Our Blessed Hope

As believers, we are born again to a living hope that will never disappoint us or vanish from our eyes. But do we really understand the profound implication of that truth? Pray for your fellow intercessor.   Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us … Continued

Saying Yes: Pursuing the Path With Peace

What would the impact be if you decided to set aside your agenda to seek God’s presence (being determined not to leave until you’re satisfied)? At the beginning of this semester, my friend Emma Martinez from church invited me to go with her to 132 House of Prayer (132 HOP), a nonprofit ministry in Lubbock, … Continued

Prophetic Warning: The Baltimore Bridge

This week may turn out to be an historic prophetic juncture in the relationship of the United States and Israel and in the trajectory of the nation. It starts with a spiritual law dating back to the call of Abram: “I will make you (Abram) a great nation; I will bless you and make your … Continued

A Song in Season

Sprinkled throughout the Bible, we find songs — songs to God, songs about God, and even songs from God! Does God give us certain songs for specific seasons? If so, why? Get prayer updates from IFA.    On the victory side of the Red Sea, Moses and the children of Israel sang a song of … Continued

America’s Masonic Roots and Globalism

Did you know that America’s founding includes a deep attachment to occultism along with the incorporation of Christian principles? Two years ago, IFA content contributor Nancy Huff wrote about the Masonic Influence in the U.S. That reality is worth revisiting because of its ties to burgeoning globalist tendencies in our government today. Post a prayer … Continued

How Illegal Immigration Affects Our Food Supply

Illegal immigrants are not being checked properly for diseases, leading to many of their diseases being spread to our livestock. This is a huge threat to our food supply! From The Epoch Times. Mass migration exposes the United States’ food supply to diseases and parasites that could ultimately affect national security, animal health experts told … Continued

Jesus Is Coming Quickly

Our world may look bleak, but we have a great hope for the future. We know that our savior is coming back! From The Stream. Christians have a foundational truth in their arsenal that puts everything in our lives into perspective. It doesn’t make sense to unbelievers, but it is what gives us joy, peace … Continued

Remembering Christ – Again

Last year during Holy Week, IFA shared the following poem, written by IFA Contributing Writer Keith Guinta. We share it again this year. We wish to encourage our reader-intercessors to reflect afresh on the love and tender mercies of God through the Good Friday sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ for us. Be blessed this … Continued

Prayer: May Truth Prevail on Palestine’s History

Is Israel a legitimate state? Are the Palestinians the rightful occupants of the Holy Land? What is the historicity of the Palestinian cause? Who is praying on the wall? The true historicity of this issue has long gone untaught in public education, academia, and churches, despite its having repeatedly entered our public discourse for decades. … Continued

Good Friday? Is It Possible?

The phrase good Friday has been on my mind for weeks. Yes, Good Friday is a holiday we celebrate every year, just before Easter. But what exactly are we celebrating? The death of Jesus Christ. And we call it “good”(!). Get prayer updates from IFA.   Let’s take a glance back at that historic day. … Continued

The Redemption Cup and the Cup of Trembling

The traditional Jewish celebration of Passover recalls the Exodus from Egypt, when Moses led the Hebrews out of bondage and into the wilderness on their way to the Promised Land. After nine plagues failed to persuade Pharaoh to release the Hebrew people, the Lord sent a tenth plague that took the lives of Egypt’s firstborn … Continued


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