I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask that You protect our nation and freedoms that we enjoy right now. May that continue and would you empower our nations leaders to stand up for what is right.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Three Christian schools and a Christian network of pregnancy centers are suing Attorney General Mark Herring (D-Va.) in order to prevent Virginia from implementing two pro-LGBT laws that force ā€œpeople of faith to adopt a particular government ideology under threat of punishment.ā€ The two laws purport to prevent ā€œdiscriminationā€ against LGBT people but, in reality, they force Christian ministries to choose between violating their sincerely held religious beliefs or paying hefty fines, as much as $100,000 per offense.

The so-called Virginia Values Act (S.B. 868), which Gov. Ralph Northam (D-Va.)Ā signed on Holy Saturday (the day before Easter Sunday) in the middle of a pandemic, compels churches, religious schools, and Christian ministries to hire employees who do not share their stated beliefs on marriage, sexuality, and gender identity. . . .

ā€œThe faith of many Americans inspires them to act for the good of their neighbors and also requires them to abide by its teachings,ā€ Denise Harle, senior counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the law firm representing the Christian ministries, said in a statement. ā€œOur clients offer spiritual guidance, education, pregnancy support, and athletic opportunities to their communities because of the religious beliefs that motivate them. But Virginiaā€™s new law forces these ministries to abandon and adjust their convictions or pay crippling finesā€”in direct violation of the Virginia Constitution and other state laws.ā€. . .

The lawsuit

The ministries filed a pre-enforcement challenge, a lawsuit designed to convince a court to prevent the government from implementing an unconstitutional law.

In the lawsuit, ADF is representing Calvary Road Christian School in Alexandria (preschool through 6th grade, 250 students), Grace Christian School in Staunton (preschool through 12th grade, 320 students), Community Christian Academy in Charlottesville (K-9, 50 students), and Care Net, a 501(c)3 nonprofit that supports a network of 1,100 pregnancy centers, churches, and other ministry organizations and has approximately 22,000 volunteers. . . .

S.B. 868 and H.B. 1429 require the ministries to hire employees who disagree with their beliefs on marriage, sexuality, and gender; mandate that the ministries hire employees whose beliefs and lifestyles are ā€œantagonistic to the ministriesā€™ convictionsā€; prohibit the ministries from firing employees who oppose their missions; require the ministries to provide services in a manner that violates their beliefs; ban the ministries from evenĀ communicating their biblical beliefs; make the ministries use their facilities in a way that contradicts their beliefs; and force the ministries to pay for ā€œgender reassignmentā€ procedures in their health plans, even though the ministries object to these procedures.

These laws put the ministries ā€œin an impossible position: they must either abandon the religious convictions they were founded upon, or be ready to face investigations, an onerous administrative process, fines up to $100,000 for each violation, unlimited compensatory and punitive damages and attorney-fee awards, and court orders forcing them to engage in actions that would violate their consciences.ā€

The lawsuit brings five claims against AG Herring. It claims the LGBT laws violate the ministriesā€™ right of free exercise of religion under the Virginia Religious Freedom Restoration Act; violate their right to free exercise of religion under the Virginia Constitution; violate their right to free speech under the Virginia Constitution; violate the Virginia Constitutionā€™s Establishment Clause; and violate the state constitutionā€™s Due Process Clause.

While the state constitutionā€™s ā€œEstablishment Clause requires the government to act with a secular purpose and to neither promote nor inhibit religion,ā€ the Virginia Values Act ā€œtargets the Ministries by singling out their religious speech and belief for hostility, and by showing favoritism towards, preferring, and promoting religious beliefs that approve of same-sex marriage and transgender ideology.ā€ . . .

Anti-religious bigotry fueled the Virginia Values Act

The lawsuit notes that the Virginia legislators who supported the Virginia Values Act expressed hostility to those who view marriage as between one man and one woman.

When considering SB 41 2016, a bill that would have allowed religious persons to object to solemnizing a marriage ā€œin accordance with a sincerely held religious belief ā€¦ that marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman,ā€Ā State Sen. Adam Ebbin (D-30) condemnedĀ the bill, claiming it ā€œcarves out a space for bigotry cloaked under the guise of religious freedom.ā€ Ebbin was the chief patron of the Virginia Values Act in the Senate.

During a debate in the Virginia House of Delegates over an amendment to the Virginia Values Act that would have excluded ā€œa religious corporation, association, society, or unincorporated house of worshipā€ from the definition of public accommodations, Delegate Joshua Cole (D-28)Ā asserted his view of ChristianityĀ as the correct one in opposing the amendment:

I understand we have theological disagreements and we have theological beliefs of what weā€™re supposed to carry out, but if you are a public organization, your doors are supposed to be open to everyone in the public. Now I donā€™t know what type of Christianity you come from, but the type of Christianity I come from, the Apostle Paul said ā€œTry with everything within you to live peaceably with all men.ā€

ā€¦The Bible also says ā€œAnd they shall know us by our love.ā€ What are we doing with our witness when we allow organizations to say just because we have St. Peterā€™s behind it, or Christian behind it, ā€¦ that we donā€™t like you so donā€™t come over hereā€¦. Madame Speaker as an ending thought, I will let you know that in Jesusā€™ day the sinner was not his enemy. It was the church. . . .

Christian ministries were not pushing bigotry

Yet the ministries suing to stop the Virginia Values Act are not pushing bigotry ā€” they merely intend to operate on the basis of their religious convictions. . . .

For example, Calvary Road Baptist Church, which operates Calvary Road Christian School, ā€œbelieves that the Bible is the Word of God, divinely revealed and without error.ā€

ā€œCalvary Road believes that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female, and that these two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of God. Calvary Road believes that rejection of oneā€™s biological sex is a rejection of the image of God within that person,ā€ the lawsuit explains. ā€œCalvary Road believes that marriage has only one meaning: the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture, and that God commands that sexual intimacy occur only between a man and a woman who are married to each other.ā€

ā€œTo preserve its function and integrity, Calvary Road believes that all employees and volunteers must agree to and abide by its beliefs on marriage, sexuality, and gender,ā€ and the school runs athletics based on biological sex. ā€œCalvary Road maintains separate facilities like bathrooms and locker rooms for males and females. Access to private facilities is limited to those of the same biological sex in accordance with Calvary Roadā€™s teaching on sexuality.ā€

ā€œCalvary Road welcomes workers of any race, color, ethnicity, and national origin in any of its ministries, so long as the potential workers share Calvary Roadā€™s religious values and doctrinal beliefs,ā€ but it cannot employ those who disagree with its fundamental beliefs.

ADF is also representing a wedding photographer, Chris Herring, who alsoĀ brought a pre-enforcement challengeĀ against the Virginia Values Act.

Anti-religious bigotry seems on the rise, with Democrats adopting extreme pro-LGBT and pro-abortion policies and legacy media outlets reporting Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrettā€™sĀ mainstream Christian beliefsĀ as some sort of extreme religious insanity.

(Excerpt from PJ Media. Article by Tyler O’ Neil. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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Barbara Nelson
October 3, 2020

Our Heavenly Father, please open the eyes of the people in Virginia that they will vote into office God fearing people to run the state and local cities.

Julia Strickler
October 3, 2020

Please Lord Jesus forgive my evil state of Virginia. Please keep these Christians strong in YOUR WORD, the Holy Bible. Please have mercy on all of us. In YOUR name, Jesus, I pray. Amen

Ronda Orchard
October 3, 2020

Lord we need you to show up as our counsel in this matter. Virginia is being strangled and blackballed into submission to evil and I pray that You intervene and instruct your people how to get their state healed from a pedophile spirit of indoctrination. I pray that You will break every chain of bondage over this state and free the citizens to cry out for mercy and deliverance this minute. amen

Barbara Rankin
October 2, 2020

Which states are doing this??

October 2, 2020

Dear Lord, Father, we are living in a day where wrong is right and right is wrong. The battles we face look insurmountable but we know, Lord, that no battle is bigger than you. Nothing is protected anymore, especially Christian beliefs and practices. I pray, Lord, for favor in this lawsuit filed in Virginia, give the lawyers wisdom and understanding to counter and protect the rights of faith based organizations. May your light shine where there is darkness and your will be done in this situation. Thanking you, Lord, for your goodness and mercy.

October 2, 2020

They may have to take this to the Supreme Court.

Dr. Alma
October 2, 2020

Lord God we thank You for your powerful Word. With it we declare Your sovereignty over the laws of the state of Virginia and over every law in the states of our nation ā€œto rescue us from the hand of our enemies, and to enable us to serve You without fear in holiness and righteousness before You all our daysā€ (Luke1:75).
Our nation and state constitutions are founded on truth and righteousness aligned with Your wisdom and holiness. We revoke the enemyā€˜s plan to desecrate Your image and will. We decree the enemy’s actions are thwarted. ā€œ(Though they) take counsel together, yet, it shall be brought to naught: (they) pronounce a decree, yet shall it not stand: for God is with usā€ (Isaiah 8:10). ā€œThou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy waysā€ (Job 22:28). We decree that holy and righteous laws shall prevail over our nation under the leadership of a holy and righteous government: President, Congress, the Supreme Court, governors, state courts, and legislators at every level. We declare that God removes the ungodly and appoints the righteous to lead and protect our nation to fulfill its destiny to honor and serve Him in holiness and righteousness. In the mighty name of Jesus we declare it so.

    Jackie Prentiss
    October 3, 2020

    Lord Jesus You are well aware of the evil that assails this Nation. We repent for voting for a party who has booed You off of their platform. Right is wrong and wrong is right according to the demoncratic party. They are forcing the filthy lifestyle to include pedophiles on our youth. This gross ideology was perpetrated/enforced by the last administration to (fundaMentally) change America and sadly that is what has taken place.
    As many Christian’s voted for color and refused to realize the platform of the demoncratic party which is killing babies, embracing and even (lawlessness)blatantly forcing same-sex marriage on this country. My people perish for lack of knowledge. Even now Your people are blinded by their hate of President Trump and will vote for demoncrats who continues to push their evil agenda. Deal with Your people who know better but chose evil. Not all Christian’s voted for this evil but even 1 is too many. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Stephen Fisk
October 2, 2020

Dear Lord, we thank you for your blessings on our country. We repent for allowing this anti-christ movement to gain so much control for so long. We have tolerated the enemy’s advancement from removing prayer in school to the abomination described in this article. We know it’s never too late for you to intervene. As we pray and battle this encroachment into your church, help us all to pray and live according to your love commands. Love our neighbors AND our enemies. Love sinners and hate sin.

    Regina Burch
    October 2, 2020

    Dear Lord, Father God, only you are Holy! We come me before you blessing you & praising you for our great Creator. You are the same yesterday, today, and always. You have provided such great blessings to our country, and we beg you to forgive us for allowing these sinful movements to make sin as described in the Bible (breathed out by You) as acceptable & good. We reject Satan & ask you to please open the hearts of our leaders who are going against Your Will to repent & return to you & ask You restore our nation to follow Christianity & Your commands. Please give us Christian leaders & heal our land. Come, Lord Jesus!


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