This is a test. For the next several months this nation will conduct a test of the globalist Deep State agenda. This is only a test…
If only we could see that message scroll across our screens so that all eyes would see it. If only it were clear to everyone what was truly taking place. Instead, it’s only those with the eyes of the Spirit that are tuned in to heaven’s warning system. The emergencies that are before us are not what they seem. Though some of the crises are undeniable, and some of the issues are valid, the devil has taken any real and present dangers and turned them into weapons of mass deception. The ammunition is politicized propaganda mixed with a small percentage of truth – what better way to distract and desensitize the masses.
Our Adversary has taken our greatest values and is using them against us. Our call to love our neighbor must now be proven by keeping our distance. Our compassion for the sick is only valid if we follow the prescribed protocols. Our submission to authority is now the test of our loyalty and the proof of our citizenship. With every passing mandate, restriction, and threat, we are being evaluated by our readiness to comply to their whims. In this test, the devil knows our propensity towards compassion and our avoidance of conflict. He knows how hard it is for us to confront our enemies and challenge our opposition. His game plan has been to divide us by our responses while blinding us to the realities.
These values we live by may be the very ones we die by – UNLESS we see this Great Experiment for what it truly is – a TEST. The ongoing shutdowns, mandated restrictions, castrating of police authority, and supposed coin shortages are all a test to see how well we give in to their reckless demands and repressive dictates. It is a test of our perception to recognize the truth from a lie. It is a test of our ability to see past the slick advertising slogans for a New Normal. It is a test to see how many freedoms we are willing to give up as they lead us into a communist trap with no way out. Like rats in a maze, we are being watched and recorded. The Money Masters and Globalist Gurus have been pulling the strings all along and they are waiting and watching to see what we will do.
If this had been an actual emergency, you would have been instructed where to tune in your area for news and official information.
This ticker-tape instruction is exactly what they have planned for and predicted we would do. Tune into the newsrooms of their programmed hirelings giving scripted direction for all things that pertain to our health and well-being. Well – they predicted right. The fact is, we’ve been under their radar for decades and they know us better than we know ourselves.
This is why we must do our homework and take a stand if we are to pass this test. It is not their plots and schemes that will determine our future – that power lies with us – in how we respond to these tests. I do not minimize the physical suffering or the racial inequities that some of our population has endured. Unfortunately, they are merely collateral damage to the despots at the top who care little about human suffering if they gain more power in the end. So, even as we comfort those who have lost and assist those who are vulnerable, we must determine to give God’s enemies what they least expect – a righteous rejection of their corrupted control.
It’s time for Christians to have a backbone. It’s time for courage to rise up and a zeal of the Lord to overcome our inhibitions and sensitivities. We are being played, and it’s time to defy the giants in the land.
When their actions are illegal or unconstitutional, it’s time to call them to account and take them to court. When the mandates are excessive and unreasonable, it’s time to petition and start speaking up. When their leadership is dictatorial with no common sense, it’s time to vote them out of office and champion new leadership. When our freedoms are threatened, it’s time to rally the Church and prepare our defense. When all hell has been loosed upon us, it’s time to come together in corporate authority to silence the dragon from the deep.
We do not have to be helpless lab creatures without any choice. We have been given all the authority from heaven that is needed if we but use it. Our Kingdom values are our greatest assets and spiritual weapons with power to turn the tables. Our love for our fellow man is demonstrated by imparting faith and courage to their fears. Our compassion for the vulnerable is shown when we confront their captors. Our authority to overcome the darkness and deliver this nation comes when we adhere to the laws of God more than the laws of man.
The length of this test will not be determined by the task masters in lab coats, but by a righteous remnant that refuses to be played with and gets out of the matrix.
“For those with the courage to face the challenge, it’s time to put our prayers into action, become strategic in our warfare, and take our place as Kingdom leaders in this nation. As powerful as intercession is, without appropriate action and demonstration of that which we pray for, nothing will truly change. Until we have a clear mission of the Ekklesia and a viable vision for the future, we will continue to go around this mountain of indecision and division and never occupy until He comes.”
(Used with permission from Wanda Alger has been a field correspondent with Intercessors for America and written for Charisma, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and The Christian Post. She is an author of numerous books, including “Moving from Sword to Scepter: Ruling through Prayer as the Ekklesia of God.” Follow her blog at Photo from Unsplash by Muukii. )
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I say a BIG amen to all that was stated in this reading
I believe it’s all true
In a nutshell……yes we are being tested….and played by the enemy
I pray more and more Christians will open their spiritual eyes 👀 to really see the Truth…the view from Heaven
Isaiah 9:6-7
King James Version
6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.
Thank you for saying what really needs to be broadcast from the rooftops. This is a test, it is only a test. It will be over soon and the majority who bought into it will be very upset when they learn how easily they have been deceived.
Father in Heaven we come before you to lift up Jesus. We thank you that you placed Him in charge of the government a long time ago. You word declares that good overcomes evil. We thank you that you are good Your word says there is none good but only God. So in truth it is you who overcomes evil. We thank you for being all of who you say you are. We thank you that you are working right in front of our faces. Thank you for your mighty hand and exposing all of this trash so that we can clean it out and move forward in the goodness of you. In Jesus’ name Amen
Heavenly Father, I Jesus’ Name, I remember King David, as a young shepherd boy, killed the giant Goliath with a slingshot. Lord, guide us and lead each one of us to what You will to bring repentance to America. Grant us the wisdom of Solomon to separate out truths from the lies being told, and the courage of David to act
as You would have us in our individual circumstances. I rebuke in Jesus’ Name the the “politicized propaganda” that attempts to “distract” and “desensitize the masses”. Give all eyes to see and ears to hear truth. Confuse and scatter the goals and actions of the Adversary. Amen.
Lord God, you have given us all the weapons to defeat
our enemy Ephe. 6:11-18, we don’t have any excuse for not standing against the attacks of satan. I pledge allegiance to fight by standing on the gap, with much prayer, intercession, and supplication the powers of darkness, principalities and the rulers of wickedness in the most high places, that are attacking our country and the countries around the world thru Social media, marxist agitators, leaders in Congress, Senate, the Deep State, The Supreme Court, State and local Courts, Governors and Majors in certain States, pervert Holywood people, large greedy Corporations all existing Unions in our Country that have been subdue for decades by leftiest groups that hate GOD, Teachers at all different levels that don’t have the fear of the Lord in their lives and have been indoctrinating our children to hate and protest, doctors and nurses that have made themselves available to kill babies thru Plant Parenthood and other institutions, and rapers of children. There is a spiritual warefare going on in the heavenly places 24 hours a day seven days a week that it is more real that we can see with our physical eyes. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind 2nd Timothy 1:7. We must rebuke the lies of the enemy we read and hear every day in the news of all the demonic and barbaric doing in our Country and the rest of the nations. “God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female” Genesis 1:27. To go against God’s Plan is SINFUL! !We are the Army of God on earth! Heavenly father, thank you for giving us the grace to stand firm in our faith. May your Holy Spirit show us how to pray strategically in the Powerful Name of Jesus I pray.
Lord the biggest impact we will have is in the election in November. Lord I pray for Your will to be accomplished for this election. I pray the Christians will get on our faces before You, repent and turn from our wicked ways so You can heal our land. Take back the ground that has been given to the enemy and bring Repentance and Revival to the people. What Satan and some men want to kill and destroy I claim this Country for You. I pray You will be glorified and praised, that many will come to faith by accepting You as their Lord and Savior. In Jesus name. Amen
Jesus said, “I am the way, THE TRUTH, and the life.” It seems to me that the TRUTH should be the unifying element of true Christianity. But there has been a lot of censorship by Big Tech, especially against Christians and conservatives.
I’m watching an interview on’s “American Thought Leaders” in which a Hollywood producer regrets his cooperation with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the making of Iron Man. Afterward, the CCP was censoring his colleague’s speech on American social media by censoring the NBA in China. Is it possible that Communist China has been censoring our speech, using their financial relationships with Google and Apple as leverage against us?
The only way evil wins is if the good people do nothing.
I am active on the social media battleground, trying to share as much truth as I can (without getting kicked off for saying something other than the prescribed narrative) and point people to Jesus (He is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE). I pray now more than I ever have and I’m so grateful for IFA for helping me pinpoint and focus my prayers. So many great prayer warriors here, so helpful for people like me that often struggle to find the words. The recorded prayers have been invaluable to me!
But the line in this article that rang so true:
“As powerful as intercession is, without appropriate action and demonstration of that which we pray for, nothing will truly change.”
I am comforted by so many here and online and a precious few in my family who are equally outraged and up in arms about everything that has occurred…and prayer is necessary…but if we don’t take action…some kind of action…be it calling our representatives daily, or participating in an interstate flag parade, or showing support for law enforcement in creative ways, or flying our flags every day, or (insert action here), I’m afraid we may just be “continuing to go around this mountain of indecision and division and never occupy until He comes.”
Lord God Almighty, You who are worthy of praise and adoration, You who are mighty to save, please by Your Spirit, encourage us and empower us, revive us again! In the glorious name of Jesus we pray.
Thank you so much for your activism… it is so true that we need to be men & women of both prayer and action, like Nehemiah and Esther. It’s hard to stand against such angry opposition… but if we had stood earlier they wouldn’t have been able to brain wash as many as they have… and if we wait too long they will have censored, burned, and erased all that is true and good. Communism/ antichrists are real, they’ve been at war with us for so long without us even recognizing it. Karl Marx who are children are taught to respect and believe,
even admitted that socialism leads to Communism, but, so many are deceived and think it can’t happen here. We must rise up and teach the truth before it’s too late. We have so much at stake….our freedom,, our lives, our families… the minds, lives, even the souls of our children and our children’s children. May God have mercy on us and protect us from captivity. May He rise up conservative Christians who invent, own, manage, etc. forms of social media where we can safely share the trutb without fear and censorship. May He awaken, unify, strengthen and embolden us to teach the truth wisely, by obediently obeying the call He’s given us without fear of man. God help us, God help me, to do Your will, in Jesus name. Amen.
Thank you for the needed perspective. We, as believers, need Kingdom glasses to see Cronin heaven’s perspective. Blessings!
That’s “from” heaven’s perspective. (I hate auto correct.)
Lord, help us to be good students, studying Your word, learning what You want us to know, and applying it in our lives everyday. May we not fail in our response to these tests. In Your name we pray. Amen