I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray that You would protect free speech. Keep the government from silencing inconvenient truths, God!
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After the Missouri v. Biden ruling answered our prayers, this appeals court has set free speech back. Intervene, Lord!

From Breitbart. A federal appeals court has temporarily halted a ruling from a lower court that prevented key members of the Biden administration from pressuring social media companies to censor Americans.

Who is praying on the wall?


The Justice Department’s request for a temporary halt was granted by the three-judge panel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, made up of Clinton-appointee Carl E. Stewart, Obama-appointee James E. Graves and Trump-appointee Andrew S. Oldham.

The halt means that, for now, Biden administration officials can resume contact with social media companies. They had been prohibited from doing so by an injunction granted to the plaintiffs of Missouri v. Biden by U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty of Louisiana at the start of this month. …

The halt is only temporary, lasting “until further orders of the court.” The government is appealing the decision from the Louisiana court. In addition to granting the halt, the three-judge panel also expedited the government’s appeal. If the government loses its appeal, or if the case goes to the higher court, the earlier ruling could be reinstated. …

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(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Marisa Gatti-Taylor
July 18, 2023

How can your organization pray for FREE SPEECH and at the same time approve censoring a person in Congress for criticizing the nation of Israel?!

    July 18, 2023

    Free speech doesn’t mean that we have to accept lies as truth. In fact, members of his own party rejected his comments as untrue (probably because of the political backlash it has received). The difference is, he was allowed to say it.

    Losing Free Speech takes that right away from whomever doesn’t have the power or government granted immunity to say what they want, which is what the Biden Administration has been pushing. Now in spite of their actions being rejected by the highest court in the land as unlawful, they still persist in their lies and unlawfulness. Your statements mix apples with oranges. These are too different issues regarding speech and IFA is correct is treating both as separate.

      July 18, 2023

      Agree, Carol. Well put.

      God bless!

      Mary Kirkendall
      July 18, 2023

      I so agree. Warring in prayer, writing, and calling our representatives are so important. Thank each of you who pray, vote, write and call to help our voices to be heard. “O God,….Rise up, How long shall the wicked,.. O LORD, how long shall the wicked exult? The pour forth words, they speak arrogantly;….They want to crush They people…..And afflict Thy heritage”. O our God, Jesus, our King, hear our cries for deliverance from the blanket of lies and manipulation of information that is destroying our young people, our Government officials, and many of our church pulpits and congregations. Oh God, You and You alone are the answer! Send a great Awaking, release the Holy Spirit Power through Your Word, and send it swiftly through out this land, our Nation. Come and heal our land and help us know Your wisdom in responding to those in authority who are believing these lies and going against You and what has been established in our Nation through the Constitution. Help, Jesus.

    July 18, 2023

    These are two words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanins (homonyms). Censor means prevent speech while censure is to criticize speech,

      Mary Beth
      July 18, 2023

      Good point, DJ! And remember that even though we may have the freedom to speak, what we say may have ramifications and consequences – like someone else censuring our speech, or criticizing it. Freedom of speech assumes that everyone has it, not just those who agree with what I say.


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