Worship Video: Psalm 3
Most parents don’t like to be the last to know what’s being presented to their children, and Dayton, Ohio-area families were appalled to learn about a school-wide assembly held at a middle school.
No advance parental notice was given for this event held in conjunction with homosexual/transgender National Coming Out Day. As I have mentioned in previous articles, schools are regularly observing special days and weeks as part of a coordinated “LGBT” agenda directed to America’s children.
It all happened at Van Buren Middle School in Kettering, a Dayton suburb. An 11-year-old boy reported to his mom that a special speaker addressed the students. Actor/author Maulik Pancholy related his experience believing he was “gay” back in 6th grade and now encourages students to embrace their own homosexual feelings. He’s written a book called The Best At It.
Yes, that’s right. Sixth graders are now being encouraged to announce a homosexual identity.
Pancholy was in the Dayton area as part of a tour promoting the book. Since he was also a voice on the popular Disney cartoon “Phineas and Ferb,” during his speech he told the Kettering middle school students that one of the Phineas’ characters was “gay.”
So is this school officially on board with destroying innocence while encouraging pre-adolescent corruption? This administration needs to be held accountable for mentally molesting these children while betraying the trust of their families.
And the mom in question is sounding the alarm. She emailed a number of other Van Buren families with this message:
“Sharing one’s sexuality to 11-year-olds, many who aren’t even thinking about sex, has absolutely no place in our publicly funded schools. Why did they think this was appropriate? And why did they think it was okay to teach our children without our knowledge or consent? And on top of that, use our tax money to teach our children beliefs we disagree with?
“If they were looking for diversity there are numerous other authors they could have chosen from that didn’t come with a clear LGBT agenda. I’m assuming when confronted the school will fall back on their ‘anti-bullying’ facade, which I find ironic when you consider what is defined as bullying.
“As is well known, anyone who disagrees with this agenda is instantly labeled with hateful rhetoric and name-calling such as ‘homophobic’, ‘bigot’, or ‘hate group/hate speech’, certainly not what any child wants to be called. Nor does any child want to be singled out as hateful, when they’re anything but that. (It’s not hateful or bigoted just because you believe differently.)
“I would certainly call that intimidating! So, as the school hides behind the ‘anti-bullying’ facade to deceptively promote the LGBT agenda behind parents backs, it would appear by definition they are the big bullies here.”
Parents feel the betrayal keenly. And they should, because it goes beyond sexual corruption. It’s a violation of parental rights and it’s unconstitutional.
Schools have no right to assume that a pro-“LGBT” worldview is an appropriate official position for a public school, and an all-student assembly carries the implied endorsement of the school. Families who are Christian, Jewish, or Muslim are completely disregarded and disrespected by the assumption that affirmation of homosexuality and gender deviance is an acceptable message. It’s the establishment of one viewpoint while foolishly promoting a morally, spiritually and medically high-risk behavior.
“Coming Out Day” is on October 11 every year, established by the homosexual activist community because of its association with a “gay rights” march in Washington in 1987. It’s an activist day with a personal slant, encouraging people to declare, “I’m here, I’m queer, get used to it.”
(Excerpt from AFA. Article by Linda Harvey.)
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Father, I pray for the children, parents, teachers, and community members that are called by your name to rise up in prayer. Give them the courage to bear witness to the truth. May they be reminded that this battle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places. You have given us authority in your name to shift the spiritual culture of the day, for You have already spoiled principalities and powers through your death, burial, and resurrection. We take authority now, over the spirit of hopelessness and dread which tries to wear out the patience of the saints. We remember today, that greater are you in us. No weapon formed against us will prosper, and we declare that the God of all hope has invited us to His throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need. Show your people the weapons of our warfare and teach us how to strategically use them. We command this unclean spirit to stop its maneuvers and desist in its operations by the power invested in us in the name of Jesus. We stand as representatives of the Kingdom of God! Lord, you are Jehovah Nissi, the Lord our banner and you fight for us. We decree and declare this activity to stop now in the name of Jesus. We release light and life into the lies of the enemy. We command all the resources of the enemy to dry up! We ask for angelic assistance in causing confusion in the camp of the enemy. No longer will darkness fly under the radar but we declare that it will be revealed and dealt a blow of defeat according to Matthew 10:26. We take our place as sons and daughters of God and displace this unclean spirit. We ask for the gospel of the Kingdom to be demonstrated to every man, woman, boy and girl trapped in “identity confusion.” We ask that every lie be brought down and truth arises. We break every lying emotion tied to these thoughts and for hope to arise. We release over each person who struggles in this lifestyle: Acts 26:18 open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in You.” Thank you, Lord, in advance for the multitudes that are now in the valley of decision that will be set free by the power of God. In Jesus’ name, Amen and amen!
A beautiful prayer of requests to our Father in heaven who cares deeply about His children. I pray none of those representing God will fall into the trap of hatred, but will take on the Spirit of our Savior.
Thank you Linda, for your prayer covering in His name . May God help and give wisdom to us all and protect our hearts from double mindedness. May the mind of Christ our Savior live in us from day to day and let us actively depend on His Justice. We all are called to teach and protect those in our sphere of influence.
Oh God may a Holy revolution rise up in the Country. May the scales of injustice be tipped by the bowls of prayer in heaven. We declare and decree it is now a time of Righteousness, Justice and truth!
Amen! To see evil and do nothing is evil! May righteous anger fill the hearts of parents throughout this country and may they rise up to protect their children. In Jesus Name. Amen.
I’m praying that God-fearing men respond to this article!
Praying families awareness and honoring God’s creation of the family.
Prayers for the very confused, Lord please, open stony hearts,in
Jesus Name,
O Holy God, may this nation repent its the adulterous sin. May EVERY person think about You, our judge and justifier, You hate sin and You hate sin outside of the marriage bed which is solely between man and woman. O Lord, even in the church, the spirit of this sin is rampant, of which I repent and thank You God for showing me Your ways and allowing me to turn away.
Abortion, STD, pedophilia, porn, all judgement addictions that must be repented of. May the Church awaken, rebuke its members that struggle with this, that we may repent, turn away and declare Victory over it as You give mercy on whom You will have mercy. Nothing is hidden, may it come out being exposed in our lives to be dealt with, humbled by it, that we may walk declaring Glory to You for our good. Rid of us this guilt & shame, only in Jesus name and by His blood does our sin wash white as snow.
Father-you destroyed two major cities Sodom and Gomorrah because if their great sin of homosexuality. You do not change and therefore because a You have said it is an abomination then it is a sin. Please rid us if this sin in our nation! Give us -Your people – favor in the courts as we go forward to confront this issue as well as in our own homes in our own families-sadly. Help us to see our own sinful ways and lead us to sincere repentance! In Jesus name amen.