A Win for Intercessors in Pennsylvania

Intercessors in Pennsylvania and across the country have seen a stunning victory. The Biden administration announced after only 24 hours that it had reversed a decision by the National Park Service to remove a statue of William Penn, a replica of Penn’s house, and a timeline of Penn’s life from Welcome Park, in Philadelphia. Connect … Continued

State Works to Protect Children From Porn

Florida is poised to join states that have been protecting minors from pornography and other harmful online content. From Orlando Sentinel. Florida lawmakers are considering new laws that aim to keep children away from sexually explicit websites and harmful social media posts, joining a movement gaining momentum in state capitals across the country. Find out … Continued

Our Borders: Might There Be Hope?

By now, the sight on news media of caravans of migrants crossing our borders has begun to seem almost normal. Fear is prevalent among those citizens who live near border towns, with many schools having to implement lockdowns as a safety precaution. Fear is in their hearts because many of those entering this country illegally … Continued

A Spiritual Warning for 2024

So far, 2024 is shaping up as a difficult year with all sorts of trials and tribulations. It is in difficult times, however, that we are called to be thankful and to worship God. From Charisma News. In a recent message, John Ramirez gave a warning for the spiritual battles that lay ahead of us … Continued

What Repentance in Revival Means

We’ve started a series on the importance of repentance in revival (#ImportanceOfRepentanceInRevival), so we wanted to share with you Dutch Sheets‘ teaching from Friday about what repentance is and how revival removes the veil which prevents people from repenting.  As we were preparing this, it was brought to our attention that Dutch Sheets read Part … Continued

The Race Card, Race Baiting, and White Guilt

Were you surprised or dismayed that Claudine Gay played the race card as her chickens came home to roost? What can the Ecclesia do to finally make our Enemy regret continuing to play this same old dirge in America? What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is … Continued

Teachers Stand Up for Truth Against Trans Insanity

Two courageous teachers are fighting for biblical truth in California. They need our prayers. From Escondido Times-Advocate. A lawsuit challenging an Escondido elementary school policy that requires teachers to refer to trans students by whatever pronouns or gender-specific name the students request, while using “biological pronouns and legal names” when speaking to parents to hide … Continued

Johnson Reaches Spending Deal

Last year, Cynthia Dunbar, an IFA board member, received a word from the Lord. God said to her, “Pray boldness over Congressman Michael Johnson in this season. Pray that he may walk in strength tempered in grace, that he may boldly speak forth truth, and that his words will be a beacon of hope to … Continued

The Odd Case of the Secretary and His Hospitalization

UPDATE: It was revealed yesterday that Secretary Austin underwent a prostatectomy on December 22 to address his prostate cancer. He returned to the hospital on Jan. 1 after experiencing complications related to this surgery. Doctors drained fluid from his stomach to solve the problem, and he is currently recovering well. While he has been moved … Continued

Netflix Faces Backlash Over Children’s Show

One of Netflix’s most popular children’s shows features a scene with two gay dads and a cross-dressing child. Many are calling this scene “indoctrination” and “terrible advice.” From CBN. Netflix is facing criticism over a scene from its popular children’s cartoon “CoComelon Lane” in which a little boy dresses in a tutu and tiara after … Continued

Prophetic Word for 2024

This prophetic word for 2024 was shared with us by Lisa Townsend, IFA’s Louisiana state prayer leader. IFA seeks the Lord for discernment in selecting all the information we post, and especially when we are sharing prophetic words. We encourage you to ask the Lord whether any of these prophetic messages apply to you personally, … Continued

What Happened on January 6? And What Comes Next?

Three years after January 6, people on both sides of the political aisle are still focused on that fateful day. It is no exaggeration to say that the 2020 election and the events that followed have dominated our political conversation and divided Americans ever since. Do you want state prayer alerts?   Recently, a D.C. … Continued


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