WHO Members to Resume Negotiating Pandemic Treaty

The WHO is looking to pass a pandemic treaty built on, among other things, “equity.” We cannot let this stand! From World Health Organization. WHO Member States agreed to resume negotiations aimed at finalizing a pandemic agreement during 29 April to 10 May. The decision came at today’s end of two weeks of intensive country-led … Continued

The WHO’s Global Power Grab

A move is currently under way that could give the World Health Organization unprecedented powers to dictate public health policy. Pray for your fellow intercessor.   U.S. government officials, along with representatives of over 150 nations, are actively negotiating amendments to existing International Health Regulations and a new treaty governing future pandemics. If this treaty and certain amendments are passed, … Continued

CDC Forced to Disclose Vaccine Injury Reports

The CDC has been forced to release vaccine injury reports that were previously kept hidden. Why were these reports hidden, and what else might the CDC be hiding? From The Epoch Times. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released previously hidden reports of facial paralysis and other adverse events following COVID-19 … Continued

Judge Compels State to Publish Voter Rolls

The left argues that these voter rolls should remain unpublished to protect voters’ information, while the right argues that they need to be published so they can be checked for fraud. What do you think? From ABC News. New Mexico election officials violated public disclosure provisions of the National Voter Registration Act by refusing to provide voter … Continued

Pro-Life Protesters Convicted in Federal Court

Four pro-lifers now face prison time and hefty fines following convictions on Tuesday.  From The Daily Wire. Four pro-life Christians were convicted on Tuesday of FACE Act violations after they were charged by the Biden administration over a peaceful protest at a Tennessee abortion facility. This content is supported by your donations. Give today.   The four … Continued

Oregon Recriminalizes Drug Possession

After Oregon decriminalized hard drugs in 2020, drug usage and overdose rates skyrocketed. Now, the state has decided to reconsider its position. From Breitbart. Oregon’s Democrat governor signed a bill on Monday that restores criminal penalties for possessing small amounts of drugs as the problems of addiction and overdose plague residents across the state. Post a prayer … Continued

One State Could Flip the Race for the White House

UPDATE: State Senator Lippincott’s bill failed late last night. He has said, however, that he intends to bring up the measure for another vote one final time before the legislative session ends on April 18. Nebraska’s abnormal electoral system has become the center of attention for the Republican and Democratic parties.  From Breitbart. Nebraska Gov. … Continued

State Supreme Court Finds No Right to Abortion

Florida’s Supreme Court delivered a stunning defeat to the pro-abortion movement on Monday. This is far from the end of the fight for life in the Sunshine State, however.  From Liberty Counsel. Yesterday, the Florida Supreme Court agreed with our brief that there is no right to an abortion in the Florida Constitution. For 35 … Continued

Israeli Airstrike Kills Iranian General

An Israeli airstrike hit Damascus recently, killing at least three Iranian terrorists. Iran has vowed to retaliate. Will we see even more countries and groups join Hamas in threatening Israel? From The Daily Wire. An alleged Israeli airstrike in Syria on Monday killed a top general in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force (IRGC-QF), a … Continued

Biden’s New ‘Parole Pipeline’ for Migrants

The Biden administration has found a new way to welcome illegal immigrants into America. From Breitbart. Hundreds of thousands of migrants have been authorized to fly into Miami, Florida — among dozens of other United States airports — as part of a parole pipeline that President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) created and … Continued

Trans Visibility on Resurrection Sunday — What Do You Think?

Intercessor, did you know that President Biden proclaimed March 31, Resurrection Sunday, to be the Transgender Day of Visibility? International Transgender Day of Visibility, more commonly known as Transgender Day of Visibility or Trans Day of Visibility, was created by biologically male activist Rachel Crandall Crocker in 2009. Since then, trans activists have promoted and … Continued


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