Today we celebrate America’s constitution, one of our revolutionary founding documents that has advanced freedom and established one of the greatest nations in the world.
Socialism, secularism, and similar political ideologies are at war with the ideas that created our form of government. History testifies of the devastating effects these ideologies have on a nation that embraces them.
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The “isms” (socialism, secularism, communism, etc.) essentially remove God from the equation. The end goal of these ideologies is to appeal to human compassion with the promise of equality and provision for all; when in reality all power is being given to the state to determine human rights, define morality, and to regulate and distribute resources as they see fit.
Our Constitution makes religious freedom a priority, the Declaration of Independence references our dependence on God, and the numerous writings and actions displayed by the originators of these documents confirm that God and government are intertwined into the very fabric of this Republic.
The American form of government acknowledges God as the Ultimate Authority and the Author of rights so the state can’t take them away. The Constitution limits government and gives power to the people; a revolutionary concept then and now.
You have a right to pray or not pray – to have faith or no faith at all. It is only a Judeo-Christian foundation that maintains a public square where these unalienable rights are protected. All people have a seat at the table because there is a universal understanding that truth will win out.
If we ignore these fundamental concepts or become convinced they are no longer relevant, the foundations of our nation will begin to crumble. The separation of God from American government leaves mankind as the final arbiter of right and wrong, a dangerous outcome that would deliver a death blow to our free Republic.
Today as we celebrate Constitution Day, let’s take time to appreciate the freedoms afforded us and recommit to ensuring the fundamental principles that are unique to our Republic endure for generations to come.
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I pray for President Trump and those who support his efforts to lead a return to our Judeo-Christian culture. The selfish individuals and groups who seek to take God out of our daily routine need to be confronted. Certainly every good Christian needs to vote. We are under attack and cannot afford to be complacent. Put on the armor of God and stand firm. George
Almighty God, thank you for establishing the United States of America. and for giving our Founding Fathers all they needed in order to write the Constitution. For several decades now, our children and grandchildren have not been taught the truth of the history of this great nation and in some place eliminated from the curriculum entirely leaving a vacuum where the “isms” of the world would be used to indoctrinate our children. It has been rewritten with many false, twisted views and often deliberately leaving out all or portions of what really happened. The goal of some is to destroy the foundations of the United States of America and they are being successful. David said in Psalm 11:3, “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Well……, here are a few things, be on our knees–being obedient to
2 Chronicles 7:14, pray for our leaders according to 1 Timothy 2:1-8 but especially verse 2, reaching out to the Christians who don’t vote and telling them why it’s impor
tant; it’s our responsibility to vote…. because if we don’t vote (according to the Word of God) it’s actually a vote for those who are trying to destroy us, the citizens of the United States of America. Dear Lord, show us how we can help our children and grandchildren of all ages, in every level of education, know the truth about The United States of America from it’s very beginning to the current times; and yes, even the
teachers/professors to know the truth. John 8:32 ….”.and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free..”
not only destroy the people of the USA but destroy this great country…..
Father God,
“Thank You” does not seem adequate to express how deeply grateful I am to have been born in the United States of America. That one blessing alone is worth so much. Thank You for guiding our Founding Fathers to create our Constitution. Help us to appreciate and uphold it through our words, actions, and voting. Please give Americans an awareness of what a unique and important document it is. Help us not take any of this for granted. In Jesus name. Amen.