Lawmakers’ Children Lobby Against TikTok Ban

Even our own lawmakers’ children are on TikTok, begging their parents not to ban the app. From The Wall Street Journal. As members of Congress consider a crackdown on TikTok, many have faced lobbying from some of their most vocal constituents: their own children. Discuss issues you care about with other intercessors. “She was initially up in … Continued

Transgenderism Is Becoming Transhumanism

We have previously covered the disturbing link between transgenderism and transhumanism. Now that link is becoming ever more apparent. From The Daily Wire. It’s been more than two weeks since the WPATH files demonstrated very clearly that so-called “transgender medicine” is the single most unethical and barbaric practice that the medical industry has ever endorsed. Do you … Continued

Crossdressing U.S. Agent Touted by Agency

Crossdressing in the intelligence community? What is going on, and what are our leaders in Washington promoting? From The Daily Wire. Agents at the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and throughout the intelligence community were distributed a newsletter that celebrated an intelligence official for crossdressing, saying that dressing up in women’s clothes … Continued

Students Push Back on Trans Bathroom Policy

High school students in New York protested their school’s transgender restroom policies. Are we seeing a shift in the youth of America toward biblical identity? From Breitbart. High school girls and boys are protesting the official push for shared restrooms at John Jay High School in Wappingers Central School District in New York State. Talk about … Continued

Upholding Election Integrity: State Outlaws Ballot Harvesting

This is a significant piece of legislation that will strengthen Alabama’s elections and restore confidence in the results. Praise God! From The Epoch Times. In what Republicans have pitched as enhancing Alabama’s election security, GOP Gov. Kay Ivey officially signed Senate Bill 1 (SB1) into law on March 20, a decision that has sparked a … Continued

IFA Featured on Give Him 15!

Give Him 15 featured IFA CEO and President Dave Kubal this past Friday. Dutch Sheets even wrote a wonderfully kind introduction for Dave. We are so thankful for this opportunity! Introduction There is no ministry in America more significant than Intercessors for America, and they’ve had no better leader than David Kubal. Kingdom-hearted to the … Continued

State Upholds Christian Values, Bans DEI Programs

This is a significant shift in Alabama’s educational and societal policies, a huge win for Christian values, and an answer to our prayers! From The Epoch Times. A new Alabama law that bans state agencies, local boards of education, and institutions of higher education from sponsoring so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs or offices, … Continued

How Parents Can Confront Homosexuality

A young girl called me, “I wonder if I’m gay?” Parents notice hints with their son or daughter making them wonder… “Where did we go wrong?” Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.   Congress proposes banning Tik Tok for surveillance and inappropriate content glorifying certain lifestyles for kids. Dark forces are … Continued

Take Authority in Jesus’ Name

The following is an excerpt from our daily devotional Fellowship With the Father, written by IFA contributing writer Remco Brommet. During my early years as a pastor in the inner city of Amsterdam I learned firsthand that we are not battling flesh and blood, but the powers of darkness. We faced constant threats to our church … Continued

Squatters, Illegal Immigrants, and Lawlessness

Squatters are relentlessly stealing people’s homes, and you can find out on TikTok how to illegally come to America to do this. Lawlessness is rampant in this nation. From New York Post. Two squatters are being sought over the gruesome murder of a 52-year-old woman whose body was found stuffed in a duffel bag inside her late … Continued

God Moves in Ohio at an IFA Event

This year, as IFA rallies its staff and state leaders to host Policy & Prayer events in several pivotal “swing counties” ahead of the presidential election, first on the list was Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.   At the event, on Saturday morning, March 16, Ohio Attorney General Dave … Continued


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