Dave Kubal: The Government Shall Be Upon His Shoulder

For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end … (Isaiah 9:6–7). At the center … Continued

Christmas: The Greatest Reset

The greatest reset of all time was the birth of Jesus Christ. Even the calendar was reset from BC to AD! The Son of God was sent to redeem the world from sin and its consequences including separation from God. While born in humble circumstances, Jesus fulfilled His redemptive mission through His sacrificial death and … Continued

C.S. Lewis Christmas Sermon Is Profound Today

In this Christmas sermon, originally published just after the end of World War II, C.S. Lewis describes a reality that seems strangely similar to today. From Crosswalk. A 77-year-old magazine article by C.S. Lewis is receiving renewed attention in American culture for its discussion of a world that does not know right from wrong and … Continued

Spiritual Prep for Christmas

Are you dreading family get-togethers this Christmas? Did you just barely get through Thanksgiving? Did the family festivity become a family feud? If so, you are not alone. Last year, the big divide between family members probably centered on the presidential election.  This year, Thanksgiving may have cut on the vaccine issue.  And Christmas —well, … Continued

Making Room in the Inn of Our Hearts

Beloved intercessor, what are the defining patterns of your life? Do you have a pattern of working hard, or perhaps even of overwork? Do you have a pattern of healthy choices and attention to fitness? Perhaps you have a pattern of spending quality time with your family every weekend outdoors. Or maybe you even have … Continued

Christmas Lessons From Mary: God Puts Trust in You

What do you believe or feel was the greatest miracle that ever took place in the life of a human person? Salvation? That’s wonderful, but if the other miracle hadn’t taken place, salvation would never be available. I would suggest it is the conception of Jesus in the womb of virgin Mary. There is no … Continued

The Glory-Filled Details of Christmas

Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. So it was, that while they were there, the days … Continued

Christmas and Hanukkah: God Always Provides

This year, our bank accounts may be a little smaller and our wallets a bit thinner. As inflation saturates our nation’s economy, some might wonder how they will maintain their lifestyle, or simply get by. Yet in the midst of these difficult realities, we can look to the very holidays we are celebrating for a glimpse … Continued

School Board President Urges Usage of ‘Christmas’

Over the past few years, we have seen many shy away from the Christ-centered holiday, Christmas. This school board president, however, is urging people to remember the reason for the season. From Fox News. During a Board of Trustees meeting Monday night, Carroll Independent School District (ISD) School Board President Cam Bryan challenged the Tarrant … Continued

The Miraculous Christmas Truce

It was a dark, dreary Christmas Eve in the muddy trenches of the Western front during World War I. The living conditions were frightfully, if unsurprisingly, unmerry, as soldiers on both sides battled frost, freezing rain, and more. But in the midst of this wartime misery, something remarkable happened. For a brief time, Allied and … Continued

Lab-Leak Proof: COVID ‘Blueprint’ Discovered

Newly uncovered documents show a plan to engineer COVID to infect humans. Some are saying that this proves the theory that COVID was leaked from a lab. From Daily Mail. A newly-uncovered trove of documents detailing plans to create a Covid-like virus in China months before the pandemic make the ‘lab leak almost certain’, experts say. Discuss … Continued


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