I Prayed have prayed
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Thank you to all who responded to our survey. We are still processing the results, which we will report to you in the Friday Informer. One suggestion from many of you we can all agree on in prayer: Ask God to reveal the devilā€™s schemes.

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8)

ā€œChaplains from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) arrived in Parkland, Florida, within hours of Wednesdayā€™s school shooting that killed at least 17 teens and faculty members.

This is the fifth deployment this year for the ministryā€™s rapid response team, trained to provide emotional and spiritual support amid crises.

Each 2018 deployment has been gun-related. . . .

At times of tragedy, Christian churches and ministries rally to remind survivors of a God who the Psalms tell us ā€œheals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.ā€

For decades, they have been among the first on the scene to care for people in the wake of hurricanes, tornados, fires, and other uncontrollable natural disasters. In recent years, ministries increasingly find themselves consoling victims of manmade violence: shootings and terrorist attacks. . . .

The Humanitarian Disaster Institute (HDI) at Wheaton College reflects the new scope of disaster ministry, which now includes responding to mass shootings alongside the more traditional relief efforts that surround natural disasters.

HDI researchers have found that such forms of religious support help victims of mass shootings in similar ways as they have been shown to help victims of natural disasters. Recent studies indicate that people connected to churches and religious communities fare better in their recovery.ā€ (Excerpted from Christianity Today, reporting by Kate Shellnutt.)

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Lynn Rickert
February 26, 2018

Thank God for giving us men of integrity like Billy and Franklin Graham. They have been positive role models in a culture gone bad.
Thank God for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and its Rapid Response Team. Thank God for every church and individual He used to provide comfort and spiritual help in a time of great grief in Florida and in other disaster areas. Thank God for every person in America who recognizes it is only God who can solve the problems of our nation. I believe He is waiting for us to humble ourselves in godly sorrow and repent, not just for our own sins, but also for our nation’s sins. I believe if we recognize God’s authority over our nation and earnestly pray, then we will see things change for the better.

February 21, 2018

I pray for healing, peace hope and comfort for all families communies as a whole. God please heal our nation.

Betty Denney
February 21, 2018

This word is powerful and so true. It is backed up with scriptures. It is challenging me as an intercessor to pray
for not only the evangelistic office of the 5 fold ministry, but to pray for the apostolic (mentors, spiritual fathers and mothers, discipleship ministers and more. We are a BODY and
each of us are members one of another. Let’s rise up to our
specific callings and take our place as One Body in Christ.
I believe this is where we are now as His Body, let’s step out
according to Eph. 1:17 That God may give us a spirit of wisdom
and revelation, to know the hope of our calling and walk in it
equipped with His power and anointing to come to the highest
potential of His Calling in us.

February 21, 2018

I am glad the power of God has showed up, I wish I could be their to also raise the dead, anything short of that is unbelief. 2 TIM 3:5 THOSE HAVING THE FORM OF THE AWE [FEAR] OF GOD, BUT ARE FAR REMOVED FROM HIS POWER. THOSE WHO ARE THUS TRUST THEM OUT FROM YOU. [HEBRAIC ROOTS BIBLE]

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