Free speech is under attack in our nation. Many states have started to draw new legal boundaries to defend free speech in preparation of future federal legislation that would remove first amendment protections.
Unfortunately, many bills before Congress, could make our freedom of expression subject to hate speech. Your religious beliefs or difference of opinion may no longer be viewed as your fundamental right under the First amendment.
In an encouraging development, last Friday, the 6th District Court of Appeals ruled that that a college professor, who is a Christian, can defend his first amendment rights and sue the University where he works. In 2016, he was reprimanded for refusing to address a transgender student by her preferred pronouns. Traditional pronouns such as he or she, now may include multiple preferred pronoun options such as, zie or sie for example.
This is an example of cancel culture and is happening in colleges and universities all over the country. The U.S. Supreme Court recently sided with a former Georgia college student who sued his school after it prevented him from expressing religious views in a free-speech zone on campus. “It is undisputed that (Mr.) Uzuegbunam experienced a completed violation of his constitutional rights when respondents enforced their speech policies against him,” wrote Supreme Court Justice Thomas.
Banning free expression was never the purpose in university settings. They need to be safe havens of thinking critically while seeking truth.
You can send a message to your elected officials today to ask them to act in support of freedom of speech. We also urge you to pray and fast this week for upcoming federal measures that are being considered throughout the federal government that would chip away at your freedoms under the Constitution.
- H.R. 1 – Would federalize, micromanage, greatly expand eligible voters, and weaken election standards that are currently administered by the states
- H.R. 5 – Would make mainstream beliefs about marriage, biological facts about sex differences, and many sincerely held beliefs punishable under the law.
- The NSA is exploring if they can expand domestic surveillance in violation of the 4th Amendment
- Execution Action on Gun Control – The President is preparing to sign an Executive Order that would greatly expand gun control
To watch this past week’s IFA Pray for America’s Leaders webcast on Constitutional Rights to Privacy and Freedom click here.
Share your thoughts on the current culture of stifling free speech in our nation, and how you are praying about it all.
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Forgive those who feel the need to control everybody. Use our prayers to pull down strongholds against constitutional rights as set forth by the founding fathers. May we continue to stand firm& speak out for truth&justice.
Father you sent your Son Jesus to save us & deliver us from all evil. Your Word says in John 8:36 whom the Son makes free is free indeed. Jesus purchased our freedom over 2000 years ago & through His death & resurrection we have been given rights & privileges & authority to proclaim the good news of the kingdom & exercise that freedom to assemble together according to Ephesians chapter 5 which says forsake not the assembling together & according to our constitution which gives us the right to gather & the right to freedom of speech. Now Father let your righteous cause be established in our land & all that would seek to silence your body & remove our religious freedom by promoting ungodly agendas be exposed for what they truly stand for & those who will not repent & turn to you, may they be removed & replaced with godly leaders who fear you & honor your Word above all things. Let justice prevail & these bills be overturned in the Senate so that we will have elections that are honest & that our religious freedoms will not be removed. We know that you have a plan for our nation & it’s one for good & not evil. Awaken your church to see what is truly going on & let us rise up as one voice to declare your righteous cause. Let us raise up a standard to stand up & speak out against that which opposes your Word. In Jesus Name Amen
Lord Jesus, this battle is YOURS but I know we have a part to play in protecting our freedoms. Convict the body of Christ to stand up and speak out with our words AND our money. If we stop supporting ALL these entities that hate you AND us they will begin to listen as money is their god.
We have got to learn to put our differences aside and come together. The enemy’s army is better organized and more committed then the army of GOD. Help us LORD!!! We need a miracle!
Amen! Such truth! Help your people Lord, to wake up and speak up. “We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!”
Father GOd, The One who created man and woman, who gave us the garden to expand the Kingdom of God on the earth, grant us sanity and strength. May those who believe in Jesus be loving and yet unyielding regarding these potential irradiations of free speech and constitutional rights.Help us to stand in the name of Jesus Christ. May we be as certain as Christ when He chose the cross for us. In the Mighty name of Jesus.
Father, forgive our silence. In its place, release Your voice in and through every man, woman, and child who loves You. Give us heavenly strategy. When to speak. How to speak. What to speak. When to fight. Silence is no longer an option for Your Bride. So Father, with Your loving hand, remove the mask from Your Bride’s mouth….and anoint her ability and opportunity to express Your truth and Your heart. In Jesus’ Name!
Dear Father, We come to you today asking for a PASSOVER MIRACLE that Your glorious church would arise and shine their light in every corner of darkness by NOT EVER BEING SILENT OR ASLEEP AGAIN as we have allowed this takeover of America because of apathy and complacency and lukewarmness of the church in this country. Lord, I declare and decree that YOUR GLORIOUS CHURCH WILL NEVER REMAIN SILENT AGAIN AND RECOGNIZE THAT THESE ARE NOT POLITICAL ISSUES TODAY, THEY ARE MORAL ISSUES, THEY ARE BIBLICAL ISSUES AND EVERY PASTOR FROM EVERY LOCAL COMMUNITY IN EVERY STATE OF THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA MUST SPEAK AND LEAD FROM THEIR PULPITS! Thank You, Jesus, for hearing our cries as we come with repentant hearts today as we are experiencing horrible atrocities in our midst, a time of evil being called good and good being called evil. LORD, WE NEED YOUR MIRACLE! Thank You that Your Son took all our sin on Himself and died, went to hell, and arose from the grave so that we who profess His name and believe in Jesus might have eternal life with You forever and ever and ever. Thank You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit for the GREAT AWAKENING THAT HAS STARTED! Hallelujah and Amen!
Speaking of free speech, I read a graph that in a three-month span, abortions went to 9 million and the COVID deaths weren’t near that number of course. Remember abortions were deemed essential in the early part of the year 2020? What were the doctor’s and medical community doing with all of those aborted babies? My son-in-law who unpugs sewage knows where a few of them went, probably through miscarriag there. I am being real here. There is a real problem of aborted babies and what they are doing with them. I am assuming they went for profit from the abortion clinics and hospitals. Dr. Tenpenny from Ohio who was interviewed on Daystar (You can look for the YouTube), thought that an aborted fetal part of some sort, I think she mentioned eye, went into the COVID Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Johnson & Johnson made baby lotions! Now it is some sort of potion I feel, it seems to me. Are they trying to make us cannibals? I heard something about a certain soda/pop too. My family gets upset when I say this but is it true? You have to ask, what is in the vaccine’s? They might not know, just a jab in your body. There have been many sheeple sitting in line for the jab. Abortions have to end. Also they want our guns so they can control the sheeple. Keep praying to God for protection Psalm 91 and to end the precious loss of life. We have to do our part. In God We Trust!
Thank you Carole Ann for a very informative and truthful statement. We need to tell young women to not get pregnant unless they are planning a family. Recall that Virginia will take a live baby after birth even if the mother does not want it. Now what will they do with this baby? Oh, horrors if we really knew.
Dear Lord rise up brave people such as layman and woman, politicians,judges and justices, lawyers and organizations that will defend our constitutional rights that are daily being infringed upon by those who are evil and want to destroy this free nation. Lord please rise up those who will be brave and address the election fraud. Without fair just and honest elections, this country will fall into tyranny that we could never imagine. America will be run by dictators. Please protect all those who are brave and stand for righteousness, in the halls of Congress, in the universities where evil has infiltrated, protect those who are brave and take a firm stand. The students, the teachers, everywhere. Wake up all Americans to see what is happening. We pray against the lies of the “woke” movement and all those who want to force us to believe their unbiblical abmominations and to silence those of us who believe your word is truth. Lord give all Americans the courage, wisdom and guidance with bravery to speak out against this total communist take over of our country. Lord give Americans eyes to see what is happening. Please Lord wake up parents and help them to see that our children are being targeted to be filled with perversion from kindergarden and up and to take away parental rights to raise their child in their belief system. Protect our children Lord! Lord we need your help. Please deliver us from our enemies. Cut them off like grass as your word says. In Jesus’ name. To God be the glory.