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Pray for the midterm elections! We have many resources and tools to help you featured on our website at IFApray.org.

Deut 1:13

Conservative evangelical grassroots organizations will spend millions of dollars in the coming weeks in an attempt to drive conservative Christian turnout for the 2018 midterm elections this November.

Three conservative evangelical lobbying organizations will work to ensure that evangelicals turn out to support conservative candidates in House and Senate races this November at the same rate in which they supported President Donald Trump in 2016.

As exit polls showed that about 81 percent of self-described white evangelicals supported Trump in the 2016 presidential election, leaders with the Faith & Freedom Coalition, the Family Policy Alliance and the Family Research Council are hoping to encourage conservative Christians who might not be likely to vote this November to show up at the polls and support candidates who can help advance the Trump administration’s social conservative agenda.

though midterm election trends have not been kind to the party of the incumbent president, that is a trend that these groups are trying to overcome. As anti-Trump sentiment continues to increase on the political left, these groups are trying to get conservatives to match the fervor and enthusiasmā€¦.

Faith & Freedom Coalition, an organization headed by longtime social conservative lobbyist Ralph Reed, plans to spend about $18 million by Nov. 6 to micro-target around 125 million social conservative voters across 19 different states through door-to-door interactions, digital ads, phone calls, and mailers.

In those 19 states, Faith & Freedom Coalition canvassers plan to hit as many as 2 million doors for face-to-face interactionsā€¦.

“We will inundate Christian conservative voters in the last weekend,” Lemmonds assured. “We will send those ads directly to their cellphones.”

Additionally, Faith & Freedom has also partnered with 30,000 local churches to distribute voter education guides. The guides are tailored to each individual Senate or House race and gives voters a comparison of where the two major party candidates in those races stand on the issues that social conservative voters in those states care most about.

Lemmonds said that Faith & Freedom is targeting key House and Senate races in Indiana, Missouri, North Dakota, Florida, Montana, Michigan, West Virginia, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada and Virginia.

While the coalition plans to spend about $18 million in its voter turnout efforts in 2018, the organization spent only about $10 million toward campaign efforts in 2016 and about $5 million for the 2014 midtermsā€¦.

The FPA, however, is targeting mostly conservative Christians who are not likely to vote in the midterm elections.

In addition to House and Senate races, the organization is trying to influence state legislative and statewide races. Family Policy Alliance, through its in-state allies, will be active in as many as 65 races nationwideā€¦.

FPA was also active in the 2018 midterm primary elections as it made over 850,000 voter connections and “helped 39 stronger pro-family candidates win critical primary elections in 8 different states.”

Family Research Council Action, the lobbying arm of the a Washington, D.C.-based social conservative nonprofit Family Research Council, has also launched a bus tour that will include over 40 stops in states such as California, Montana, North Carolina, Texas, Missouri, North Dakota, Indiana, Tennessee, Wisconsin and Ohio.

“The Values Bus is driving throughout the country to encourage and equip voters to vote their values on Nov. 6,” the organization’s website explained. “Launched by FRC Action, the Values Bus Tour will help inform citizens in key states and communities across America. We will help mobilize Values Voters as we work together to preserve the bedrock values of religious freedom, sanctity of life, the family, and limited government that make our nation strong. There is tremendous importance in the thousands of races on the ballot this year at the federal, state, and local levels.”ā€¦

Pagitt maintains that Vote Common Good rallies will be more like “revivals” designed to encourage voters to oust politicians who don’t reflect the common good for all people.

The events will feature live music and speeches by a rotating cast of Christian leaders who are allies of the organization, including Rob Schenck, Brian McLaren, Shane Claiborne and Frank Schaeffer.

Pagitt told CP that the group opposes Trump administration policies on immigration, refugees, health care, the 2017 tax overhaul and povertyā€¦.

“It’s not legitimate to try and hashtag your way and post your way into some kind of new way of civic engagement,” he added. “As important as hashtag movements are, you actually have to show up places. Especially as a Christian, the fullness of God dwells in Jesus as a presence on the Earth. You can’t just talk about it. The divide between people is so intense that the only way to get around it is to go.” (Excerpts fromĀ  Samuel Smith article in The Christian Post)

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Donna L
October 3, 2018

Victoria, well done. It has taken the obvious hatred of the left to wake up many. The heat has been turned up dramatically and it takes that dramatic difference to awaken many, rejouce it is happening for many, but we need everyone, so keep praying until we arise at that giant. I read a prophecy by Charles and Frances in the very early 80’s that spoke of that sleeping giant awakening. May it come quickly for the sake of our nation!

victoria frazier
October 3, 2018

The following poem was given to me at 1a.m. September 29, 1986 by the Holy Spirit. It was and is for The “sleeping giant” known as The Body of Christ. Old Lazy Me…War-War who says war? I hear a call to fight but I can’t see my enemy. They say it’s a land across the sea – I say no, it’s old lazy me. Fight-fight, whom should I strike? Oh no, it can’t be, not Uncle Sam, Dear Uncle Sam in the land of the free. I must – I must fight oh lazy me! I feel a pain, am I cut? Look no blood. Where did they do? Listen, they’re coming back – this time for old lazy me! I often wonder why I didn’t heed the call to war – to fight – to stand up and shout, hey it’s me and I’m from the land of the free. I guess I forgot the part about the home of the brave. Oh Lord, please help me..old lazy me! What did you say Lord? Can it really – really be? Did you say, “Depart from me – I never knew you? Oh woe is me – old lazy me! Am I one -two or three…Or am I the church who thought she was the bride- you decide? In closing, If every blood bought- blood washed born-again child of God who believes in and reads the bible voted in every election with II Chronicles 7:14 as their guide….Would America be in this mess???? Selah!(think about it..)

October 2, 2018

Thank you for the encouragement and reminder to pray! God does hear our prayers, pray from the heart because we want the best God has for USA.

Donna L
October 2, 2018

I am praying much, fasting, exhorting others to do the same abd above all VOTE! If what we are seeing hasn’t awakened many, they may be dead. It is eady to discern the darkness from the light, but I am also praying for eyes of understanding to be enlightened, Ephesians 1:18-19. God is answering, eg, #walkaway movement. I have prayed that all attempts to defraud, vote illegally, etc will be caught and exposed and prosecuted. Also that illegal aliens will become too afraid to vote as encouraged to do by dems. Have asked the Lord to put it in their hearts to return to their home countries.

Donna Morrison
October 2, 2018

I pray people get out of your spiritual stupor and look at the day an hour we are in. You will all be held accountable if we could make a difference and didnā€™t. It is the blood on our hands if we donā€™t. I pray an urgency will rise up in every heart of the believers of Christ go vote and make a strong stand for righteousness in Jesus Christ name amen.

Felicia Penner
October 2, 2018

I ask your special favor on all of the Christian endeavors to wake your sleeping saints up and the middle of America that is neither Democrat or Republican. May their efforts to present the risk of losing House and Senate be effective in disarming the great deception that is now upon this nation. Make the crooked road straight before your children who strive to serve you in this political arena, Lord, and bless the works of their hands. In Jesus name, Amen

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