key vote.
With the proliferation of items Congress has to consider they will often trust the opinion of an aide over the news media and their own self preservation…
I stand in agreement with Casey’s scriptues and would like to add the “Song of the 3 Holy Children” from Daniel 3 even though it is basically Psalm 103. Matt Redman’s “Bless the Lord Oh May SouL 10,000 Reasons” captures the essesnce of Psalm 103 quite nicely for Praise Warfare and calling down Angelic protection also.

David L scrougham
October 2, 2021

Pray I receive or allow my self to possess or allow GOD TO DO THE WORK NEEDED TO RECEIVE IT

Frances Louise Wagner
October 2, 2021

I pray that people will take the time and watch this. I consider it the most important video on origins of Corona virus. We need to pray that what this man is exposing gets to the right people for Justice to be metted out! He has testified to Congress, contacted law enforcement and gone to the DOJ! No one has had the courage to step up and do the right thing! He is no stranger to working with the government! In early 90’s set up first medical device clinical research organization submitting clinical trials to the FDA. Has had a decade of interaction with FDA on advisory panels, submitting a number clinical studies. Doing one of the very largest medical device clinical trials in FDA history. During mid 90’s doing enormous amount of forensic work on biological and chemical weapons and briefing law enforcement agencies became an asset for the US Government traveling all over the world and talking about what was happening with biological weapons globally. He was sent to examine what was going on by the US Government.

He has hard truths to tell and they need to be heard!
Dr. David E. Maritn – he is no conspiracy theorist – He is the Chairman of a M-CAM that has since 1998 been WORLD’s largest underwritter of intangible assets for 168 countries (including patents, federal grants, etc) Maintains 3 global equity indexes world’s top performing large cap and midcap. As such he has unique access of the patent universe. 4000 patents related to Covid (it is NOT nor ever has been a “novel Corona virus”) going back to 2000! He has stunning revelations that can only be told through the PATENT history of Covid Dr. Martin testified to a German Committee on Corona – what he said can save your life or a loved ones.

Martin publishes a intelligence briefing on every violation of every biological and chemical weapons treaty that people have signed around the world and its a “phone book” telling you where, and who and the public funding. So it was not hard for them to know this was NOT a public health crisis – RATHER an opportunistic marketing campaign to address a stated objective: occam’s razor reality “they said they needed to get the public to accept a pan-Corona virus vaccine counter-measure, and they needed the media to create the hype and investors would follow where they see profit” AND he has all the documentation to prove it! He says this is a RICO case!

Did you know Moderna that had never made a vaccine before was put at the front of the line for this and they actually came up with the slogan THE NEW NORMAL back in 2004 – thats when the script for this nightmare was written. THE NEW NORMAL meant getting everyone addicted to continual injections of a synthetic, recombinate DNA chimeric protein developed off a computer simulation. through a campaign of corrosion and terror!

2016 to 2019 at every NAID advisory council board meetings Fauci laments he couldn’t find a way to get people to accept universal flu vaccine – his favorite target. In Mar. 2019 in amended patent filings of Moderna they had an epiphany what if there was an accidental of intentional release of respiratory pathogen. Same phrase exactly in book “World at Risk” scenario put together by World Health Org. in Sept 2019. MONTHS BEFORE there is an alleged pathogen release. Saying we must have a coordinated global experience of respiratory pathogen release by Sept 2020 and must put in place a universal capacity for public relations management, crowd control, and acceptance of universal vaccine mandate. Sept 2019 language of “INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF A RESIRATORY PATHOGEN” was written into scenario of “must be completed by Sept 2020”

No effort by any pharmaceutical company to combat the virus but instead get people injected with known to be harmful S1 Spike Protein: never intent to vaccinate population as defined by vaccination universe.
NO PROTECTION. NO PREVENTION OF INFECTION. Injection does not meet patent standard, legal, or clinical standard. Dr. Martin raised issues in 2002 after anthrax scare. Tragedy is hundreds of millions of people being injected with a pathogen stimulating computer sequence which is being sold under what patent office, medical profession, and FDA in own clinical standards would not suggest is a vaccine but by using the term “vaccine” subjecting hundreds of millions of people to what was known to be by 2005 a BIO-LOGICAL WEAPON

As I said “hard truths.” I pray people don’t dismiss this. Investigate for yourself. He has much more to expose…

Martin testified to a German Committee on Corona Virus and the Germans could not believe what they were hearing – and he has all the documentation. https://youtu.be/ihjNDf32_Ac?t=18

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    October 2, 2021

    And I am not convinced that the Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches of government have truly been vaccinated.
    Word has been out that they are exempt from the dangerous vaccine.

      October 2, 2021

      That’s right Maureen! They are exempted! That should tell us all we need to know! Remember Obamacare, they were exempted from that too!

      Frances Louise Wagner
      October 2, 2021

      There is such lawlessness in every aspect of this.

      David E. Martin also said All evidence of alternatives to vaccines was suppressed so the only way forward was a “vaccine”. Bizarre approval for the FUTURE production of what they are calling Covid 19 vaccine in last EUA. They got the “headline” they wanted but they don’t have any substance behind the headline. The “approval” is back-peddled into an EXTENDED EUA – there are a number of ACTIVE studies ON-GOING that do not close till 2023! 2 more years of collection of data for safety and efficacy. The moment there is a real approval EUA protections for all other vaccines would CEASE immediately. What they did was something the law does NOT allow. But FDA and CDC have decided they UNILATERALLY pre-empt all 3 branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial. Captured regulatory environment with interlocking directorates!

      I have been crying out to Abba Father for years to “let everything hidden be revealed, everything in darkness be brought to the light, let them not be able to hide, your hand find them wherever and expose, let them fall in the ditch of their own making and let their foot be ensnared in their own trap and let their evil come down on their own pate and let there be chaos and confusion in the camp of the enemy in Yahshua’s Mighty, Matchless and Sovereign Name. And we are getting that exposure and there is such an effort to suppress it. Before all this started in 2020 there was a role-play event called “event 201” funded by Gates Foundation, Claus Schwab’s Economic Forum and John Hopkins University to “prepare” for a world-wide “pandemic” and it was decided the most important thing was to “control messaging” that translated into suppressing ANY counter narrative to the “official” one: so we have censorship on a massive scale, even of doctors and scientists who are imminently qualified to opine. This is NOT science! This is the globalist religion of “scientism”

      And another thing,just because you test “positive” for Covid does not mean you have it! The inventor of the PCR test Kari Mullis said it was totally unsuited for being used to test for a virus. Depends on how many “cycles” anything over 18 and you get into false positive territory. These tests for Covid all last year were run at up to 40 “cycles” giving up to 92% false positives!

      Link gives you that plus a whole lot more, this is Clay Clark’s site that he often references in the “ReAwaken America” tours with Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Mike Lindell and numerous pastors and doctors. I have been following these at Rhema Bible College, at Rodney Howard Browne’s River Church, and I attended the one at Charis Christian Center with Pastor Lawson Purdue in Colorado Springs, CO last weekend. The next one will be at John Hagee’s Corner Stone Church. Everyone needs to hear this information and evaluate it for themselves.


    October 2, 2021

    Frances, thank you for the link to this very revealing YouTube video. I’m surprised YouTube has kept it up. I did watch it. And it confirms what my gut has said for years about these so-called vaccines. Thank you for your diligence.

    I pray healing for our supreme court justice, but I also pray that people will open their eyes to this worldwide deception.

      Frances Louise Wagner
      October 2, 2021

      I believe it is a “God” thing that info has been kept up. I was so shocked when I first came upon it. I actually made a audio cd of it and have played it in my car for the last two months to grasp everything David E. Martin is saying. No one but him is approaching this through the documentation of the patents! I was shocked at the fact Moderna who came up with the term “THE NEW NORMAL” in 2004 had also in Mar. 2019 had amended patent filings: they had an epiphany what if there was an accidental of intentional release of respiratory pathogen. Same phrase exactly in book “World at Risk” scenario put together by World Health Org. in Sept 2019. MONTHS BEFORE there is an alleged pathogen release.

      As far as Justice Kavenaugh having “Covid” – of course we keep him covered in prayer and plead the Blood of Messiah on him for his protection – but the test proves nothing – so says the inventor of it Kary Mullins: https://timetofreeamerica.com/case-inflation/#scroll-content

    October 2, 2021

    Thank you, Frances, for sharing this.

      Frances Louise Wagner
      October 2, 2021

      I would also advise everyone that fellow brother in the Lord Mike Lindell now has his whole platform available on ROKU! There you will find uncensored conversation, documentaries, pod-casts from doctors, pastors, political figures REAL election audit updates. News from a Christian Perspective. He carries Steve Bannon’s War Room with his daily podcasts, Erik Metaxas (who wrote the definitive biography on German Theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer), Brannon Howse who does very informative broadcasts about the attacks the enemy launches against faith leaders, the efforts to destroy our Republic, advancement of Communist agenda using co-opted evangelical leaders deceived as Faith-Based Justice Narrative takes focus off the Gospel and onto globalist agenda. I can’t recommend Frankspeech.com enough and now it is more accessible with ROKU.

        October 2, 2021

        Frances, thank you again. Great information! I appreciate it.


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