Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said that the Department of Justice’s investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe is “disconcerting” because he and his intelligence community colleagues had only “done what we were told to do by the president.”
That president would be Barack Obama.
In an Oct. 7 interview, CNN’s Jim Sciutto asked Clapper: “As you know, the President has members of this government, you have the Attorney General traveling the world now meeting with U.S. intelligence partners trying to find out, in his view, whether they participated in some sort of Obama administration led effort to undermine President Trump in the last election here. You also know that John Durham who is a prosecutor here, a senior justice department official, he’s pursuing his own investigations on the origins of that probe. Are you concerned that Barr’s or Durham’s investigation will find wrongdoing and seek to punish former intelligence officials?”
Clapper responded: “Well, I uh, I don’t know. I, I, I don’t think there was any wrongdoing. I think at the time all of us were trying to navigate a very, very difficult, politically fraught, highly charged situation. I know, for my part, my main concern was the Russians, and the threat posed by the Russians to our very political fabric. The message I’m getting from all this is, apparently what we were supposed to have done was to ignore the Russian interference, ignore the Russian meddling and the threat that it poses to us, and oh, by the way, blown off what the then commander-in-chief, President Obama, told us to do, which was to assemble all the reporting that we could that we had available to us — and put it in one report that the president could pass on to the Congress and to the next administration. And while we’re at it, declassify as much as we possibly could to make it public, and that’s what we did.”
Sciutto: “One issue I’m — (crosstalk)”
Clapper: “It’s kind of disconcerting now to be investigated for, you know, having done our duty and done what we were told to do by the president.”
Clapper’s revelation on Oct. 7, analysts say, is another major sign that the deep state is in panic mode as the DOJ investigates the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation.
Radio host Rush Limbaugh said: “Folks, can you say in any other time and place ‘bombshell?’ ”
“I’ve been waiting for this,” Limbaugh said. “A lot of people have been waiting for this. Here’s Clapper saying, ‘I didn’t do anything wrong! We didn’t do anything wrong, ’cause we were doing what Obama told us to do.’ The question he was asked is (summarized), ‘Are you worried about this investigation that Barr and his team’s running against you? Are you worried? You, Clapper and Brennan, are you guys worried?’ (muttering) ‘Oh, no. Of course not. Why? (muttering) The president told us to do all that! (muttering) Obama was the president of the United States. Uhhh, the chief executive, uh, commander-in-chief told us to do all that.’ ”
RedState’s Elizabeth Vaughn noted that Clapper “makes these statements in such a deadpan voice, we don’t realize at first the gravity of his words. But this is the first time a deep state insider has connected Obama to this travesty.”
Watch here:
(Excerpt from World Tribune.)
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Amen! God bless America and make her godly again!
Open his eyes to your truth Lord! Amen
Lord, help viewers of current America politics to remove the mote from their eyes to see the sins of their leaders in DC. The Truth is in plain sight for those who will see. But grant them the understanding of facts that lead to inescapable knowledge that those leaders are corrupt and must be removed from government. It’s apparent to this believer that significant forces are moving in the nation to reestablish our ‘one nation, under God’ with non-satanic leadership, people who deal in the truth, candidates who upon ascending to leadership will adhere to you well established traditions and rule of law for the nation. Only open eyes that seek truth shall prevail in your nation. In Jesus name, amen.
Lord Jesus, I pray for Your truth to be revealed, where ever it leads. I pray for a hedge of protection around those who are truly serving You, Lord Jesus. I pray that those dealing in lies and deceit will be removed from office quickly. I pray that those who stand for life of the unborn children which you have blessed us with will prevail. I pray that those who stand against the ungodly sins of homosexuality and transgenderism would prevail and those who support this ungodliness would quickly be removed from power. I pray a hedge of protection around our President and Vice President, and that you would give them of Your Grace and wisdom to know how to lead this country rightly. I pray all these things in Jesus name. AMEN!
Heavenly Father, we know your Son told us on earth to get knowledge and understanding of things, then to pray for wisdom to act. We see how many who profess to follow The Way do not do these things. We ask that our leaders get all the available knowledge necessary to lead this avowed Christian nation and remove those who do not, who pretend to your omniscience in themselves when evidence shows they are deficient; we ask that all leaders get understanding of your Ways and the facts around them, not faux news, and lies abounding today; and we beseech thee to correct them when they stray from the strait and narrow, revealing to onlookers who is faithful and who is not; we ask your protection for this nation in its hours of need from those who would thwart your Words and pursue their own iniquitous ways. We ask you remove all leaders who have demonstrated by themselves and in concert with others to be unworthy of the people who once supported them. In Jesus Name, amen.
Yes Lord God, as the truth comes out, please bring justice. Amen.
Yes, Lord, please bring justice.
In Jesus Name, Amen
Luke 12: The Discourse of Jesus, Son of God, concerning “hypocrisy”v. 1-12, v. 13-34 “covetousness”, and “faithfulness” v.35-48; and “division and signs” v. 49-59. (RYRIE STUDY BIBLE, KJV)
All of Luke 12 is relevant to this case especially Luke 12:2 in my view. It is too early to calculate an “opinion” judicially; although we soon will have all the numbers to calculate accuarately. Amen and Amen. Please Pray for The United States of America, our Veterans, and our Government. ( especially emphasizing the word “nothing” in the verse 2 of Luke 12. ) Thank you.
My prayer will always be, however: I Timothy 2:1-4. Note, that this is written as part of The Better Covenant based upon better promises (it is found in the New Testament) and to rightly divide this would be to identify what and who it is addressed to: The Church, The Jews, or the Gentile and nations?? Also with Luke 12 what was the intended addressee?? everyone??? Well, we must rightly divide the Word of Truth and then pray the Word of Truth with fully persuaded faith that is a living birth produced by the Word of Truth.
Please know, Pride is what causes a high government official to do low down and dirty deeds!!!! So anyone out there who is convicted by the Word of Truth, please know, there is an invitation gift and space of time to repent and turn to God for His Salvation verse 4 , I Timothy chapter 2. Amen. God’s Ways are Best and full of Life and Love!!!! Acts 2:38 Repent and Be baptized!!!!
Singing in a tune like heard on the playground, or with Jamaican steel drums: “Runs down like water. Runs down like water. Runs down like water. /Runs down like water. Runs down like water. Runs down like water.”
“But let justice run down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream.” (Amos 5: 24) Singing, “Like a mighty stream. Like a mighty stream. Like a mighty stream./ Like a mighty stream. Like a mighty stream. Like a mighty stream.”
In the name of Jesus the Christ I ask that Father God place a wall of protection around Donald Trump, Mike Pence, AG Barr, Durham and all others fighting against and trying to expose the deep state and their corruption. Bring to light their evil deeds as you say in your word Jesus. Expose the plans of the evil one, Satan. Bring them to nought. Open the eyes of your people. Bring them to pray in agreement in this against this spiritual battle
being waged against or president, our government,our country, our people.
I ask the Holy Spirit’s guidance and protection for all His people in these times of oppression and attacks.
Come Lord Jesus come.
In His mighty name I pray and give thanks. Amen
In agreement. AMEN!
in agreement as well. AMEN
In agreement, Amen! Glory be to God!
In agreement. Amen!
In Jesus name. Amen.
Praying in agreement!
What a terrible web we weave when we purpose to deceive! Lies last for a moment! The Truth will stand forever! Thank YOU LORD, that Your Word does not go forth and return to YOU void, but it will accomplish the purpose for which it was sent. I do declare: “He who digs a pit will fall into it himself.” My, my, my there are going to be a lot of people in the pit if they don’t repent of their wickedness!
I searched for this video on the internet for myself to see.
These days people can manipulate photos , voices and videos .
I looked it up on snopes also.
Snopes is left wing. Research it’s origin. Started out in a couples kitchen. I would never believe anything they say.
Heard it’s owned by Soros. . . .hmmmmm?
“Video unavailable This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Warner Bros. Entertainment.” Infowars had the video.
Hum. I am guessing this really happened, but of course always look for the possibility of deceit.
If the video is really being hidden, this calls for even more Intercession on our part. I certainly do not want a civil war to break out, and we need to implore the LORD to intervene on our behalf.
Father, please make it clear what we should be doing, and we intercede for strong, good people to be in leadership positions in our nation. We intercede for Your help, because You are the only One who knows what is really happening and what should be done to promote righteousness, in this broken world. I pray that as many people as possible be saved through Christ! In the name of Christ I pray!
Prov 22:8- “The one who sows injustice will reap disaster, and the rod of HIS FURY will be destroyed.”
Father I pray for your guidance and wisdom to continue exposing the TRUTH, confused them and let everyone involved in this scam be exposed and shame! Continue protecting our President and the Senators over the evilness in Washington. Revealed to those that are still blinded by lies; that You, our Father will open their eyes to SEE. I pray that you LORD continue exposing them and shame them! That the words they use against the President and his staff will be used against them; Shut down the lying lips, mute them! I pray that your Heavenly Courts delivers the restraining Orders to the earthly Courts with Justice! I pray for ALL the believers that are serving you to strengthen them, give them wisdom, discernment but overall your Peace. To stand FIRM against the enemy. Protect them with your shield and bring LIGHT to the DARKNESS in Washington.
Bless our President, family And ALL the people around him! In Jesus name I decree and pray! Amen
Yes and Amen!
My Lord and saviour we want to thank you for being the God above all gods. We thank you for your goodness and mercy which we don’t deserve. Please, I pray Father that you continue to reveal the plans of the evil one and stop them. In Jesus name, we curse the root. And further, we know, your mercy endures forever. Amen
Precious Heavenly Father, I pray Lord God that righteousness and justice will flow down from your throne. Lord we beseech your hand of mercy upon this people of the United States for your Grace to fight against the tide of darkness upon the earth.The whole earth groans for the revealing of the Sons of God. Lord help this Nation called by your name as “One Nation Under God ” to fulfill that destiny of your purpose, on your Kingdom calendar. God we are praying for the 3rd great Awakening in this generation. I believe Lord it is for such a time as this. Lord grant our President DJT immunity from Your enemies. The enemies of Truth and justice. Lord I pray according to your word. That Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be Done on the earth as it is in heaven. Lord give us this day Our portion according to your purpose and plans you set forth from the foundations of the world. For Our Eyes are Upon You O Lord. We wait
Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground in Jesus name, Amen.
Amen!! In agreement
I prayed in agreement with all these heaven-sent prayers! And I say Amen and Amen!!
Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.
Luke 12:3 ESV
Father God, nothing is hidden from You. During this time of what seems to be chaos for our nation, on the hill of Washingtion DC, we pray for order and lawfulness to return. You gave our founding Fathers wisdom in the originating documents, and over time those documents are being destroyed. We pray for those committed to the restoration to the judeo Christian values we once held. We pray for the blinders to fall from our Brothers and sisters eyes that still support the previous administration including the immoral policies against You that are part of that parties platform and agenda for this nation leading us towards socialism and globalization. Lord, Your Word tells us the harvest is ready, but the workers are few. We have a generation that the Truth of Your Word has been hidden from them due to policies against religious freedoms, those policies are changing. Your church, each of us as individuals have been more silent than we ought. May we suit up in Your full armor, remembering to take our sword, and let us GO! Go into the enemies camp, into public education, into the public square, into the homeless camps, into the arenas where sports are now worshipped, and let us declare the Gospel, the Good News of Christ Jesus death on cross for the sins of the world, my sins your sins, he was resurrected 3 days later just as proclaimed by the ancient scriptures and one day is coming again. We must prepare! Jesus said if you love me you will keep my commands. Lord, those 10 commandments have been removed from the eyes of this generation. But You gave us each a conscience, and the guilt and shame of our sin remains until we repent and have faith in You. Please Oh Lord, give us a zealousness for the truth, for right and wrong according to Your authority in scripture alone. Awaken us O Lord, and may this 3rd Great Awakening usher in the tribulation as a sign of Your coming. Come Lord Jesus come!
Amen and Amen. Revive our nation O Lord and pray hedge of protection around our President/Administration.
Prayer is always the key, as in this case, to expose the enemies plan! I remember 32 or 33 years ago the wide spread corruption in NYC, including the PVB, my wife, along with others prayed & corrupt politicians were removed permanently 🙏
How do we know what you report is true?
If you listened to the interview this is what Clapper Himself told the CNN newsman.
Father God, I thank you for exposing the evil coup against our beloved and duly elected President Trump! Expose expose expose more and more until all evil is drained from the swamp in Jesus name! Host with the most go in the name of Jesus and shred every evil high place and make the enemy toast and put him in a dry place to the glory of God! We give all glory and praise to Almighty God in Jesus wonderful name🙏🙌🇺🇸
Jesus You sit upon Your Throne in Heaven and I am sure what you see upon this earth makes You weep. These demonic people have violated everything that Your Word teaches. They are sick and depraved in their minds.
We call upon You Jesus and the Heavenly army of angels to come and destroy the works of these demonic people. They have sought to pervert their offices and use the power they have to destroy our nation and take down a duly elected by the people President.
Expose and make known Lord the truth in all this sordid and treasonous situation.
Let it be known to the world that there is a one true and living God and His is the Victory.
Deliver us from evil we pray.
Let God arise and His Enemies be scattered. Let a Great Awakening of Your Holy Spirit flood America and the world.
Protect with Your Precious Blood our President Trump and all those who are fighting to save our Republic.
We bind every demonic force coming against our Christian values. We take back in Jesus Name what the enemy has stolen and declare the enemy Satan and his demonic hordes defeated in the name of Jesus.
All Praise Honor and Glory forever be to You Lord Jesus.
Father God.forgive the United States Congress for their past and present sins against You, one another and the American citizens. Have mercy on their souls. I ask You, Lord Jesus, to intercede for each Congress member, giving each ears to hear, hearts to receive and the minds to understand the salvation/deliverance You have provided for all of creation. I ask for the Holy Spirit to move in a mighty way into each Congress member’s heart drawing each to repentance of all sins and acceptance of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Deliver each Congress member from evil spirits and their own depraved/corrupt hearts. I ask You, Father God, to send legions of ministering angels into each office and building that members of Congress utilize and each Congress member’s soul will hear and receive the angel’s ministering of Father God’s precepts with direction towards Godly wisdom made decisions for the United States of America’s government and her citizens. I ask Lord Jesus for You to intercede for each Congress member to allow each to be one with our Father, them in You and You in them. Father, I ask Your will to be done in the United States of America. Forgive me of my trespasses as I forgive those who have trespassed against me. For thine is the Kingdom and power and glory, forever. In Jesus Christ name I ask all these petitions.
“Be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32
Truth will eventually trump deception ( yes, the pun is intended!). Light will always expose darkness! The Lord of Glory will have His Way because His only begotten Son is The WAY and The TRUTH! Amen
Father, thank you for Divine exposure of the plans, plots, schemes and strategies of the enemy through our government. Thank you for shining your light and revealing things long hidden in darkness. Let Justice and Righteousness that are the foundation of your Throne be established in our nation and our Government. Let lawlessness be revealed and prosecuted in a way that reverses the curses and burdens placed upon the people and let America fulfill her great Destiny as a nation to carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Let those you’ve placed in authority; President Trump, AG William Barr, and Prosecutor James Durham, and others be used righteously according to Romans 13 to bring the correct punishment on all the Deep State operatives that have worked for to undermine our Constitution and destroy our nation. (Rom. 13:4-5). We cry out to you God to set the people free. Protect those you have placed in authority with Supernatural Angelic protection. Put a Holy wall of fire around them that consumes the enemy on every side and let your Glory dwell in their midst (Zechariah 2:5)
Dear Maggie Judd I come in agreement with your prayer in Jesus Name!!!
To God be the Glory for it all!!!!!! For exposing and bringing into the Light deeds done in darkness!!!!
To God be the Glory for His Love and His Mercy!!!!
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah!!!!!
In Jesus name. Amen.
Amen! God bless America and make her godly again!
Well, At the very least Clapper said SOMETHING! Who will be sacrificed for the ‘Deep State’?