I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we pray that Your Holy Spirit would flood Washington, D.C. on Saturday! Protect the participants and move in a mighty, mighty way in the city and in our nation.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

On Saturday, September 26, the National Mall in Washington, D.C., will be flooded with thousands asking God to restore America during the Washington Prayer March 2020 with Franklin Graham.

 “God is our only hope, and I know the power of prayer,” Franklin Graham shared on his Facebook page. The walk starts at the Lincoln Memorial and ends nearly two miles away at the U.S. Capitol.

People around the world have committed to pray that day specifically for America.

As for the U.S., many are planning to travel several states away—even across the country. From as far away as California, they will convene on the nation’s capital by busload, car or van.

Others, including more than 50 members from City Church in Rockford, Michigan, are flying in. Pastor Doug Bergsma says the multi-campus church follows Christ’s example to both live out and stand up for faith. And the Prayer March aligns perfectly with their calling to be a church that’s “inside out.”

“I think it’s time to be very proactive and take it to the streets in a Godly way,” he said. “Not just pray [as a church], but actually put some legs on it and show in force [our] determination.”

Forty days ahead of the September 26 march, hundreds of City Church members began praying and fasting around the clock. They’re asking God to provide a tremendous spiritual outpouring on the U.S. that will “change the heart of this nation,” Bergsma said. And that thousands of souls will come into God’s Kingdom.

“We’re taking it very seriously because it’s dead serious what is going on in this country,” he explained. “If God doesn’t help us, we’re going to move past the tipping point in the wrong direction.”

In addition to civil unrest and police shootings, the pastor referenced laws favoring abortion and same-sex marriage.

“When you start to legalize what is an abomination to God, it’s when you start to incur judgment,” Bergsma shared.

Marching in red, white and blue ball caps, they’ll ask God to forgive those trying to redefine our nation, and push back, too.

“It’s time for people to stand up and say, ‘No, this is what this nation is all about. In God we trust and it’s one nation under God and God gets the credit for it. He’s the only one who can help us right now.

“We are literally standing in public,” he said. “I think there’s tremendous power in that.

“Off the couch and into the game. That’s why we’re doing it.”

>>Pledge to pray for America wherever you are and get a free, 30-day prayer guide from BillyGraham.org in your inbox.

There’s still time to participate in Prayer March 2020. RSVP today.

Are you participating? Leave a comment . . .

(Article for IFA by Laura Bailey, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.)

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Toni Kushner
September 23, 2020

I have prayed and asked our pastor to consider joining with this call to repentance and prayer by opening the church. We have all the equipment to join in and I know it would have been a blessing to our people. After my third plea for a corporate call to prayer I’m very disappointed we can not participate, but I will be watching and praying with my husband at home. I will also invite a few friends to join us.I pray for our church and it’s leaders to awaken and join the march.

Gina Cook
September 23, 2020

We live in Maryland and are joining with my mom’s church. We are taking 2 vans full. Asking for the mercy of God on our country and that He will send revival. Been praying and fasting with our church 21 Day of Pray and fasting.

September 23, 2020

Praise You FatherGod Your church is listen. We will be there to join The Church as we march and pray for our Nation and Gods mercy.
Also the night before and all day on Saturday….The Return a day of repentance, prayer and worship will be taking place.
120 city have been praying since 9/18 to 9/28 as part of The Return.
A father in the prayer movement Lou Engle has called a 40 day fast, started 9/2 which was the 20 anniversary of The Call.
Father Your people who are called by Your name, we are humbling ourselves, repenting and turning from our wicked ways ( show me show us Your people any wickedness in us, give us grace to obey). Thank You for Your promise Then You will hear from Heaven and Heal our land!!! Forgive my sins and the sins of my nation Lord end abotion, and send Revival!!
Go before us Holy Spirit fill our land with Your Glory, Bring in the Harvest Lord Jesus!!!

September 23, 2020

Unfortunately I will not be able to attend but plan to live stream it and still be praying and fasting on that day. I’m thankful that we can pray anytime and anywhere regarding this event although I have been praying and fasting for a while now. We need God’s people to be praying like never before.

Debbie Ash
September 22, 2020

Yes, I’ll be there with my grand girl and other friends

Debra Fitzgerald
September 22, 2020

I am not able to participate in person, but will be watching and praying at a friend’s house on Sat. What time does it start? Is Johnathan Kahn going to be there too?

    September 23, 2020

    The Return with Johnathon Cahn will start the night before, and have repentance prayer and worship on Saturday.

cindy hayes
September 22, 2020

yes many of us from Scotland are joining in to pray

    September 22, 2020

    Thank you my Scottish kin for praying for America!
    GOD Bless you every one!

    September 25, 2020

    Thank you, Scottish brethren, for praying and standing with us here in the U.S.! Blessings back to Scotland for your faithfulness!

Haydee Santana
September 22, 2020

I give God the Glory for letting me attend. I have been busy in the political realm working to restore America. As important as this is, Praying in Unison for our Country with the Saints is the key for all ventures to succeed. God Bless America

Bob and Jody Schrock
September 22, 2020

We are not able to make the trip to Washington, but we are and will be praying for a mighty move of God upon our nation🙏

Roseann Davis
September 22, 2020

Praise God and Hallelujah Amen. Let us also pray if there are any in BLM and Antifa who will come to Him, they will do so now.

John Dick
September 22, 2020

Not able to be there, but more than able to be praying from beginning to end with Franklin in D.C. Rise up America, pray, Vote, share the Gospel of Jesus and stand for our God given rights as a Nation. We pray for any who oppose this move of God to be swept out of ANARCHY into the saving Grace of the Father.

Rose Marie Hardman
September 22, 2020

I’m thankful my senior pastor, some staff pastors and some members of my church in Augusta, GA are participating. I’ll be praying from home.

Glenda Allen
September 22, 2020

We from harvest life church in nampa, Idaho will be attending the march. Proclaiming Gods will be done over our land and the pouring out of His power and Spirit on the country and the unsaved. Put God back into our schools and land. Pray for life changing hope over our country.

Joan Bartruff
September 22, 2020

In former comment, I had noted September 28th rather than the 26th for the Prayer March. I stand corrected.
Heavenly Father, In Jesus’ Name thank You for motivating all those who are participating in this amazing event.

September 22, 2020

This event is so much like a movie God allowed me to “stumble“ on two nights ago. If you have not seen the movie PALAU, based on the life of Luis Palau, I highly recommend it. It was made in 2019 but the events so parallel what we are dealing with in 2020. I watched it on Pureflix, but you can find it elsewhere.

September 22, 2020

Lord, I pray for the power of Your mighty hand to be seen and experienced all over this nation and throughout the world during this event. Please use us all to release Your Holy Spirit and bring repentance and revival to our nation. Oh Lord, forgive us of our many sins and lead us to Your thrown of Grace! Have mercy on us and convict our hearts of our sin…especially the sin of selfishness and complacency! Give us courage to stand firm and take back what the enemy has stolen. Give us eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts of obedience! We belong to You and Your plan will not be thwarted! Protect those in attendance! Turn the rebellious hearts of protesters into hearts that are changed by Jesus! Lord, do a great work this weekend and let the momentum be carried out through the election and beyond! Oh Lord, May it be Your will…all in the perfect and powerful Name of Jesus Christ!

September 22, 2020

We here at Marion Grace in Marion Ohio will be praying and showing the event. We will be in agreement for repentance and revival of all God’s people that He would do a mighty work in our nation.

Helen Carter
September 22, 2020

There is absolutely Nothing Impossible with God! He can turn this country around if people will repent and live for Him and live by His rules instead of living by their own. God will forgive everyone of any sin, if they will just ask Him. God is waiting with open arms to forgive anyone who will ask Him; and He can restore what the enemy has stolen. We can trust a Holy God who loves us with an everlasting Love!

Allyson Overstreet
September 22, 2020

I will be attending along with my daughter and a friend. She lives in Atlanta and my friend and I live in Hendersonville, TN just north of Nashville.

As Oswald Chambers says, ‘Prayer does not equip us for greater work. Prayer is the greater work.’

Raye Gray
September 22, 2020

We will be standing with you there in DC all the way from Seattle! We must come together for our Nation, with God, and share in His Devine plan for America.

Sylvie Ochoa
September 22, 2020

If My people who are called My Name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and I forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2Chronicles 7:14

    Cheryl Strait
    September 22, 2020

    Yes. And the body of Christ, the church, HAS to come together in unity. That’s what this event is doing, binding us together in one accord. Setting aside our differences and crying out to God, with one heart, for our nation. Bind us together, Father God, with/in love.

Mary Canfijn
September 22, 2020

I am planning to participate. May ours be a posture of humility, beginning with my own.

Carolyn Reeves
September 22, 2020

Isaiah 28:6 has been a great encouragement to me these past few months.

In that day the Lord Almighty will be . . .
A source of strength to those turn back the battle at the gate

He will also be
A spirit of justice to Him who sits in judgment

Lord Almighty, May you grant supernatural strength to all who are fighting the enemies of Your kingdom, who are already at the gate.

Betty Pettus
September 22, 2020

Yes, Praise God. My church NLKC here in Richmond, VA will be a
Simulcast location and most of our membership are participating in some way. We stand in agreement with our Pastor, the time is now for the people of God and this nation to return to God, for repentance and revival. We are praying for the Prayer March 2020 and for souls to come to Jesus. Stay on the wall, you are doing a great work, don’t come down!

Charlotte Honard Young
September 22, 2020

I will be praying I have been praying I am praying for our nation for revival I have been praying with a group of ladies for 5 years for revival. God certainly has been calling us to Himself.
I cannot be there in person for the march. but I am there is spirit and will be watching.
Praise The Lorde for what He is doing and will be through this time.

Terri Murray
September 22, 2020

And for THE RETURN gathering in DC.

    Judy Stockbridge
    September 22, 2020

    Hi Terri, yes, Do you know if these 2 events are one in the same or if they are coordinated. Does one have to choose?
    My daughter and son in law are going to DC for the Return but wasn’t aware of Franklin Graham’s Prayer walk. So delighted we are coming together to humbly seek the Lord and turn from our sins. Thank you for mentioning the Return! 🙏🙏

      Terri Murray
      September 22, 2020

      They are both coordinated differently separately that’s all I really know I am assuming they’re in the same spot but I would check their websites both of them it’s exciting

Maritza Heg
September 22, 2020

Our mighty God is orchestrating EVERY DETAIL during these critical days before Nov 3 !!
DO YOU KNOW THAT, WITHOUT ANY PRE-PLANNED SCHEDULES, just guided independently by the HOLY SPIRIT, two different men of God have convocated believers to pray in Washington DC, on the same day – Sept 26, Sat. : Franklin Graham and Pr. Jonathan Cahn, a Rabbi from NY., author of the book The Harbinger II: The RETURN.
Jonathan Cahn has named this solemn convocation ” The Return”. Based on 2 Chron 7:14. “If My people, who are called by My Name, humble themselves, seek my face, and REPENT of their sins, I’ll hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land”.
THE RETURN convocation was planned a couple of months ago AND IT’S NOT A POLITICAL GATHERING. It’s been explained clearly : NOT POLITICAL! We’ll be interceding, battling through ADORATION (led by strong worship leaders of this country), praying with several men and women of God (among others: Alvida King, Lou Engel, Mario Murillo, Lance Wallnau, Cindy Jacobs, maybe both Sid Roth and Hank Kuneman (?), and many more !!). MAY WE ALL BE UNITED UNDER THE POWERFUL NAME OF YESHUA HA MASHIAH, BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. MAY OUR ABBA YAHWEH BE GLORIFIED IN OUR MIDST !! See you all in DC, from 9 a.m. on, Sept 26 . SHALOM dear brothers and sisters!!

September 22, 2020

My son and I are driving from northeast IN to attend. I believe this will be a life changing event and cannot wait to see what God does. Many prayers for each and every person traveling to this rally and for their safety during and after this March.

September 22, 2020

My church from Colts Neck NJ has a bus going down so that we can stand in the gap and pray for hearts to turn to Christ. Very encouraging reading this article of the distance some are willing to travel.. what could be more important than praying for this country and a revival.


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