We Can Win School Board Elections!

Recently, Michael Hartney, a professor of political science and a senior fellow and writer at the Manhattan Institute, published an excellent article sharing his extensive research on how the National Education Association’s endorsements help win elections for seven out of every ten candidates it supports. But such successful use of endorsements need not be limited … Continued

Are We Prepared for What Lies Ahead?

“We are preparing for something.” When IFA President and CEO Dave Kubal spoke these words at a recent meeting, my ears perked up. Those five simple words pierced my heart and took me back to the early days of 2020. Discuss issues you care about with other intercessors.   It was early January of that … Continued

Websites Are Illegally Mailing Abortion Pills

Several leftist websites are flagrantly violating the law to help women kill their unborn children. This has to stop! From The Daily Wire. Facilitated by Left-wing activist groups, a network of websites has emerged to ship unregulated foreign abortion pills across the country with no age verification, no prescription, and no concern about state laws … Continued

Teacher Sues After Being Reprimanded for Prayer

Is it constitutional to ban public school teachers from praying, even outside of school hours? One teacher is fighting to ensure that her First Amendment rights are honored and protected. From CBN. A Texas school teacher is suing her school district, claiming the school’s principal violated her First Amendment rights when he reprimanded her for … Continued

Dispelling Lies About the WHO Pandemic Treaty

The president’s plans to cede our nation’s sovereignty over to the WHO are shrouded by misinformation and lies. What exactly would this treaty accomplish? From Liberty Counsel Action. A prominent senator has admitted, in writing, that the World Health Organization (WHO) documents that Joe Biden is pushing are, in fact, a “treaty.” And this confirms … Continued

Your Vote Matters!

It’s no surprise that we need more-secure elections. But there’s also a great hope to be found in this article: If one illegal vote can sway an election, then one true and honest vote can also change an election. Don’t ever be discouraged — your vote does matter! From The Epoch Times. In 2023, there … Continued

Biden Vows to Fight U.S. Embassy Pride Flag Ban

Republicans narrowly managed to ban pride flags from being flown by U.S. embassies, but President Biden is vowing to fight back. From The Christian Post. The Biden administration is promising to fight a GOP-led rule in the recently signed $1.2 trillion spending package that effectively bans the rainbow pride flag from being flown at U.S. … Continued

State Bans Social Media for Young Children

Florida has banned social media for children under 14. This law is sure to face legal challenges. What do you think of it? From AP News. Florida will have one of the country’s most restrictive social media bans for minors — if it withstands expected legal challenges — under a bill signed by Republican Florida Gov. Ron … Continued

Here’s What 6 Presidents Said About Easter

These six presidents all used the timeless Easter message to bring glory to the Lord and unity to the nation. Let’s see this trend continue! From The Christian Post. Easter is a major holiday in the Christian faith, the Sunday which is when Christians celebrate Jesus Christ’s resurrection on the third day after being crucified. … Continued

A Resurrection Sunday Prayer: Open My Eyes, Lord!

Holy Week 2023. As the world around us turns more violent and devoid of love by the day, the beauty of God’s love made manifest in the events we commemorate this week shines brighter. It was His love — stronger than His disgust and anger over our rebellion — that drove Him to complete the … Continued


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