I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we ask You to intervene and assign angels to properly screen those who are coming into our nation, and stop those who wish to do harm. We ask You to protect our nation.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

…Rep. Tom Tiffany, a Republican, told Just the News that the failure to vet social media posts for possible extremism is just one of several byproducts of a chaotic Biden administration exit strategy that has moved immigrants to U.S. installations…before adequate security checks could be completed.

“They said, get them on the planes, and we’ll sort the immigration status out later,” Tiffany said…”And Secretary…Blinken acknowledged that this last weekend…That is a terrible way to handle national security.”…

“It appears that the Biden administration…is not doing any checks on social media,” he said. “And that’s one of the No. 1 places you can find at this point what people’s true beliefs are…And that is not happening here in this vetting process…”

But a senior U.S. official…told Just the News that the databases used by U.S. screeners sometimes include social media handles…but only those individuals who have prior security flags…”Are we checking…posts…especially those without red flags? No,” said the official. “We’re not resourced for that.”

Tiffany said the recent diagnosis of an Afghan refugee brought to Fort McCoy in Wisconsin…highlighted another shortfall in the screening process: disease monitoring. Fort McCoy confirmed…one refugee was being isolated…with measles, a highly contagious and dangerous disease…

The congressman’s comment[s] were echoed elsewhere…including in Northern Virginia, where the executive director of the Northern Virginia Emergency Response System blamed the Biden administration’s poor planning for overrunning hospital emergency rooms in her state…

“This was terrible for the refugees who have already traveled for days…” Kristin Nickerson told The Washington Post.

Tiffany cited a Just the News article…as a third example of the problems with weak screening: an Afghan refugee heading onto a U.S.-bound flight Tuesday from a U.S. military base in Germany was found to have five blasting caps, a detonator wire and a blasting tube in his possession. While officials don’t suspect terrorism…he has been denied entry to the United States.

Tiffany said the incident was being dismissed too nonchalantly…

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas defended the administration’s vetting…

“We have no information to suggest that ISIS has come to the United States through the Afghan national population that we’ve admitted…,” he said…

But Tiffany said with an estimated 100,000 refugees going through an uneven screening process, the risks are high…

The congressman said he is so concerned by the government’s laissez-fare security screening that he has asked the resettlement charities…to do their own vetting…

What are your thoughts about the administration’s vetting process? Share your comments and prayers, below!

(Excerpt from Just the News. Article by John Solomon. Photo Credit: Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images).

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