I Prayed have prayed
Lord, give us wisdom and discernment with this vaccine. Let the truth about these vaccines be known.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

There are more US deaths related to vaccines in 2021 in less than 3 months than there were the entire past decade.

The number of deaths related to vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed.Ā  According to the CDCā€™s own data, in 2021 in less than 3 months, we have already seen over 1,750 deaths due to vaccines in the US.

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ā€œThe Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database contains information on unverified reports of adverse events (illnesses, health problems and/or symptoms) following immunization with US-licensed vaccines. Reports are accepted from anyone and can be submitted electronically atĀ www.vaers.hhs.gov.ā€

The ages of those who have died plies with the elderly:

The two primary vaccine manufacturers who have the most deaths related to their vaccines are Moderna and Pfizer/Biontech:

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Although the percentage of individuals who have died from the COVID-19 ā€˜vaccineā€™ is minuscule (less than 0.003%) the number of deaths in 2021 already is WAY OVER (71 times) the average for the past decade. . . . .

Are you surprised by these statistics? Share in the comments below!

(Excerpt from The Gateway Pundit. Article by Joe Hoft. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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May 2, 2021

There was over 30,000 testimonies from women with 24 hours on ONE Instagram account regarding severely abnormal bleeding, miscarriages (which is being reported to be 500-600% higher than normal), stillbirths, girls as young as 8 getting a period, children getting nose bleeds from being around vaccinated people, people dying…. this is genocide. This is made infertility. Lord God PLEASE come. If not now, then please equip the Church and call her to raise up and fight on her knees and proclaim your gospel.

April 15, 2021

We have to remember who is in Control, our Saviour Jesus Christ. He is our healer, protector and all us Children of God have to BELIEVE in Him and He will direct our path. Keep looking UP to our Lord and if you start to faint read His Word. There are going to be more trials we will have to face but knowing who we are and who our Father is will guide us. I keep praying for all my brothers and sisters and also those who are blind and refuse to see. We are in control and through praying and believing we can move mountains. BELIEVE, HAVE FAITH!!!

April 5, 2021

VAERS data released today showed 50,861 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 2,249 deaths and 7,726 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and March 26, 2021.

    April 15, 2021

    And so many people are still blind and refuse to listen to us. They need much prayer.

Steven P Dyer
April 5, 2021

It is my understanding that only 20% of all adverse reactions get reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database.

    April 5, 2021

    Wow. Thanks for sharing. That is worth looking into.

    April 6, 2021

    There was a study from an Ivy League School, I believe Harvard that reported only 1% of events are reported. ( Even if you would say 10% that is jaw-dropping). People and parents get bullied and talked out of reporting because people and doctors will say it was coincidental. And the VaX would NEVER cause that….

April 5, 2021

Are you absolutely serious here?? The data that you yourself SHARED shows that “adverse events” does not indicate deaths. You are seriously lying and using evil propaganda to mislead people. You should be ashamed! People are serving each other and coming together and you wish to divide Americans. Get out of here with your hate and lies. We seek God and the truth here in this nation and you spread only false testimony. This troubles me greatly. Join me in prayer, please.

    April 5, 2021

    Hi Sheri. Please check out Children’s Health Defense or Americas Frontline doctors. There is a lot of valuable information on those sites regarding the risk of these particular injections. Take care and wishing you the best.

      April 6, 2021

      You are so gracious to those who are opposed to you merely reporting this factual information. Everyone can draw their own conclusions based on the facts. If some choose to ignore those facts, it is right for you to encourage them to further investigate. God bless you for not backing down, for posting this information and encouraging others to investigate for the truth. May God shine His light on the truth and make it very obvious for all of His children to see and accept. May He also continue to give you wisdom, courage and strength to continue to present facts and truth, and may God continue to give you grace-filled responses for those who oppose you in doing so.

    April 6, 2021

    A doctor, Dr. Sheri Tenpenny reports on the vaccines. Very informative. Look her report up. It is called, “Shot in the Dark!” Also an immunologist that taught at Harvard named Hooman Noorchashm who is a fan of the vaccines says everyone should not take them. He was on Tucker Carlson show discussing it. Look it up! Decide for yourself! Stop accusing this website of hate and lies! We all know who the accuser of the brethren is! Our country is in the shape it is in today because so-called Christians and so-called Republicans spend more time tearing each other down that they do TRUSTING GOD AND TAKING EVERYTHING TO HIM FIRST!!! No I won’t pray with you, but I will pray for you to stop accusing until you have read all there is to read and learn about these vaccines, and have become an expert in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

Candace J Hallett
April 5, 2021

Father, protect those who have chosen to be injected with these experimental vaccines. Particularly set a hedge of protection over our family members who have made this choice, especially our granddaughter and our son who are both in their 30’s. Protect their future children, O God! In Jesus’ Name!

Nancy Bryda
April 5, 2021

There is an evil agenda in back of the push for vaccinations. I decree that the true knowledge concerning the vacinnations which are not really vaccinations will come forth in Jesus name. False narratives surround this process and I decree exposure of false information. Do you think big pharma is being transparent about this process? I bind the greed, lies, and hoodwinking connected to this process and loose valid unbiased info to come forth in public forums free from censorships. I say no to forcing people to take this vaccine which is not really a vaccine. I say no to all this propaganda and hoodwinking on this process. I bind fear and intimidation trying to fool people for alterior motives of greed and decreasing the population. Working on your immune system is heathy ways trumps this dangerous shot. We have excellent medical treatments for covid so why risk your health.

    April 5, 2021

    You clearly struggle to understand immune systems or vaccinations in general. It seems it is you who have succumbed to propaganda.

      April 5, 2021

      There our doctors coming forward from all around the world on the risks of these injections.

      Check out the Children’s Health Defense website or America’s Frontline Doctors website. It is very enlightening. I know there are more.

      Remember, they are only approved for emergency use (EUA approval). The covid injections are NOT approved by the FDA.

      Even Dr Fauci admitted that it is possible for a person to get these injections and still get covid and spread covid. That is why the CDC asks all those vaccinated or not to wear masks.

      Eugenio Derbez does an outstanding job cornering Dr Fauci on the deceptions regarding effectiveness of these injections. You can find it easily in a quick search. It is well worth watching regardless where you stand politically.

        Deb R
        April 5, 2021

        The Children’s Health Defense website is a great resource.

          April 5, 2021

          Thank you Deb R. It is indeed. It is absolutely heartbreaking to see Christians on here so incredibly upset about ifapray sharing an article that simply lists stats regarding adverse reactions. It is my constant prayer that the Lord will reveal the truth to us all over this incredibly important topic. I have asked the Lord to help me discern the issue over these injections and every single time, something will come my way that confirms the risks.

          God Bless.

    April 5, 2021

    Amen. Standing in agreement to your prayer.

    Deb R
    April 5, 2021

    Yes Father Amen <3 Uncover and unseat those with a malicious agenda. Open our eyes to realize and understand what's going on.

Terri F.
April 5, 2021

Saying 1700 deaths is not accurate. They are “unverified” adverse events (illnesses, health problems, and/or symptoms).

    April 5, 2021

    It is highly likely the number is significantly higher. Not everyone reports these events.

    There are also those poor souls that died within minutes or days of receiving the injections.

    Thankfully, more and more people are coming forward about what the injections have done to thier loved ones. The most recent post I read was a family grieving over thier 32 year old son that died within 24 hours of the injection. They said he was in perfect health and had no underlying health problems.

    The Children’s Health Defense website has a lot of information regarding adverse reactions and fatalities after receiving the injections as well. I believe the article about the 32 yo is on there in addition to several articles people that passed away within a short time span of recieving the injections.

    Many of the fatalities within were from Anaphylactic shock.

      Nancy Bryda
      April 5, 2021

      I loose mainstream media to report on the deaths and adverse reactions. Mainstream media will report on this in JEsus name.

    April 5, 2021

    Thank you! Nowhere on the screenshots or on the CDC site does it list deaths. In fact if you contact the department of health they have not had any reports of deaths due to the vaccination. I am troubled that the church is sharing this propaganda! This is so malicious!

      April 5, 2021

      Hi Nancy. There are doctors from all around the world coming forward on the risks of these injections. Please check out the Children’s Health Defense or American Frontline Doctors website. There is a lot of information on those sites.

      There have been deaths mostly from Anaphylactic shock shortly after receiving the injections. Some people within minutes. I wish I had time to send the links, but the two sites mentioned above are a good start. They are reputable sources.

      Obviously, there are many that do ok after receiving the injection, but MRNA, which has never been used in vaccines before is what many doctors are concerned about since it has the potential to over ride our natural immune response…and for how long no one is certain yet.

      None of these injections are approved by the FDA. They are only approved for emergency use (EUA).

      Then of course, the issue with aborted fetal cell lines being used in the processing of these injections. That’s huge.

      Check out Eugenio Derbez’s interview with Dr Fauci. He does an outstanding job getting Dr Fauci to admit the misconceptions of the injections.

      April 6, 2021

      Remember when this covid-19 virus began, the CDC and Dr. Fauci said do not wear masks! They said they will NOT protect you. Then they both came out later and reversed themselves saying everyone should wear a mask. This covid-19 is new and not like the other coronaviruses! The medical profession and scientists are learning about it like we are. Way before there was a vaccine being created, my friend from church said GOD had told her to tell people NOT to take the vaccine because of the LONG-TERM effects of it. It is still experimental! FATHER GOD please help Christians to respect one another, seek YOU before doing anything, (especially putting something in their bodies that may change their DNA) and to do their own research before calling people liars in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! AMEN!

Amy J Fields
April 5, 2021

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE…..let this be known around us…Keep SPEAKING…Keep telling us…Thank you for letting us know how to pray about what God already knows but tells us to plead with Him over!!! We must not stop!!


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