CNN said it won’t run a pair of ads launched by the Trump re-election campaign, claiming the 30-second clips contain factual inaccuracies linked to the whistleblower complaint and former Vice President Joe Biden.
One of the ads titled “Biden Corruption,” released recently in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election, takes aim at Democratic candidate Biden for his previous interactions with Ukraine officials.
Pray about the 2020 election with our prayer resource—Who Will Face Donald Trump in 2020?
Biden in 2018 said he had threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid unless then-President Petro Poroshenko fired top prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma, the energy company in Ukraine for which his son Hunter Biden was a board member.
The two political ads were posted online, with the ad highlighting Biden’s corruption reportedly costing Trump’s 2020 campaign team $8 million, and the Republican National Committee (RNC) $2 million, reported Breitbart.
Cable news channel CNN rejected the adverts, saying they are partially inaccurate, deride the congressional house inquiry, and unfairly attack its journalists.
“Joe Biden promised Ukraine $1 billion if they fired the prosecutor investigating his son’s company,” the voice-over for the ad says. “But when President Trump asks Ukraine to investigate corruption, the Democrats want to impeach him,” it continues to clips of U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).
The ad then cuts to footage of CNN journalists such as chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo while the narrator says: “And their media lapdogs fall in line.”
A CNN spokesperson told the Daily Beast it is refusing to run the ad as it does not meet their advertising standards.
“Specifically, in addition to disparaging CNN and its journalists, the ad makes assertions that have been proven demonstrably false by various news outlets, including CNN.”
In response, Trump 2020 communications director Tim Murtaugh in a statement accused the cable news network of “protecting” Biden in its programming and of becoming a “Democrat public relations firm” instead of [being] a news channel.
“…So it’s not surprising that they’re shielding him from truthful advertising too, and then talking to other media outlets about it,” he continued. “Our ad is entirely accurate and was reviewed by counsel, and CNN wouldn’t even describe to us what they found objectionable.”
A separate ad, titled “Coup” accuses House Democrats of “fabricating evidence” and describes the impeachment inquiry—which was announced on Sept. 24—as an attempt “to undo the election, regardless of facts,” reported the New York Times.
(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Article by Isabel Van Brugen.)
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Dear Mary
God has called us to pray for our leaders not to critcize them, for He is the one that appoints them.1 Tim. 2:2 Romans 13:1.
There is nobody perfect except God.
Holly Spirit keep us united inspite of our differences that we may not give room to our enemy and steel from us our blessings. Dear God , Continue blessing our President Donald Trump with your wisdom, knowledge and understanding I pray in Jesus Name Amen !!
Heaven forbid if you post a comment not agreeing with the others on this site. This is definitely a biased website. I know what is right and wrong. I also can see wrong actions being taken by our President. He has done some good things that I agree with and appreciate. What I don’t agree with is the bullying tactics, name calling, misrepresentations and inviting foreign countries to investigate opponents. Withholding aide to get what you want is wrong. If people’s thinking is “that is the right thing to do”, then may God help the leaders and people of this nation. Nowhere in the Bible can I find where that is the right thing to do! “Do unto others…”
Whether right or wrong not to air ads, it is their call. I do think that the President has brought this on himself by his name calling, foul mouth, misrepresentations and bullying. His latest antics of getting foreign countries to do his dirty work to shed a bad light on opponents is awful. It is not Christian. If he is a Christian, his “fruit” doesn’t show it.
You must be living in a cave. Well, maybe FALSE promises and accusations make your day. How do you deny the factual tapes and videos, or do you really believe in fantasy. My God, open your eyes and use your brain!
I could tell you the same thing “open your eyes and use your brain!” How people can condone name calling, foul language, etc. from a President who should be setting an example for our country and our children is beyond me. It comes in his tweets and interviews. I am all for exposing wrong doing, but it must include the President too. Just like the rest of us, he isn’t above the law.
We pray that corruption will be brought to light and then when it is, such as in Biden’s case, some people including Christians don’t want to hear it.
God help us! And help all those who still believe CNN is a real true news source.
Dear Mary,
I can sense your frustration with the political climate in this country.
I ask you to consider these thoughts:
Although God’s purpose for each of us is to become more and more like Jesus in our character, God has a specific calling on each of our lives.
God has not called your pastor to be President of the United States of America because He hasn’t given him the knowledge or experiences necessary to fulfill that role.
In the same light, God has not called President Trump to be a pastor. Please commit to pray for President Trump that he will grow in the purpose of becoming more like Christ.
And please honor him by acknowledging all he has done to protect life, our religious freedom, and persecuted Christians around the world.
God bless you❣️
Rochelle: Amen
Amen, Amen!
Past opinion, President Trump under one of many treaties between the US and Ukraine asked for help in investigating corruption, see Ironically this particular treaty was signed by Bill Clinton. LOOK at the connection between the Biden’s in Ukraine, The Clinton Foundation, the Pedesta Brothers, Paul Manafort and the Obama Administration depositing 1.8 Billion Dollars into an Ukranian bank, that supposedly was LOST. Christians are to STUDY to show themselves approved. Realize the Prince of the Power of the AIR (MEDIA) uses lies, manipulation, masquerading as an Angel of Light, his workers masquerade as workers of righteousness. Christians are commanded to (Romans 13:1-10 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, WHOEVER REBELS against the authority (Our President) is rebelling against what GOD has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
Just something to think about…President Trump is a business man, not a politician. Would you rather have a man who has a rough mouth, but is keeping his promises to the American people, works hard for religious freedom, stands against abortion – has cut Planned Parenthood funding, appointed conservative Supreme Court justices, stands with Israel and also was the first president to follow through on Americas promise to place our embassy in Jerusalem, stands up for America, and rooting out corruption. ( And yes, a president can ask another president to investigate corruption…especially that of a former vice president. regardless of him being a presidential candidate. It’s legal, no matter the spin). Would you feel better if you had a president who, as an experienced politician, knows how to use his words to win over the people…but is short on keeping promises, getting things done, doesn’t stand for religious freedom, or life for the unborn, or appoint conservative judges? Smooth talkers are plenty in Washington. Those who get things done are not. And neither are those who are brave enough to go against the progressive, politically correct tide. Trump is a fighter, reactive, sometimes rude. But think about what it would be like to have the media and Congress relentlessly attacking you, accusing you, and working against him at every turn, during his entire presidency. I can’t imagine the stress he is under, and mostly from our own Congress. He is a fairly new Christian. Would you respond in a perfectly Christian manner if you were attacked and falsely accused relentlessly as he and his family, have been? If so, good for you. You’re more perfect than most of us. It’s easy to condemn, and criticize, but remember, God works on all of us over long periods of time. Change is not instant because you’re a Christian. It’s a process. A lifelong process. I hope the Body of Christ can show him the same grace we have received from God in spite of our flaws and struggles. Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. God uses imperfect people to accomplish his purposes. Pray for him.
Very well said, Jan!
That’s okay, I don’t watch CNN anyway. BUT, I agree with Acworth, have all ads outline his accomplishments and how much more he can do for our country and the American people over the next 4 years, instead of lambasting the other candidates. The people need to know the good he is doing and the news stations do not tell them. The people need to see the good side of Donald Trump.
Does the FCC allow them to sensor an advertiser?
Speak no evil.
GOD does not need the help of bad adverts to win the election!
Stay positive.
Speak truth.
Don’t take the bait!
Speak wisdom; not insults.
The anger of man does not accomplish the purposes of GOD.
GOD’s blessing will not rest on anything that doesn’t conform to His Word.
Amen Mari!
Pray for Justice and righteous over America and the media
Prepare less antagonistic ads for our President. Don’t inflame me. Inspire me. Truth can be couched to transform positively and powerfully. Make it happen.
Great comment. I pray for creative writers to be able to create those type ads.
Yes, LORD, bring forth the ads which inspire us to the best we can be.
That was one of my mother’s favorite statements: vulgarity puts you in their ballpark. Intelligent, sophisticated language knocks them out every time. Speaking Godly language obviously..
Lord God – I thank you for this rejection because these ads are accusatory. Instead, Lord, I ask that the committee rethink their campaign strategy and have all ads outline his accomplishments and how much more he can do for our country and the American people over the next 4 years. Instead of lambasting the other candidates, Lord, I believe that showing the people how smart he is will be more pleasing to You, sends a great message across all the land, is a great representation of the patriot movement, and leaves no room for discord. I pray that You will help your servant, Donald J. Trump, become our next president. In Jesus’ Holy name. Amen
Amen. I wish I could have said that.
We heard what Biden did. He can fight his own battles. I agree that a positive ad will reach the masses more positively. So, CNN did President Trump a favor, even though I am sure didn’t plan to do that. I planned on voting for President Donald J. Trump for 2020. Keep America Great!
Righteousness and justice are the foundations of Your throne.
When the foundations are destroyed what shall the righteous do?
Praying for a returning and a repentance by the God’s people to the Lord.
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Lord, give us grace, stir us to humble ourselves and return to You with our whole hearts that You may heal us, heal our land, restore the foundations and fulfill Your purpose for our nation in our generation and the generations that will follow.
Lord I pray that Your truth be manifested in all the earth as we exalt the name of Jesus in the midst of chaos created by the enemy of our souls.
May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Bring great conviction upon those who are walking outside Your will for their lives.
Bless all of America to know You intimately as a Father knows His Son.
May you guide and protect our leader and President Donald J. Trump and all governmental leaders and authorities to desire You and to be wise by walking obediently to Your words.
Dear Heavenly Father, we are hopeless without you. We know that you took our collective prayers for our nation and gave us Donald John Trump as our leader. Now Papa please hear us again and keep this mighty movement going to end the deceit and corruption in this our sovereign nation.
We know that DJT is not a perfect man, but without your grace go every one of us. We praise your holy name thanking you for your mercy and grace and ultimate love.
Please Father, O Papa, allow the TRUTH to be broadcast across this nation into every household that the American citizens know what to believe.
We thank you Lord that you are so much bigger than the puny CNN! Nothing is too hard for you God!
Please let our POTUS know of your power and might. Let him know how we pray for him. Give him Lord the peace and wisdom that he needs to keep fighting. Thank you dear God, ABBA Father. Amen.
The father of lies, the devil, is using a tactic of accusing Trump of lying, when in actuality, his opponents have been lying about their motives and behavior since before the 2016 election. It’s an age old tactic, accuse others of what you are actually doing. The name “fact check” is supposed to give some sort of credibility to an organization that spent almost 3 yrs pushing a false narrative of Russian collusion? How about labeling the President a rascist, a nazi, an antisemite? The PM of Israel called him a modern day Cyrus, his daughter married a Jew and converted herself. CNN can air what it chooses, but has no credibility to make any sort of judgement about any thing to do with our President.
I pray for the Truth to reveal all the lies and false narratives to vindicate the innocent and bring justice to the perpetrators who are attempting to overthrow a duly elected government. Give the Trump team wisdom in how to fight this sneaky enemy who has pulled out all stops to win. Let them not act out their own strength, but be led by the Spirit to fight this battle of corruption. Lord, go before us and set up the enemy for a big fall and restore our Country back to your principles.
Sorry MJ. I meant this to be a general post. Was not referring to your post. My mistake.
Lord, we thank you for answering our prayers to expose the darkness in our land. Sometimes when we pray we are clueless about how our prayets are answered. Nevertheless you understand our coming and our going and I believe the exposure to truth is detrimental to the lies and deceptions that are put forward by the dark arm of the father of lies, who disguises himself as an angel of light. I pray that your people will hear your voice and know how to discern the difference between good and evil. May the smaller towers of Babylon that dispense false information worldwide be brought low, the lies completely revealed, the layers of deception peeled back that the light, the word breathed in love will reverberate in a revival this generation has never seen before. Help us to and pray for situations like this. Give us words to stand up against the dark force who comes to steal, kill and destroy. In the name of Jesus, amen.