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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for all those being bullied by transgender activists set up to destroy their businesses and their lives.
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Christian baker Jack Phillips endured years of legal battles and finally won his First Amendment case against the Colorado Civil Rights Commission in the US Supreme Court back in 2018. One would have thought after all that his legal troubles were over.

However, as CBN News reported, the same Colorado government agency decided to pursue Phillips a second time because he declined to design a custom cake celebrating a gender transition just a few weeks after the court’s decision. . .

Now, he’s just been sued in state court because Autumn Scardina, who requested the gender-transition cake (and who also happens to be an attorney), wasn’t satisfied. Many of the claims are similar to those raised in the case against the baker that Colorado has already dismissed.

Scardina opted not to appeal the Commission’s dismissal, instead filing a lawsuit that seeks more than $100,000 in damages, fines, and attorney’s fees.

Scardina’s request for a custom cake was made on the same day that the US Supreme Court announced that it would hear Phillips’ first case. The shop declined the request because the message of the cake contradicts Phillips’ religious belief that God creates us either male or female.

Then a few months later, Scardina also made another request of the cakeshop. This request was for a custom cake featuring Satan smoking marijuana.

Maureen Collins, web writer for the ADF, says no American should be punished and threatened with financial ruin for living and working in a way that is consistent with their beliefs.

“We live in a country where freedom of speech and religious liberty are protected. While we may disagree on certain issues, we should all be free to live and work according to our beliefs. Jack Phillips, just like every creative professional, has the right to decline to use his artistic abilities to express messages or celebrate events he disagrees with,” Collins wrote on the organization’s website.

“But over the course of Jack’s legal battle, one thing has become abundantly clear: For some, it will never be enough to politely agree to disagree about important issues like the meaning of marriage or whether to celebrate a gender transition,” she noted.

“For some, it won’t be enough until Masterpiece Cakeshop closes its doors and Jack Phillips is in financial ruin. They want Jack, an average American business owner, to pay a hefty price – all because he wants to live according to his faith,” Collins concluded.

(Excerpt from CBN News. Article by Steve Warren.)

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Richard lemon
April 21, 2020

When I was in high school back in the sixties . The homosexual agenda was to change the culture. Look what happened to the Boy Scouts. We must stand on the word on the word of God . Be strong in the Lord and not give the enemy a foothold .

Joni Rafnson
April 21, 2020

I thank you for this man and his family willing to stand for principles every believer in Yeshua should have. I ask that you give Jack Phillip’s a plan that this harrassment of the enemy cant stand against. The Word of God is very clear if God be for you who can be against you. I ask you form an army of creative Godly bakers, website designers, and florists to band together and that we as believers in your Word also stand with them in unity and Love. Also thank you for the victory as we go forth and that you will turn this around for your glory. In Yeshuas name Amen

April 21, 2020

Father God,
I ask for Your mercy and grace to be poured out on Jack Phillips. He has already endured much for the sake of Your Name Lord Jesus and has shown himself faithful. Please pour out blessings so that his cup overflows with joy and peace. Show Yourself strong and mighty in his defense.

Darlene Estlow
April 20, 2020

Father, I pray You would foil the evil of those who would destroy Jack Phillips’ business and life. I pray for the court to make a righteous decision, not just for religious freedom but for freedom itself. I pray for Jack Phillips to be strengthened in his faith and refreshed by Your presence. Turn the heart of this attorney that is bringing this case that he will repent and be saved.


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