We Have Been Made New!

“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the … Continued

Are Your Prayers Radical Enough?

Friend, are your prayers too low? Is your faith too ignoble, based on the standard of God’s Word? And are you experiencing a base, mediocre standard of living as a result? I wonder sometimes if we all are. In truth, I really do suspect that nearly everybody in Christianity — certainly in Western Christianity — … Continued

Is CIA Hiding Files About COVID Origins?

Why is the CIA withholding these records? Is the agency hiding some particularly inconvenient evidence? From RedState. A new lawsuit filed by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project claims that the Central Intelligence Agency is withholding records that would show payoffs to analysts for burying evidence that a lab leak was the probable cause of the … Continued

Christmas Lessons From Mary: Whatever He Tells You …

Let me give you just one final exhortation from Mary. I don’t call her the virgin Mary because I don’t believe she’s a virgin any longer, that’s my controversial opinion. I call her Mary, the mother of Jesus. But let me just turn to the scene in the marriage feast before Jesus really began His … Continued

Mexico Launches Task Force to Tackle Border Crisis

Mexico has agreed to help manage and control the border crisis from its own side. Do you think this will this bring any meaningful change along our southern border? From CBN. After an urgent meeting with U.S. officials, Mexico has unveiled a new task force to stem the tide of migrants crossing the southern U.S. … Continued

Judge Blocks State’s Trans Surgery Ban

As the war over transgender treatments rages on nationwide, Idaho’s efforts to protect children have been stifled in court. From The Daily Wire. A federal judge this week blocked an Idaho law protecting kids from transgender surgeries, claiming that it likely violated the 14th Amendment. Pray for your fellow intercessor.   Federal Judge B. Lynn Winmill temporarily … Continued

Ballot Battle Brewing

In the wake of Trump’s removal from the Colorado ballot, many Republicans are wondering if Joe Biden could face the same fate. Do you think this is a tactic we’ll see utilized going into 2024? From New York Post. Some Republican officials outraged by the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to boot Donald Trump off the state’s primary … Continued

Michigan Supreme Court to Keep Trump on the Ballot

As other states consider removing Trump from the 2024 ballot, or have already done so, Michigan’s Supreme Court has thrown out any such attempt entirely. From CNN. The Michigan Supreme Court has rejected an attempt to remove former President Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot based on the US Constitution’s “insurrectionist ban.” This content is supported by … Continued

Why Are U.S. Capitol Police Opening Satellite Offices?

What reasons could the U.S. Capitol Police possibly have for operating outside the Capitol? Is any of this necessary? From Breanna’s Newsletter. After January 6, 2021, United States Capitol Police opened 2 satellite offices outside of Washington D.C.. One of those offices was opened in former Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s area and another was opened in … Continued

Holiness: The Weapon You Need

“Holiness will be a shield around you.” These were among the first words I heard directly from the Lord in my early days as a believer. They flowed into my mind like a whisper. Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.   They sounded so nice that I didn’t realize at first that I … Continued

Now, More Than Ever, We Need Intercessors Like Rees Howells

Great events in history are often defined by spectacular moments that defy logic in the natural realm. Whether it’s an eleventh-hour rescue or a battle won with meager numbers, historians relish recounting the miraculous victories that occur amid overwhelming odds. These stories, while heavy with dates and facts, rarely mention the prayer warriors who were … Continued

Christmas Lessons From Mary: Humility

I just want to consider one other aspect of Mary, that is her humility. You know, if you’d discovered that you were going to be the mother of the Messiah, the One who’s going to rule all nations, there could be a tendency to feel you’re a little bit more important than other people. But … Continued


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