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Jim Tarter, a prayer leader from Roanoke, Virginia, shares these intercessory insights for our nation:

Consider the life and ministry of King Jehu (1 Kings 19:16-17; 2 Kings 9-10, especially 9:6-8) was God’s instrument of judgment on the first house of Jezebel, which the Bible calls “the house of Ahab.” In this capacity, Jehu did many things that did not look like Jesus. For example, 2 Kings 10:1-28 shows how Jehu shrewdly killed all in the house of Ahab in Jezreel and all of the king’s great men, acquaintances, and priests. Jehu also eradicated Baal worship in Israel which was good. Jehu did the Lord’s work of judgment, but it would be easy for both Christians and non-Christians to find fault with the ways in which he did God’s work, and few can find Jesus’ ways for His believers in Jehu’s ways of wreaking judgment.

The news media establishment in the U.S. and much of the world is dominated by the spirit of Jezebel with its lying, manipulations, witchcraft, and deception. This stronghold will need to come down one way or another for our land to be healed and stay healed.  President Trump took an adversarial position to the news media establishment on his first full day of officially being president. This is not sinful and is consistent with his sensing God’s leading to bring down this lying, treacherous Jezebel, a real “Goliath.” But this comes with the Jezebel spirit doing what it does best: lying and deceiving with half-truths and misleading anecdotes to make a huge lie seem like the truth. An example is the immigration ban on non-vetted refugees from seven nations that have a strong terrorist presence getting smeared and manipulated into being called a ban on Muslim travel into the U.S. We can imagine the anecdotes the major media will present when specific moves are made to reform healthcare.

This battle surely has the potential of being very messy, and President Trump truly needs to let God lead him into doing things in God’s way. In this, he needs the prayers of all Christians. Any jerky move will get magnified, and most legitimate moves that our president makes will get twisted and distorted in ways that only God can straighten out. But God does have a way for President Trump to be successful in doing God’s will for good.


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