Answered Prayer in IFA State Prayer Group

The Lord is opening doors for IFA intercessors! Early last December, I attended a holiday dinner at my church, in Hawaii. A table discussion card read: “If you could ask Emmanuel for a gift, what would you ask for?” I responded: “A District Council legislature person and a mayor for an island, that I could … Continued

State Lawmakers Address Immigration

As the border crisis rages, Georgia state senators are trying to ban and punish sanctuary cities. Will they be successful? From Fox News. Some Georgia senators want to punish cities and counties that they say are illegally harboring immigrants who are in the country without permission by cutting off most state aid to the local … Continued

Are Electric Vehicles Really Safe for the Environment?

We often hear that electric vehicles are much better for the environment, but it that really the case? From New York Post. Electric vehicles release more toxic particles into the atmosphere and are worse for the environment than their gas-powered counterparts, according to a resurfaced study. Let the IFA community know how to pray for … Continued

Sen. Menendez Faces Expanded Charges in Foreign Agent Case

Senator Bob Menendez is facing even more charges. What does this say about our elected officials, especially those in offices as esteemed and important as United States senators? From Just the News. New Jersey Democratic Senator Bob Menendez faced a fresh wave of legal challenges on Tuesday as he was hit with 12 additional counts … Continued

Christian School Stands Against Men in Women’s Sports

Being banned from future athletic events hasn’t stopped Coach Goodwin and Mid-Vermont Christian School from boldly speaking out to protect women’s sports. From Breitbart. The Vermont high school girl’s basketball coach who forfeited a game when he discovered that a male playing as a girl was on the opposing team is defending his actions even … Continued

24/7 Prayer Overflows at Major University

Last week, hundreds gathered on Liberty University’s campus for a powerful 24-hour prayer and worship service. It was just last year that worship and prayer broke out in Asbury University and other schools across the nation as well. The Lord is doing something big in the younger generations! From CBN. Liberty University students are in … Continued

Prophetic Prayer for Our Next President

How are you praying for our next president? Has God given you a vision? A prayer strategy? IFA wants to know! Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.   At such a tumultuous time as this for our nation, prayer is needed more than ever. Here’s what IFA intercessor Paula Hammock is … Continued

The Imperative of Prayer for the Future

Intercessor, were you at our 50th anniversary celebration and gala? If not, you might have missed this brilliant speech by Dutch Sheets! This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   Dutch Sheets, one of our featured speakers, shared a wonderful message about the imperative of prayer for the future. In it, he discussed … Continued

Pray for Those in High Positions

The following is an excerpt from our daily devotional Fellowship With the Father, written by IFA contributing writer Remco Brommet. “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high places, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly … Continued

Prophetic Prayer for Government

Can you use some encouragement in praying for the nation? From time to time, I need a fresh spiritual perspective on how best to pray for our government, especially when that government seems to be faltering at every turn and is leading our nation further away from reliance upon God. Connect with others in your … Continued

The Coming Eclipse: A Sign to America?

On April 8, 2024, the path of a total solar eclipse is set to cross some of the United States, Mexico, and Canada. The eclipse, which some are calling the Great American Eclipse, is to be the first the U.S. has seen since 2017.  Who is praying on the wall?   Many are anticipating the … Continued

Life in Prison? Canada’s New Hate Speech Bill

IFA writer Lori Meed experienced Canadian censorship firsthand and reports on the disturbing laws there: While visiting my mother in Canada in October 2023, I became aware that my Facebook page had been frozen, not by Facebook but by the Canadian government. A friend informed me that I was in what I like to call … Continued


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