FBI Traced Bible Purchasers

Have you recently purchased a Bible, a firearm, or anything related to Trump? If so, your purchases may have been flagged by the federal government. From House of Representatives Judiciary Committee. New documents obtained by the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government reveal that the federal government flagged terms like “MAGA” and “TRUMP” … Continued

Important Election Integrity Win

A recent federal district court ruling is a huge win for election integrity. Did you know that Georgia has repeatedly admitted to residency requirement violations in their elections? From The Federalist. Election integrity advocates recently had a very important win when a federal district court ruled that challenging the eligibility of thousands of voters in Georgia did … Continued

Bipartisan Criticism of Biden Admin Border Policies

Even members of Biden’s own party are now turning on him, demanding stronger action on the southern border. From The Hill. Fourteen Democrats voted with Republicans to denounce President Biden’s “open-border policies” Wednesday, delivering a rare legislative rebuke to the leader of their party on the politically prickly matter of immigration and border policy. Discuss issues you … Continued

DOJ Admits Hunter’s Laptop Is Real

The DOJ has finally admitted that Hunter Biden’s laptop is genuine. How will this affect Hunter? More important, how will this affect his father? From The Federalist. Nearly four years after the damning evidence of Biden family corruption on Hunter Biden’s laptop was disclosed in 2020, President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice admitted in a court … Continued

Majority Support Biden Corruption Investigation

Despite the current administration’s insistence that the president is free of corruption, the American people think otherwise. (The Center Square) – One-third of Americans say that President Joe Biden is guilty of corruption and should be impeached, including some Democrats, according to a new poll. Pray for your fellow intercessor.   The Center Square Voter’s … Continued

Argentina’s President Condemns Socialism at Davos

As countless leaders preach globalism and big government at Davos, the new president of Argentina took the stage there to condemn socialism. From Breitbart. Argentine President Javier Milei delivered an address fiercely condemning socialism at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Wednesday, rejecting the “radical feminist” and “environmental”  agendas fueled by socialism as … Continued

Houthis to Be Put on Terrorist List

Trump had designated the Houthis as terrorists, a controversial move that the Biden administration immediately reversed. Now Blinken is reversing his previous reversal. From Fox News. President Biden will redesignate Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthis as a terrorist group — three years after removing them from the Foreign Terrorist Organizations list — in response to repeated attacks … Continued

The Most Prayed-For Person in America

In 1973 the Roe v. Wade decision made the U.S. one of the most dangerous places in the world for the unborn. This decision catalyzed prayer for the nation and was a major impetus for the birth of Intercessors for America. From the beginning, IFA acknowledged that abortion violates God’s law and started praying for … Continued

Becoming ‘Salt and Light’ in Our Government

A testimony from IFA Georgia. Last December, Georgia Baptist Mission Public Affairs Representative Mike Griffin invited intercessors to the state Capitol. I joined 10 other participants eager to become better informed about what happens at the Capitol and to pray for those making public policy decisions. This content is supported by your donations. Give today. … Continued

EU Chief Calls for State Censorship

As the world begins one of the biggest election years in history, one of its most powerful leaders is calling for increased censorship, as well as partnerships between private firms and governments. From Breitbart. At the opening of the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen called … Continued

State-Sponsored Propaganda in America?

The Biden administration, in the name of fighting terrorism, paid activists to create state-sponsored propaganda. From The Daily Wire. The Department of Homeland Security paid an activist group $700,000 to create self-described propaganda that attacked conservatives, a new investigation found. This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   DHS used a grant program … Continued

Was Our Border Crisis Intentional?

Our border has been is crisis for years now. New discoveries suggest, however, that this crisis may have been intentionally man-made. From Townhall. [Confidential] documents suggest the president’s open border policies were intentional. Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.   The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) filed a lawsuit against Biden’s … Continued


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