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Lord, we pray for our religious liberty in this country.
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In a recent interview, New York’s first openly gay congressman, Sean Maloney, referred to religious liberty as a ‘bogus term’ to discriminate those in the LGBTQ community.

Maloney made denounced religious liberty in a Monday interview with MSNBC in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to ensure LGBTQ+ protections in the workplace, The Blaze reported. . .

Maloney, however, remains skeptical of Justice Gorsuch noting that he believes advocates for religious liberty will want to alter the decision’s application in future cases.

“We know that Neil Gorsuch is a supporter of so-called religious liberty, which is a bogus term — it is actually some sort of pretext for discrimination hiding behind the guise of religion,” the congressman said. “So, I’m still on the lookout for that from the author of this opinion.”

Identical comments were stated by Maloney at a Congressional Hearing back in February over the Trump Administration’s “Religious Liberty Assault on LGBTQ Rights.”

At the hearing, Maloney testified in favor of adoption for LGBTQ families against discrimination concealed in religious liberty.

“When you allow people to discriminate against those couples, you deprive children of good moms, dads, families who are going to love them, and you dress it up as religious liberty, you simply sanction discrimination and deprive those children of a home they deserve,” Maloney said. Maloney and his husband have three adopted children of their own.

NBC News reports that Maloney is a sponsor of the “Every Child Deserves a Family Act,” which works to protect LGBTQ families from discrimination when it comes to adoption and foster care.

(Excerpt from Christian Headlines. Article by Milton Quintanilla.)

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June 20, 2020

“SUPERNATURAL DIVINE DELIVERANCE” is “REQUIRED” before any of those *Enslaved* to the “Dark-Side” BONDAGES – are capable of Seeing and Hearing and Comprehending the DIVINE LIGHT of God!
Simply ask EX-LGBTQPedo individuals re: Their Personal SUPERNATURAL Experience of Intimate Love of God which provides DELIVERANCE from the Occult Dark-Side perversions ‘Discriminating’ against God and his Family!
God dealt with Sodom and Gomorrah by EXTREME SUPERNATURAL POWER and AUTHORITY!
Today’s LGBTQPedo (World Wide) makes Sodom and Gomorrah look like a PTA Meeting and in just 2 Cities!
Religious Freedom in America PROTECTS the Church from the GOV. mandating anything!
GOD IS SOVEREIGN and this is HIS PLANET & HIS MANKIND & HIS UNIVERSE > which the LGBTQPedo orgs. are ATTACKING with Rabid Dark Fervency, because it is a *Demonic Bondage* only dealt with by SUPERNATURAL DELIVERANCE!
Thus God is RETURNING to Establish HIS KINGDOM on Earth as it is in HEAVEN aka: “MILLENNIUM” for 1000 yrs.
No CONGRESS nor SCOTUS can EVER > Take that away!
We have Years — Not Decades ! Thus Extremely Relevant Today!

June 20, 2020

“SUPERNATURAL DIVINE DELIVERANCE” is “REQUIRED” before any of those *Enslaved* to the “Dark-Side” BONDAGES – are capable of Seeing and Hearing and Comprehending the DIVINE LIGHT of God!
God dealt with Sodom and Gomorrah by EXTREME SUPERNATURAL POWER and AUTHORITY!
Today’s LGBTQPedo (World Wide) makes Sodom and Gomorrah look like a PTA Meeting and in just 2 Cities!
Religious Freedom in America PROTECTS the Church from the GOV. mandating anything!
GOD IS SOVEREIGN and this is HIS PLANET & HIS MANKIND & HIS UNIVERSE > which the LGBTQPedo orgs. are ATTACKING with Rabid Dark Fervency, because it is a *Demonic Bondage* only dealt with by SUPERNATURAL DELIVERANCE!
Thus God is RETURNING to Establish HIS KINGDOM on Earth as it is in HEAVEN aka: “MILLENNIUM” for 1000 yrs.
No CONGRESS nor SCOTUS can EVER > Take that away!

Joan Bartruff
June 20, 2020

Heavenly Father, I pray for Sean Maloney. Sean has the freedom to think as he chooses because he is a citizen of America. None of us would do so well with expressing our viewpoint in a tyrannical society. I am guilty of judging in some instances too soon. Forgive me, Lord. I pray Sean will be more wise and slow to judge what religious liberty means. I pray he will not continue to overstep with the responsibility granted Him by YOU in serving as a Congressman where his influence is widespread among the electorate. I am sorry for Sean that he chooses to rebel against His Creator in this matter. You are sovereign, Lord. I pray
Sean will come to love the rules of God which are there to protect all people. Amen

Robert Camp
June 19, 2020

Compared to the voice of the illegal (DACA) population of 22 million your agenda for the LBTQ at 3 million shows that the community you support is 1.3% of the illegal immigrant population. Why should this small minority dictate the political agenda for the nation. How did you get elected in the first place? Go get a job. You should not be on the government payroll.

Anne Battle
June 19, 2020

God’s way is best-a mother (woman) and a father (man).


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