I Prayed have prayed
Dear God, we pray that nothing would come of these Chinese warships. We ask that You would prevent other countries like China from joining the war between Israel and Hamas.
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Chinese warships are in the Middle East, further complicating an already incredibly difficult situation. What’s going on?

From The Messenger. According to reports, up to six Chinese warships are currently stationed in the Middle East region.

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The China’s People’s Liberation Army (CPLA) reported engagement in a joint military exercise with the Omani navy while visiting Oman earlier this week, and then moved to Kuwait to spend a “five-day goodwill visit.” …

China’s moves come at a time of conflict in the region, as the Israel-Hamas war enters its third week.

China’s president, Xi Jinping, said the top priority for Israel and Hamas should be “a ceasefire as soon as possible, to avoid the conflict from expanding or even spiraling out of control and causing a serious humanitarian crisis,” he said according to reports from The South China Morning Post.

The move comes as the U.S. deployed the USS Gerald R Ford, the largest aircraft carrier ever built, and the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower to the Eastern Mediterranean to the region.  …

What do you think China is doing in the Middle East? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Messenger. Photo Credit: Koichi Kamoshida/Getty Images)

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October 25, 2023

Heavenly Father in Jesus name we pray for the peace of Jerusalem.We pray that He who keeps Israel neither slumbers or sleeps.They are the apple of your eye and your covenant nation and you do not break convenant. We pray for the hostages and their families and all those who have lost love ones during this war..We pray father for your hand to yoke Benjamin to yourself and guide his every thought and move forward against the terrorist coming against their nation..We pray for our nation and our military all over the world especially those in harms way.We pray for our embassies in every country for your hand to protect them we plead the blood of Jesus from the top of their heads to the soles of their feet..Not one hair on their heads will be harmed in Jesus name.No weapon formed against any of these will prosper..Thank you Father for your protection over Israel and America and all the troops involved.We pray and ask your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.We pray against China and render her powerless against Israel and all those in harms way in Jesus mighty name.China will not ever be the dominant power militarily.The USA is blessed by God and will be vindicated and protected by your righteous mighty hand. We pray and ask these things in Jesus mighty name. Amen

Grant Windholz
October 24, 2023

Lord God, the mounting and taking sides in the Middle East is looking horrible because it’s brewing up to create a World War 111 situation. Your the one who knows about our future. We desperately depend on you 🙏!!

    October 25, 2023

    This is why, as Nikki Haley said, we need to stop spending billions on green energy and start spending billions on our military and supporting our allies. Everything has changed. An inexpensive drone can eliminate our million-dollar tanks. Ukraine has taught us that. Russia and China now have hypersonic missiles which can be launched from China or Russia and can hit the United States. They fly low and under the radar and are superfast. Faster than our ballistic missiles which go high in the air and can be shot down. We don’t have hypersonic missiles. Every time money is funded for them, it gets cut. Trump said that he would support an ‘iron dome’ for America. He is clueless which is surprising in someone who was once president and should have been present for briefing on our military situation. The iron dome is used on missiles launched within 44 miles. Putin said before he invaded Ukraine, that he intended to go after Poland and other countries. This is a replay of World War II. Can’t believe that the same group who wants to go back to having history taught in the schools once again doesn’t seem to have learned anything from history.

      October 25, 2023

      This is why it was ‘inappropriate’ for Donald Trump to be storing our military secrets in boxes in his bathroom and ballroom. He put our military at risk. He put us all at risk.

October 24, 2023

What we need to be concerned about is Chinese invading Taiwan while we are spread thin between Israel and Ukraine. A blockade of Taiwan would involve closing the South China sea which would impact South Korea’s and Japan’s access to energy and food. North Korea might see this as an opportunity to attack South Korea. Chips are the new have to have commodity in the modern world, right up there with oil, and since something like 60 to 90% of chips (depends on what you want to include in that category) are manufactured in Taiwan, China’s taking control of Taiwan would mean that they would not only have control of something like 90% of the mining and refining of rare earths, they would also control most of the chips used in AI, computers, communication devices as well as those used by the military.

October 24, 2023

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for the enemies of Israel. Pray that the Lord’s kingdom would come, and his world would be done on earth. Pray that we would have the heart to discern what is going on in the world today. Once we discern this, ask God to help us to pray his kingdom on earth, as it is in heaven. Help us not to judge others. But to love them with the love of Christ. Pray that Americans would be one as the father and the son are one and help us to with the world for him.

Genendal Fratantuono
October 24, 2023

I’m sure China wants to add fear to the mix, and show off their strength, etc. But we as patriots and believers in the power of God stand against their aggressive ways, and ask You, Lord, to deal severely with the CCP and their drive for domination in the world. You exalt nations and tear down nations who come against Your plans and purposes, so we pray for our nation, Israel, China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, etc. to acknowledge You are Lord, the earth is Yours, andthe people thereof.

October 24, 2023

Send your restraining Holy Spirit to bind the evil principality of war. Save us O Lord from World War 3. Move to be our strong deliverer, for the help of man is worthless. Only in you is there victory over evil.
Use even the terror and evil to draw many into your kingdom. Cause the name of Jesus to be lifted up as the one true Messiah and Savior of us all.

BK Jackson
October 24, 2023

Lord, render impotent any nation that attempts to aid the terrorists attacking Israel. I pray your mighty hand of protection over Israel. That they would humble themselves before you, seek you, and their leaders seek you for direction just as David sought you and You gave him the victory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Cecilia Collard
October 24, 2023

When I read this I saw a soundwave from God push back China’s ships. I am praying into it.

Mari Williams
October 24, 2023

Our Father in Heaven,
We know that China is opportunistic!
We have watched their actions as they have built “islands” in the seas, and as their vessels have interfered with the fishing vessels of other countries.
Meantime, we are shocked at seeing the separation of our nation as some people support Israel and others unbelievably support Hamas! We know Lord GOD that a country divided against itself cannot stand. We can only pray Our Father and ask YOU to come to our aid and to the aid of those countries whose freedoms are threatened. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Allena Jordan
October 24, 2023

Father, You are Holy. Let Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done in this region, in Your chosen land ad people. Be glorified through all of this. Amen.

Pat M
October 24, 2023

Father God we see two wrongs don’t make a right. Only you can sort out all the intrigue involved in this injustice to innocent people of Israel and then back to the innocent residents in Gaza. It is not too big a problem for You. We yield to Your omniscience.

Kathryn Whitney
October 24, 2023

Thank you for these daily prayer options. We will use them daily!


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