Praise! Pornhub Exits 2 More States

Legal protection of minors results in two more states being freed of Pornhub. Do it again, Lord! From Breitbart. Continuing an ongoing trend, Pornhub has blocked users in Montana and North Carolina due to newly implemented age verification laws in these states. Connect with others in your state in prayer.   Engadget reports that 2024 marked a … Continued

Big Changes for House Republicans

The number of House Republicans is dwindling, stretching what was already a thin majority. How will this affect the House, Congress, and our federal government? From The Gateway Pundit. GOP Rep. Bill Johnson (OH) on Tuesday announced he will be resigning from Congress. Do you want state prayer alerts?   As TGP’s Kristinn Taylor reported, the … Continued

Harvard President Resigns

Following intense and increasing scrutiny and criticism, Harvard President Claudine Gay has resigned from her position. From AP News. Harvard University President Claudine Gay resigned Tuesday amid plagiarism accusations and criticism over testimony at a congressional hearing where she was unable to say unequivocally that calls on campus for the genocide of Jews would violate the school’s … Continued

How Much Does Illegal Immigration Cost?

We know that illegal immigration has affected multiple areas in our nation, contributing to a flow of fentanyl and a straining of resources. But how much does illegal immigration cost every American taxpayer? From Breitbart. In 2023, millions of illegal aliens residing in the United States cost every American taxpayer nearly $1,200. In total, taxpayers … Continued

Biden Admin Focuses on Fighting Crime

Americans see that crime is on the rise and that lenient policies and prosecutors are exacerbating things. The Biden administration is now seeking to address the problem. From The Wall Street Journal. The Biden administration is walking a tightrope on law enforcement, raising its support for local police fighting violent crime without abandoning its longtime … Continued

Why Aren’t Electric Cars Selling?

Even as the Biden administration invests billions in the electric vehicle industry, retailers report that those vehicles are just not selling. Why do you suppose that is? From Breitbart. Electric Vehicles (EVs) are “piling up on dealer lots” as American consumers continue buying traditional gas-powered cars at faster rates, the Wall Street Journal reports. … Join the … Continued

Seeking God for Revival

Though not all repentance leads to revival, you can’t have revival without repentance. This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   Not long ago, an intercessor wrote the following note to IFA: I have read the Six Battle-Ready Positions for Victory in Spiritual Warfare [IFA prayer guide] and find one very important strategy … Continued

Michele Bachmann Blesses Israel at IFA 50th Anniversary

The following is a transcript of Michelle Bachmann’s address at IFA’s 50th Anniversary Gala event in Washington, D.C., in November. We pray that it will bless, challenge, and inspire you. — IFA Staff I sense the gravity of the moment that we’re in, and how important this organization has been. As others have said, we’re … Continued

Defying Christian Numbness to Anti-Jewish Hate

“And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold” (Matthew 24:10–12 ESV). Pray for your fellow intercessor.   Perhaps we’ve heard or read professing Christians express thoughts like these lately: … Continued

Christian Organization Saw 51,000 Salvations in 2023

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes saw over 51,000 athletes receive salvation this year. Hallelujah! From Breitbart. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes ( had a banner year in 2023, with more than 51,000 athletes accepting Jesus into their lives at the group’s events. Post a prayer for your state!   In its year-end press release, the … Continued

Do Christians Know What the Bible Says About Israel?

We know what the Lord says about Israel, instructing believers to pray for and support the Jewish people. But are believers supporting Israel for the right reasons? From The Christian Post. Only about a quarter of American Christians say the Bible influences their views on Israel as the Israel-Hamas war continues after the Oct. 7 … Continued

21 Ways to Pray Over Your Heart in 2024

As we go into 2024, have you thought about what you want the Lord to do in your heart and character? Many people like to make goals for the new year, and that’s a good thing. I enjoy doing that myself. But “goals” are usually task-oriented. They involve things like cleaning out the linen closet, … Continued


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