Two tech titans — Apple and Google — teamed up to help governments with coronavirus contact tracing. Are you surprised?
Perhaps most remarkable for some observers was a joint effort of such magnitude for these giants. They have one of the biggest rivalries in the world of technology. They also have been known to resist government pressure, which makes their project even more notable.
But let’s back up. What did these Big Tech leaders do?
In April, Apple and Google announced they would be working together to develop a digital tool aimed at curbing the spread of COVID-19. Through iPhone and Android devices, the two companies have a presence in the lives of billions worldwide (including most of the 81 percent of Americans with smartphones). They did not intend to build a contact tracing app themselves. Rather they would create a special API (application programming interface) that can be an engine for mobile apps built by governments.
Apple and Google publicly released their exposure notification tool this week. (They prefer the term “exposure notification” to “contract tracing”). It employs Bluetooth signals, which are low energy beacons that help our phones interact with other nearby devices. A record of that signal could theoretically help determine whether you were in hazardous proximity to someone later confirmed to be infected with COVID-19.
Because this virus can be dangerous in people before they shows symptoms, a tool like this could become handy — again, in theory.
And that leads to what may be another surprise.
You might think governments are chomping at the bit to get this tool — and certainly some nations and states are becoming quick adopters — reports have indicated that interest is not universal. Why?
Well, some may be concerned about the accuracy of the technology. Can Bluetooth tell whether you are having dinner with a friend versus being stuck in traffic next to someone with your car windows rolled up? The distance and duration of signal interaction could be the same. Might there be a risk with false positives (or negatives)?
Others may be worried about the costs of building and maintaining such apps, as well as systems to responsibly use the sensitive data those apps would collect.
Still others could be wanting more than what Apple and Google are willing to give. Big Tech companies have come under intense scrutiny for their treatment of customer content and data — rightly so. U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) wasn’t out on a limb when expressing privacy concerns with this new tool (he told Google that its record “is not exactly reassuring”). To be fair, though, their Bluetooth approach is actually one of the more cautious tracing ideas out there. Also, the tech titans have insisted that government apps built around their engine be both voluntary for consumers and not able to access a user’s location data.
And that leads us to one more possible surprise. How many (or how few) people will actually volunteer to use such apps?
I think most people— myself included — remain confident in public health workers on the frontlines fighting this deadly pandemic. I know I am thankful for their sacrifices! But we also know Americans are wary of big government. For example, some observers worried a federal contact tracing bill could lead to serious abuses of power (IFA flagged it here), and enough voters raised their voices that the legislation’s sponsor in Congress is now actively attempting to mitigate those concerns.
So how many people are likely to proactively and voluntarily download a tracking app based on Apple and Google’s tool and give it permissions to share data that governments want? A recent Washington Post poll suggests about 60 percent of Americans either can’t or probably won’t.
And if people won’t volunteer, then what happens? That is what really raises a caution flag in my mind.
Could people be convinced to comply by suggesting they cannot use certain places of public accommodation without an app? Or might they be required by workplaces to have such an app active? If so, is that ok?
I’d be glad to read your thoughts in the comments section below. Indeed, these are questions citizens and our government leaders will need to wrestle with. And they most certainly will need to be covered in prayer.
Aaron Mercer is a Contributing Writer with two decades of experience in Washington, D.C.’s public policy arena and Christian associations. A seasoned strategist, he aids organizations with research, analysis, and writing services, and he reflects on faith, technology, and the public square at
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Thank You Father that You are Sovereign and when we are worried we can cast our anxieties on You because You are Faithful and You care about us. When we consider the Tower of Babel–how and why You intervened we see Your sovereign control over the affairs of men. You have prophesied some very difficult things in the end of times– events hard to understand and hard to accept. But there is peace in knowing and belonging to the God who knows past, present, and future and cares enough about me to answer my prayers. Your promise to give us everything we need to live Godly lives will carry us through this time. We pray for strength, discernment, boldness and love. Help us to read, understand and speak the Truth in Love. Help us to stand firm against every injustice. Battles may be lost but the War between Good and Evil is won!!The government may trace me but I am not afraid. You have been tracing me since birth and You will never lose track of me!! For this I praise You and give You the glory always and forever Amen!!
Rep Bobby Rush, IL, introduced HR 6666 TRACE ACT for a $100 Billion grant to NGO’s and organizations to carry out contract tracing throughout the US just months after attending the Aspen Institute’s conference in Africa which was paid for in part by Bill Gates, Rockefellers, and the Democracy Fund. PIH (Partners in Health), Gates/Clinton(Health “Initiative”) and Soros are also part of this draconian measure to entrap Americans. For more info see coreysdigs and Amazing Polly for some excellent reporting. I would not submit my temperature or DNA through any testing as our records are being accumulated. The tracing is voluntary until it isn’t. Meanwhile RFID/NFC syringes are being manufactured by the millions for a future vaccine and Gates is placing satellites all over the earth to video us 24/7. Who knows what toxins, metals, and nanoparticles are being sprayed on us from the skies?
definitely would not want that app!
They are not issuing a contract app. It is part of iPhone and Android phone automatic software updates.
I have strong concerns about privacy with an app of this type. No way will I put it on my phone or tablet!
Apple has been collorabating with the Chinese and their trillion dollar program for advanced technology. Now Google wants in on the big dance.
I’m reminded of Bill Gates and his technology for schools. In ten years school test scores have gone down every year but nothing was done to remove this “turkey” and find something that does work.
I find myself doubting the efficacy and morality behind people who are being investigated by our government for their questionable practices. Once in we never see the end. I don’t want that elephant in my living room ( or phone).
I would have go forgo those public places and a job if I were required to have that app. As it is, App!e knows enough when I use my phone. I pray we all have God’s wisdom, discernment and the knowledge of what do do with what He grants to us.
For me it’s a real privacy issue. From my understanding, these apps can access your friends lists and all contact information both in your phone and computer. Personally, I would rather not be in contact with people who upload these apps than to have my personal info accessed and be tracked everywhere I go. This is supposed to be a land of the free, but tracking people and knowing their every move, is not freedom. It doesn’t matter that I go no where or do anything that is unlawful. No one else needs to know every detail about me because at that point, it’s no longer private
I have the same concerns regarding privacy. Tracking every movement or attempting to track the movement and interactions of average citizens is what happens in Communist or totalitarian countries. I say this because I have friends who either live in such countries or immigrated to the US from such countries and have heard their stories. I feel very strongly that any efforts taken by local or federal government leaders here in the U.S. to protect public welfare must be balanced with protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens and comply with what is permitted in the Constitution. I was among those who contacted my senator and representative to express concern about the Contract Tracing bill for similar reasons. I pray that God will give our elected officials wisdom in this situation.
FYI::: Pray, we must, an intimate relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, also a must, as well as many other things.
BUT, are you aware of a number of old movies and books that speak and show quite a few things about this very time in which we are now living??
“Logan’s Run,” “They Live”, “1984” (book as well as a movie by George Orwell), “A Brave New World” by A, Huxley and “Atlas Shrugged” by A.Rand.
We must be wise as serpents…Matthew 10:16…..
Everyone seems worried about burning obama and hillary at the stake when we have many dirty politicians and technocrats bringing us into a transhumanist/mark of the beastfuture now. Don’t get distracted folks. NWO is not giving up. In fact, this whole thing has been about proclaiming that the old is out and the the NEW is in. Look at the new UN logo. They announced exactly what time it is. Stay dressed in our spiritual armor and prayed up. We have a harvest to bring in.
No, it’s not ok to be tracked or traced! We are still a free society~One Nation Under God. I will obey his rules and if they are different than mans I pray my fellow Americans and friends will aid me in the freedom march.
No, it’s not ok to be racked or traced! We are still a free society~One Nation Under God. I will obey his rules and if they are different than mans I pray my fellow Americans and friends will aid me in the freedom march.
I, absolutely, would never use the app. Government has no need to know where I am any time.
Absolutely we as Americans are concerned! This is not CHINA, folks! We are FREE PEOPLE. We must resist ANY AND ALL government overreach, way before this level and especially at this level.
I am most concerned with them embedding it in apps without our knowledge. That is fully within their tech capability already. They can simply make it a part of a phone update without telling us. Or any number of other covert methods which they have in multitudinous supply up their sleeve.
No, we cannot trust government to spy on us. We cannot and must not authorize this. We cannot allow them to legislate its use in order to gain admittance to workplaces and schools and anything else they want to forbid. It is WRONG and VIOLATES our liberties.
Most certainly i would not get involved with that,it takes our freedom away!! NO to big brother!!Yes we all need to pray over that
This article is written as though the tracking of people n America was a reality. a done deal. I am AGAINST this invasion of privacy. it is not only an invasion of privacy, it is one more plank in that lie that many people in government believe, that power is the reason for government.
Since when is that book, Rules for Radicals the guiding principle for America? NOT my America!!! All this law making in the wake of this virus is NOT governing. it is one more plank in this structure being pushed into place where by America is relegated to being a 5th, 10th, or even 30th world country. worse than Cuba or Venezuela.
I disagree with the over excitement to spend our way out of this. I see no cautiousness on the part of the people in congress. and this article, I say it again, is posing questions as if this tracking of Americans is a done deal. there is nothing to consider. there is only the action of rejecting any and ALL efforts to push any legislation of any type upon people. and what Apple and Google did was more for money than for any other reason. The tech giants would not be giants if they did not have lots of money. We have always had monopoly laws. why do they not apply to Apple and Google? I do NOT want that book, Rules for Radicals to replace the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in America. Nor do I want that book to replace the founding of this nation and it’s heritage. Patrick Henry said it best, “Give me LIBERTY or give me death.” FREEDOM is why people come to this country. not because it shoves down the throats of the citizens reporting on their neighbor for sitting inside a closed shop working at a computer.
Amen agree with Elizabeth. Well said thankyou
Sadly they already track you in more ways than you know. Your credit card usage, the items you buy, your car GPS, your HDTV and other electronics, and maybe more. If the computers are not already connected, they soon will be. YES we must reject further invasion of our privacy, what little we have left. I’m very against the tracking app, but don’t think they don’t already know a tremendous amount about you, because they do!
I agree. This is one of the reasons I stopped carrying my phone with me everywhere I go. I know it seems hard for some to believe but there was a time when people went about their day without a phone attached to them at all times. The other tracking is a little harder to get around; for instance, although I tend to use cash for small purchases, I need to use a credit or debit card for making purchases in large dollar amounts.
I am not in favor of using our phones for this purpose. I’m the area where I live the cell towers are few. It will tell that I am signing into my account in a town 52 miles away because our tower in the town where I live is so weak. Some days we think about not even owning a cell phone because of the tower problems here. What a huge mistake this would be and the problems of would cause for me and others in th town where we live.