I Prayed have prayed
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Millions now attending churches in America need a stern warning that their freedom to worship God will soon be gone. They need to know that the massive effort underway to make the Bible incompatible with “American values” will be followed by making our beliefs illegal.

Mayor Pete [Buttigieg] says he is gay and Christian – and anyone who disagrees has a quarrel with God. Chelsea Clinton says that abortion is Christian.  This is a new attack. You must understand, they don’t want to do away with church, they want to divorce Christians from the Bible.

The mayor, Chelsea, those who ban Chick-fil-A, just to name a few, do not admit the Bible is their target.  Not yet. They know that would backfire. But, the current trend will soon make it acceptable.

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Before the next election, the Left will be forced to be openly anti-Bible.  Since Trump has made America stronger and more prosperous, they can’t defeat him unless they can create a false narrative about his “ties to Bible-believing Christians.”

The Left is in a frenzy and they don’t really know why. They don’t know it, but Satan is using them like puppets. Satan needs to destroy America.   It’s his grand prize.  The need consumes him.  He fantasizes about it.  He pursues the destruction of the U.S. with extreme prejudice and unrelenting patience.

America is a firewall that prevents the one event Satan craves most: Global anarchy. Internationally, he has fooled Marxists and Radical Islamists into craving chaos. Both of these groups believe civil order must be destroyed and then a new world will magically appear.  But Satan knows anarchy is the only thing that will make the world embrace worldwide dictatorship. The perfect entrée for the Anti-Christ.

However, none of this moves millions of American believers. Let’s call it for what it is…they don’t care if America is destroyed.

However, there is great hope.  God continues to rally a remnant that is ready to let God use them in a way that can literally turn America around. But I can’t tell you more until after I rattle your cage.   Before there can be a great awakening there must be a rude awakening.

The rude awakening is this: you must realize there are Christians who simply do not care if America goes down. They are physically present in church but absent from the Lord. They are unavailable to do His work. They are oblivious to disaster at our door. Here is what they look like.

The preaching they enjoy teaches them to think of themselves first.  To them, self-denial is a denial of God’s goodness. They measure their relationship to Christ not by how much they give up but by how much they get to keep.  They are attracted to flattery and convenience.

They believe soul-winning is offensive. Nothing explains the condition of America more than the almost complete abandonment of evangelism. We lost to gay marriage, abortion, and every other moral failure due to the simple fact that we did not win souls. Since the Word of God is absent from the sermons they hear they actually believe it is a bad thing to share one’s faith with the un-churched. . . .Training to win souls is extinct. Organized outreach hardly ever happens.  This is why ministries such as ours find it nearly impossible to motivate churches to win the lost.

What draws crowds in church today is a great indictment. For years now the Christian concert has dominated attendance. Many believe that is a good thing. However, when mass soul winning crusades drew the largest crowds the impact was felt in the nation. Our government feared “legislating morality” when holy evangelists filled stadiums. There is something terribly wrong with a mindset that can feel good about itself over an event that does nothing to reverse the destructive course of America.  Far from success–that is denial.

They don’t want to get involved in politics. With high-sounding words, they excuse themselves from something that no child of God can excuse themselves from any longer. The Left is directly targeting church, the Bible, and freedom of religion.  Late-term abortion is a pagan ritual human sacrifice.  These wispy believers still believe being nice will make “the Left” stop trying to destroy us.

They have joined the deluded crowd in rejecting everything Trump does. They refuse to see the disaster they are aiding and abetting.

Do you care what happens to America? Do you believe there is still hope? To you, the true heroes of this hour, I humbly present this plan.

Separate yourself from the crowd that claims Christ but has no desire to save our nation. Being around them can drain your fervor, dull your vision and finally deceive you.  Paul was emphatic about this.  “Having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!” 2 Timothy 3:5

Find that church that has a true presence of God, Bible-based preaching, and that wants to win the lost.  Forget about size, prestige or the coffee bar. What you must do is huddle with the emerging army of supernatural power. Trust me they are forming.  Quit being a part of symbolic prayer that asks all the right things but never gets around to deliberate soul-winning.  It offends God to ask for something to happen and then oppose the actual happening.

Prepare for supernatural signs and wonders and intimacy with God on a level we have not imagined.  You are supposed to see signs and wonders. You are not supposed to get proud. You are being watched. The eyes of God seek a core that will give Christ all the glory when wheelchairs are emptied and cancers vanish.

Prepare for a full-on declaration of truth in America. You can have a tongue of fire.  You can seek God and know Him in a way you never thought possible.

When we are in heaven and this hour of darkness is recalled—those who sought escape and comfort—who had no passion to save their nation will bear the greatest shame.  But those who ignored the impossibility, the shame, the ridicule, and the lukewarm believers, will shine like the sun.

(Excerpted from Mario Murillo Ministries)


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JoJo Thomas
August 31, 2020

Oy vey.

Sandra H.
July 4, 2019

Let God arise, and His enemies be scattered! Father, we call upon you to convict your children of the pure Truth of Your Word…..the Bible. It has stood the test of time and others in world history who have tried to destroy it and it will stand firm forever……heaven and earth may pass away, but your Word will never pass away; it will go on forever. Show yourself mighty to keep the hearts and minds of Christians across the world. May the traps being set for believers, catch the feet of those who hate your Word and your Christ.

Alan K. Veasey
July 3, 2019

People who do not know the trouble the nation is is morally are corrupt. People should measure themselves
against the scriptures. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. The scriptures name
sinful practices. Those practices must be repented of.

Karen Secrest
July 3, 2019

Glad Pastor Mario is still preaching a Salvation message.

25 years ago he told teens to be aware of being so “open minded your brains fall out.”
Advise still pertinent today.

July 3, 2019

AMEN. Thank you, and amen. May it be so.

Rebecca Betts
July 3, 2019

Mario is a voice of one crying in the wilderness! Make a way for the Lord!

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