I Prayed have prayed
Oh Lord, it hurts to watch children be exposed to this evil. Wake up the church! Let us find our "salt" again and be the thermostat and not just the thermometer for our culture.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Caution: Adult content.

Libraries used to host a reading from a Caldecott medal author or offer storytime for tots, reading Curious George. Now, storytime at many libraries is a drag show and grooming event. And sadly many librarians are enthusiastically inviting it and parents are too willing to bring their kids.  But what began as story time read by a drag queen has now evolved into a dance by drag queens or transgenders, complete with adult-oriented dance moves and kids bringing them dollar bills, and other storytimes inviting kids to crawl on them as they lay on the ground.  Yes, you heard that right.  Not satisfied to just read to the kids, now they are physically touching the kids and inviting them to crawl on and lay on these strangers as they lie on the ground face up.  What parent thinks it is okay for children to physically lay on men who they don’t know, and encourage them to be physical with strangers?

Find out how you can pray strategically and specifically about this issue. IFA has a Special Report with information, people and prayer points. Click below to download your copy.


The lesson (if there is just one) is that what they say they want is really just the first step.  First, they wanted legal rights to marry. They got it. Second, then they wanted people to accept it and condone it.  They are suing for that now.  Third, and now what we are seeing across the nation is they want children and youth to participate in it. They normalize it, endear it, and groom children to be accepting of it. Pedophiles absolutely know that.  You’ll find school curriculum, story hours with physical play with transgender and drag queens, camps with transgender counselors (oftentimes not disclosed to parents).  What you see should not only sicken you, but ring the alarm.  This needs prayer, yes–it IS a spiritual battle.  But it also needs action. Make a commitment to find out what is happening in your local library and schools.  Don’t be afraid to speak out about it–even if you are not a parent of school-age children.  It is your taxpayer dollars that fund libraries, schools, municipal events and more. We can’t expect that there is some designated group fighting for us–we are it.  And it all needs bathed in prayer.

Will you join us in putting action to our prayer in this issue? Will you share this story with other praying friends and invite them to join you in praying and speaking out?


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July 12, 2020

When the gays were trying to make gay marriage legal, I knew deep down, that there was much more to this than just the right to marry. These people have an agenda, and it is nothing short of evil! After gay marriage became legal in all 50 states, the next thing these people were forcing on society was transgenderism. Now this “Drag Queen” abomination is being forced on children. And now, from what I understand, polygamy is next on their list! Give them an inch, they’ll take a mile! We conservative Christians need to get off our butts and make our voices heard! This garbage has gone on long enough, and it will only get worse if we don’t speak out against it.

Thomas Williams
July 20, 2019

The question too many people will not address is this – “How do homosexuals procreate?” Left alone among themselves they disappear in 1 – 2 generations. They know that, have always known that! Their only path is to corrupt children, by rape, by sexual abuse and then by intimidation! The fact that we have ignored this is a travesty before our God!! The most vulnerable among us are left alone to be abused. We have let these monsters, who in reality make up less than 3% of our population, embarrass us, intimidate us, lie, while politicians and business leaders pander to their wickedness!! Read between the lines what the Bible says about Sodom.
Our Almighty God will allow man to wallow in our filth if that’s what we choose!
We must fall on our faces before our God and repent then INTERCEDE in heartfelt prayer. He hears the prayers of an humble, contrite people!

July 11, 2019

When you provided the link to raise a voice against for example “do not harm act” the vote voice net twisting voices into supporting tithe bill I for example was intended to oppose
I had feeling that they are not trustworthy

Joan Phillips
July 10, 2019

Here in Wichita, Kansas the Christian community is taking on our library board and standing up for Christian values. We have protested by speaking out in board meetings, writing our city council members. We want to be sure our council people are Christian and to that end are vetting our candidates carefully. Grassroots swell is what is needed. We have been silent far too long!

Ashten Bryant
July 10, 2019

“[Men] shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination” Father this is Your word and command to us. Forgive us, the church, for not standing up against this abomination and allowing the spirit of perversion to gain so much power over the people. Father, I pray that You send Your fire down and destroy this spirit that is bewitching and confusing the people. Let them know this is not of You and it is not accepted in Your kingdom. Restore Your natural order of natural born male and female. Protect the children from this great evil. Protect their minds from being misled to the darkness. I pray that You bring their parents into Your light. Give them a holy conviction that they too will turn from this great evil and teach their children in Your truth and Your laws. I pray that You send a move across the land and do away with the the homosexuality and gender confusion. Send Your Holy Spirit with fire and force to bring order back to this wicked and rebellious world. Father we thank You that You are righteous and just. We thank You for bringing Your correction to the people of this world. Father thank You for loving us so much although we are undeserving. Fight this battle for us and destroy this enemy. In Your son Jesus name we ask of You. Amen

    D. Alva-Castles
    July 28, 2019

    Amen! Father forgive us for our ignorance. Open spiritual eyes and ears to see and know the harm to our children that is behind this group! Let your kingdom come and let your will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven! In the powerful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Amen!

July 9, 2019

Father God, forgive us. Our hearts are heavy, our sins are egregious, yet you are loving, merciful and always ready to forgive and heal. Protect our youth from the deception of the enemy and adults who are caught up in the bondage of sin and the addiction of sexual immorality. Set them free to walk as the men and women you created them to be so they can enjoy all that you want for them.

    July 10, 2019

    Thank you for this. Yes. Amen.
    2 Peter 3:9 Amplified Bible (AMP)
    The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act] and is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is [extraordinarily] patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.

    July 10, 2019

    Dear Jesus,
    Have mercy on the children in the United States and FIGHT FOR THEM.

    Your word says: It would be better for a millstone to be hung around one’s neck and be cast into the sea than to cause a little one to sin. Let the fear of God fall powerfully on those who are doing this that they might turn from their wicked ways and be saved.
    You love these children. Show Your people what to do so that Your will is done on earth as it is in Heaven.
    We ask for these things to be done in Your holy name. Amen.

July 9, 2019

Lord have mercy on us. We have been deceived .Forgive us for allowing the enemy to prevail. We cry out for the Church your body here on earth to awaken from our slumber and do battle against the forces of darkness in the prayer closet, prayer rooms and prayer meetings. Also cause us to be bold and courageous in speaking out and confronting this evil practice in libraries . We ask this for your sake and for the children of our nation. In Jesus good and mighty name we pray.

July 9, 2019

Dear Almighty God, forgive me for being self-centered and indifferent to the cultural pressures being placed on young parents to accept the constant bombardment by deluded individuals in government and commercial power.You inspiredsomeone to write in a devotion I read, “with indifference, we are cognizant of the needs of our neighbor, but in practice, are too concerned with our own lives to care for them.” Please show Your Prayer Warriors Who they serve and what You want to do for these people who are blinded by the lies of the father of lies. Reveal Your Faceto those in power and cause them to stop this destruction of the innocence of Your sweet young creations, the warping of the beauty of sexuality that you instilled in the man and woman You created for one another. Show Your Planfor each of your called in dreams, visions, sermons, devotions, encouragements, Your Holy Work to each of us so that we may RISE UP AND FIGHT to save the children of the future and this great nation you have blessed us to be allowed to live in. I pray this in the name of our Lord Who will prevail against His enemies! AMEN

July 9, 2019

Lord God, may the victory you won by your blood and sacrifice be made manifest in this situation and protect the innocence of children. At the same time, download your conviction not only to the spiritually-lost perpetrators, but to the librarians, parents, and all supporters that would allow such a travesty. In Jesus’ powerful name!

Roger Hollar
July 9, 2019

1,753 registered “read more.” 153 made a “comment.” 500+ (Less than 1/3) “prayed.”
Really? Do you really need to “read more” of this? The intro paragraph was enough for me. Did over 1,000 “read more” and walk away unaffected? Just sayin! Prayers up.

    Keith Yakouboff
    July 17, 2019

    Relax. Just because some people have not clicked that option does not mean they have not prayed or are not doing so.

    I am part of a prayer group (over a dozen) spread across the country, from southern California to New York, who’ve committed to weekly prayer for a fourth great awakening.

    I am trying to start a blog site devoted to culture war issues (working on a look and logo).

    I contact my reps and state my opinions on their loony bills. I write them also to redundantly express that opinion.

    I routinely listen to several podcasts by notables such as Dennis Prager, Bill O’Reilly and Ben Shapiro. Periodically I’ll check out Louder with Crowder and others. I will also peruse that travesty of a news org, CNN, just to see what the enemy of the people is saying.

    Just because we don’t check a box does not mean we’re disengaged.

Mary Ann Canfijn
July 9, 2019

Heavenly Father, this is warfare that has been brought right to our doorstep. Give us the gumption to resist!
To stand and withstand on behalf of the children! Help us to expose the predators that come in all forms. May we not be lulled to sleep; may we not be deceived. Break through with the light of the Gospel! As your people cry out to you and the Holy Spirit moves throughout the land. In Jesus’ Name and for His Name’s sake! Amen!!

July 9, 2019

As long as churches have signed up and made the government & lRS their head instead of Jesus, then the Harlot church will have engendered the Tans movement, by agreeing with being a Harlot instead of the Body of Christ. In other words, it is the church’s fault. Revelation 17 New International Version (NIV)
Babylon, the Prostitute on the Beast

17 One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits by many waters. 2 With her the kings of the earth committed adultery, and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries.”

3 Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. 4 The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. 5 The name written on her forehead was a mystery:

babylon the great

the mother of prostitutes

and of the abominations of the earth.

6 I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of God’s holy people, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus.

Gwyne Falo
July 9, 2019

Dear Lord, how I grieve about this evil against children in this country and in the world! Please, Lord Jesus, intervene, and thank You that You will! For the weapons formed against us, against children, will not prosper. Our weapons are not fleshly, not carnal, but divine, for the pulling down of fortresses, of strongholds, and so we praise You, our King, our Priest, our Deliverer, our Mighty God, the One who is the Only One who is Faithful and True, the lover of our souls, the King of all kings, the Lord of all Lords, You shall prevail! You will defeat this enemy, which You already crushed in the head, when Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins and who rose from the dead. I praise You for You will not be mocked! We cry out to You for mercy and for grace to be poured out on our nation by the promise You gave in Acts 2:17, upon which we hold on to, believing that many will turn from evil and repent and believe and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! Please act soon on behalf of the children and END this evil reading and behavior in our libraries and schools, by causing there to be such shame and such indignation, because You are sending out the alarm and You will raise up the prayers necessary to end this nightmare. I believe that You are waking up the sleeping lukewarm church and I for one want to be a part of waking up the church, so I say, “Send me, Lord! Here I am!” as Isaiah cried out! Open doors for the church as You did in Revelation 3:8, so the Bride will not shrink at Your soon coming, so we will be without spot or blemish, waiting, watching, witnessing, and warning as the Bride should be doing! Maranatha! Lord, bless and protect and empower our president and all those who care for children so there is an awesome and grand delivering of children from all this evil assault by the enemy, in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen!

Gordean Ash
July 9, 2019

Father, I confess for America,
You are the bedrock under our feet,
You are the castle in which we live,
Jesus, you are our rescuing knight. You are the high crag where we run for dear life, hiding behind the boulders, safe in the granite hideout. 
We sing to you, you are Praise-Lofty, and we find ourselves safe and saved. 
• The hangman’s noose was tight at the throat;
• devil waters rushed over. 
• Hell’s ropes cinched tight;
• death traps barred every exit. 
• It is a hostile world!
We call to GOD;
We cry to You for help;
From Your palace, You hear us call; and
That cry brings us right into Your presence – a private audience!
Deliverance for America!

Linda Todd
July 9, 2019

Oh Lord Jesus, you know that the evil in these acts should never ever be revealed to innocent children. Please help us to be bold as we speak out against this in our schools. Prick the hearts if the parents and teacher librarians to know its not for children. To understand the abject evil they are forcing on innocents. Forgive us where we failed to stand against this. Show us your will for us to act. I love you.

July 9, 2019

Our Father, have mercy. Do not let this generation of children be lost. Intervene on their behalf.
We ask this In Yeshua’s Name.

CM Brown
July 9, 2019

Dear Lord,

Please,please do NOT let this go any further. Please intervene on behalf of our nation’s children. Please protect their innocence, and please open the hearts of these people who are doing this, so that they will be drawn to You. Please God, help our children!

George J Murrey
July 9, 2019

Dear Lord how much further does this country and world have to go for people to understand this isn’t the road you intended us to go. These type of people are bringing behavior that will only hurt the most vulnerable of all people, children. We should not this type of “story telling” to continue. I pray that librarians will come to the their senses and bring back what it is supposed to be about.

July 9, 2019

Oh, Lord, how lax we have been in training our children up in the way they should go! Forgive us, for sitting back and letting the enemy of your people succour our little ones into lives of confusion and wickedness!
Awaken your people, O God!! Sound Your alarm throughout the camp, so that we do not lose our future!! Send forth Your Spirit, Your Light, and Your truth! Confound the camp of the enemy, with his lies and distortions! Let every lie be exposed for exactly what it is, and bring forth Your truth to dispel that darkness! Grant unto Your people inventive and creative ways to magnify Your character, Your ways, Your truth, and Your love! Raise up deliverers for our youth, the next generation to lead the charge against evil and for Your Kingdom and glory! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Ken Budz
July 9, 2019

Dear Lord God Almighty thank You for everything. Thank You Lord for prayer. Lord may the world get sick and tired of all this gay activities going on everywhere. May people speak up when they see or hear of something strange. God give us strength courage wisdom and compassion to do Your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

June 30, 2019

Lord God I pray you work in our hearts to trust your Holy Spirit for the strength to realize this is as evil As It Seems! Which by your grace will give us the strength to Humble ourselves before you enough to truly confess and repent of our sins of omission in refusing to pay the cost of enduring the violent Wrath of the evil ones for opposing them! For we did not realize you can use this evil for the good of our being crucified with Christ and so grow in realizing how great your love must be to forgive us such evil!

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IFA President
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