Urgent Prayer Needed on Palestine!

From The Times of Israel. Diplomats say the United Nations Security Council is scheduled to vote Friday on a Palestinian request for full UN membership. … The 15-member council is due to vote at 3 p.m. Friday on a draft resolution that recommends to the 193-member UN General Assembly that “the State of Palestine be … Continued

21 Prayer Points for Gantz, Gallant, and Netanyahu

Are you praying diligently for Israel? If so, here’s another tool to add to your spiritual prayer arsenal as you pray for Israel’s leaders. Connect with others in your state in prayer.   On April 16, The Wall Street Journal published an article entitled “Israel’s War Leaders Don’t Trust One Another.” That article details how, … Continued

Israel’s Response May Depend on Our Prayers

Tikkun Ministries founder Asher Intrater is calling the Body of Christ worldwide to be interceding for the Israeli government, and specifically its war council and its leaders, as they seek to determine Israel’s response to Iran’s weekend attack. This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: “I will destroy the archers of Elam (Iran)—the … Continued

Iran, Russia Deepen Ties in Wake of Israel Attack

Even as countries turn on Iran following its attack on Israel, the Islamic nation has found friendship in another nation spurned by the West: Russia. From Ynet News. While many Western leaders rushed to issue statements supporting Israel and condemning Iran’s unprecedented attack, Russia took the opposite approach, justifying the massive attack on several occasions. … Continued

Warrantless Surveillance Act Heads to the Senate

Many representatives fought against a simple FISA reauthorization, campaigning to add an amendment to the infamous surveillance act, and necessitating a warrant. The House passed the warrantless version, however.  From The National Pulse. A proposal to renew section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) cleared the House of Representatives by a vote of 259-128 on … Continued

The WHO’s Global Power Grab — Pray NOW!

The following is an excerpt from our recently-updated special report, “The WHO’s Global Power Grab.” As the Standing Committee on Health Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response meets today and tomorrow, it is important that intercessors know exactly what this globalist organization is planning. A move is currently underway that could grant unprecedented powers to dictate … Continued

House Takes Action against Iran

In response to Iran’s recent attack on Israel, the U.S. House of Representatives has passed several pieces of legislation. Here’s a more detailed look at each one: Resolution on Antisemitic Slogan: This resolution condemns the slogan “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” as antisemitic. The slogan has been interpreted by some … Continued

SCOTUS Rules in Favor of State’s ‘Trans’ Treatment Ban

The Supreme Court has ruled that Idaho’s ban on “trans” treatments and surgeries for minors can stand. Praise God! From The Daily Wire. The Supreme Court ruled Monday to allow an Idaho law protecting children from life-altering transgender procedures to go into effect while the law is challenged in lower courts. Post a prayer for … Continued

Pro-Palestine Activist Charged for Threatening City Council

Riddhi Patel, a 28-year-old activist, was arraigned in California for allegedly threatening to murder public officials at a Bakersfield City Council meeting. She pleaded not guilty to 18 felony counts. Patel was upset with the council members and Mayor Karen Goh for not supporting a Gaza cease-fire resolution against Israel and for installing metal detectors … Continued

Johnson Seeks to Vote on Separate Foreign Aid

Speaker Mike Johnson is trying to get the House to vote on and pass aid packages to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan, but many in his own party disagree. From POLITICO. Speaker Mike Johnson told GOP lawmakers that he’ll try to pass four measures this week to send aid to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan — each in separate … Continued

US-Led Diplomacy Behind Israel’s Stunning Defense

The spectacular interception of missile after missile over Israel on Saturday was a multicountry effort resulting from years of diplomatic efforts led by the U.S. It was also the result of the prayers of millions of intercessors. This article explains the coordination of unlikely countries. For more on the prayer, catch IFA’s Headline Prayer Live … Continued

Iran’s Proxies Aided the Attack Against Israel

Iran was not solely responsible for the attack on Israel. Many of Israel’s enemies (and Iranian proxies) also participated in the attack. From The Times of Israel. Iran’s proxies in the region joined its first-ever direct attack against Israel in the early hours of Sunday morning, targeting the Jewish state with projectiles fired in tandem … Continued


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