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Your Action Needed!

Do you agree that repentance is needed in the Body of Christ? Do you know that every revival in history was based in repentance? We are asking you to prayerfully consider taking action. The Global Day of Repentance team asked IFA to share this message with you: “Our prayer is that pastors and priests across … Continued

AI Act: Blessing, Curse, or Surveillance State?

The European Union (EU) has recently passed the AI Act, legislation that was initially intended to prevent mass surveillance based on biometrics. However, it now seems to promote this practice. This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   The AI Act: An Overview The AI Act, set to be implemented in 2025, is … Continued

TX Immigration Law Remains in Limbo

After a few days of judicial whiplash, Texas’ SB 4 remains in limbo. Will any part of this law ever get to be enforced? From CNN. A federal appeals court heard arguments Wednesday over whether to allow Texas to temporarily enforce its controversial law that allows state officials to arrest and detain people they suspect … Continued

The Rise of the Post-Christian West

Our world, our nation, and our culture seem to be abandoning Christianity. At the same time, we know that God is still moving. It hasn’t even been two years since Roe v. Wade was overturned, and last year saw revival break out in schools across the nation. All across America, faithful believers are working hard … Continued

Is America Losing Its Faith?

A recent Pew Research Center survey reveals a deeply troubling trend: A staggering 80% of Americans believe religion’s influence in public life is shrinking. This erosion of faith, particularly within the Judeo-Christian tradition that has long been the bedrock of American society, should serve as a stark wake-up call. Have you taken your place on … Continued

The Effects of Illegal Immigration on Crime

Is illegal immigration making our country less safe? Most Americans seem to think so. From Breitbart. Polling shows that two-thirds of Americans believe illegal immigration “may contribute to the violent crime problem in America.” … Visit your state page to pray.   Rasmussen Reports polled 1,149 likely voters between March 13, 14, and 17, and found the … Continued

Ongoing Congressional Debate Over Aid to Ukraine

Can America keep funding Ukraine given the disunity among our leaders? As Sen. Graham visited with Ukrainian President Zelensky, the nation looked anxiously to the rest of Congress.  From The Hill. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Monday as further funding for the war-torn country remains in limbo amid divisions in Congress. Pray for … Continued

Breaking AI News: Government Report Suggests Urgent Action

A government-commissioned report stresses the critical need for immediate and decisive action in regulating AI development, a national security issue that could pose an extinction-level threat to humanity if left unchecked. From Time. The U.S. government must move “quickly and decisively” to avert substantial national security risks stemming from artificial intelligence (AI) which could, in … Continued

Terror Threat Escalates

Terror threat has reached “a whole other level” beyond the advanced threat levels we already had after October 7. Meanwhile, a threat has been neutralized at the border. This helpful interview with Sen. James Lankford addresses the threat and what is causing the increase: Watch the latest video at foxbusiness.com Terror threat thwarted, from The … Continued

The New Face of ‘Defund the Police’

According to retired Police Chief Tom Weitzel, the Defund the Police movement isn’t dead — it just has a new face. Instead of protests and placards, things have moved to restrictions of proactive policing on the part of liberal city governments. Such city officials are increasingly stripping police departments of their authority and hindering policies … Continued

Biden, Our Border, and the Lone Star State

The million-dollar (if not multibillion-dollar) question regarding America’s border crisis is this: How will God work this together for the good of those who are called according to His purposes? Following that, what must the Church do to partner with God for His plans and purposes? Have you taken your place on the wall?   … Continued


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