Demolition of My Steel House

There’s a famous house in Lubbock, Texas that is totally made of steel. It’s for sale right now, if you have a million and half bucks lying around. It’s almost indestructible… So let’s talk about remodeling a home. Rather, demolition. I loved the demolition part of “Extreme Home Makeover, Home Edition” as much as I … Continued

Evangelical Support for Israel Drops

Evangelicals are shifting on support for Israel. Will the Church, once Israel’s strongest supporter, turn away? From CBN. Experts warn a significant drop in support for Israel among young U.S. evangelicals marks a potential turning point in the longstanding relationship between these allied groups. Talk about issues like these on The Community.   A series … Continued

Tomczak: 10 Point Plan to Turn America Around

I’m a bit of a dreamer and I invite you to dream along with me for a better America. This is not a “pipe dream” (the term originated from opium smokers in China escaping reality in swirling smoke) but rather a striving for the ideal while suffering with the real. For cynics dismissing these initiatives … Continued

Give Him 15: Marked!

In this article, Dutch Sheets shares his experience being “marked” by his spiritual father and his God. Have you been marked in a similar way? From Give Him 15. “Then the sons of Judah approached Joshua in Gilgal, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite said to him, “You know the word which the … Continued

Pray for the Authorities

The following is an excerpt from our daily devotional Fellowship With the Father, written by IFA contributing writer Remco Brommet. Roads have lines, signs and guardrails to keep us moving safely in the right direction. In order to ensure that safety, users have to obey the rules of the road. Have you taken your place on … Continued

Proof Censors Want to Impact the Election

[D]uring the 2020 election cycle and the Covid pandemic, the [U.S.] government . . .  throttled millions of online posts, suppressing traffic to news sites, and undermined revenue streams for a host of outlets and influencers with disfavored or dissident views. IFA was one of those sites. From The Federalist. If you didn’t see Tucker … Continued

Two Years of War and Intercession for Ukraine

On this day two years ago, Russia invaded Ukraine. Since the beginning of the war, IFA has provided intercessors with regular updates, as well as opportunities to pray and to act. Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.   Intercessors for Ukraine (IFU), an organization that IFA helped start, has worked tirelessly … Continued

Gaza and the Civil Rights Movement Are Not the Same

There is much to be learned from Hitler about how our spiritual Enemy works. Hitler said, “The art of propaganda lies in understanding the emotional ideas of the great masses and finding, through a psychologically correct form, the way to the attention and thence to the heart of the broad masses.”  Manipulating emotions in what … Continued

Debt Freedom — Is it Even Possible?

National debt is at an all-time high. Not only national debt. American household debt hit a record $16.9 trillion at the end of 2022, up $2.75 trillion. Unfortunately, it seems to only be escalating each year, with little hope for change. With God there is always hope, for with God, all things are possible. Nothing … Continued

Chaplains Under Attack

A self-described Islamic transwoman serving time in a men’s prison in Indiana recently sued a prison chaplain for allegedly prohibiting him from wearing a hijab outside his sleeping quarters. The man, Jonathan Richardson, is serving 55 years for strangling his 11-month-old stepdaughter to death in 2001. He has already been in the news for suing … Continued

Watching the Titanic Sink

Recently a friend sent me an internet meme which permeated my spirit for several days. It was aptly titled, If the Titanic Sank Today, as it depicted the doomed ship sinking amongst a sea of people who were using their cell phones to record the catastrophic event (See image here). These bystanders appeared emotionless, as … Continued

Court Strikes Down City’s Non-Citizen Voting Law

A state appeals court struck down New York City’s attempt to allow illegal immigrants to vote. From POLITICO. A state appeals court ruled that a New York City law that would allow non-citizens to vote in local elections is unconstitutional — marking a win for the Republican elected officials who sued to block it. Find … Continued


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